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Terraform overlay modules that simplifies the creation of custom and built-in Azure Policies to be used with Azure NoOps.


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Azure NoOps Accelerator Policy as Code Overlay Modules

MIT License Azure NoOps TF Registry

This Overlay terraform module simplifies the creation of custom and built-in Azure Policies to be used in a SCCA compliant Mission Enclave.

SCCA Compliance

This module can be SCCA compliant and can be used in a SCCA compliant Mission Enclave. Enable private endpoints and SCCA compliant network rules to make it SCCA compliant.

For more information, please read the SCCA documentation.


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More details are available in the file.


This module creates a policy definition from a policy defination JSON file. The JSON file can be a custom policy definition or a built-in policy definition. The policy definition can be stored locally or remotely. The module can also be used to create a policy definition from a JSON file that is stored in a private GitHub repository.

module allowed_regions {
  source              = "azurenoops/overlays-policy/azurerm//modules/policyDefinition"
  version             = "x.x.x"
  policy_def_name     = "allowed_regions"
  display_name        = "Allow resources only in allowed regions"
  policy_category     = "Custom"
  file_path           = "<file path to json>/allowed_regions.json"
  management_group_id = local.management_group_id

This module can use values from the Built-in Polices library variables var.policy_def_name and var.policy_category to match the corresponding custom policy definition json file. Other template files and data sources can also be read in at runtime; for examples of acceptable inputs, check the module readme.

module allowed_regions {
  source              = "azurenoops/overlays-policy/azurerm//modules/policyDefinition"
  version             = "x.x.x"
  policy_def_name     = "allowed_regions"
  display_name        = "Allow resources only in allowed regions"
  policy_category     = "General"
  management_group_id = local.management_group_id

πŸ“˜ Microsoft Docs: Azure Policy definition structure

Built-in Policy Definitions

The following table lists the built-in policy definitions that are available in the Built-in Polices library and can be used with the Policy Definitions Module.

App Service

Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
append_appservice_httpsonly App Service This policy appends the HTTPSONLY flag to the app service configuration.
append_appservice_latesttls App Service This policy appends the LATESTTLS flag to the app service configuration.
deny_appserviceapiapp_http App Service This policy denies HTTP on API App.
deny_appservicefunctionapp_http App Service This policy denies HTTP on Function App.
deny_appservicewebapp_http App Service This policy denies HTTP on Web App.


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
deny_aa_child_resources Automation This policy denies Automation Account child resources.


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
append_redis_disablenonsslport Cache This policy appends the DISABLENONSSLPORT flag to the Redis configuration.
append_redis_sslenforcement Cache This policy appends the SSLENFORCEMENT flag to the Redis configuration.
deny_redis_http Cache This policy denies HTTP on Redis.


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
deploy_linux_log_analytics_vm_agent Compute This policy deploys linux log analytics vm agent on deployed VM
deploy_linux_vm_agent Compute This policy deploys linux vm agent on deployed VM


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
deny_databricks_nopublicip Databricks This policy denies public IP addresses on Databricks.
deny_databricks_sku Databricks This policy denies Databricks with certain SKU.
deny_databricks_virtualnetwork Databricks This policy denies Databricks with certain virtual network.


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
allowed_locations General This policy ensures that resources are deployed in allowed locations.
allowed_resource_types General This policy ensures that only allowed resource types are deployed.
allowed_tags General This policy ensures that resources are tagged with allowed tags.
deploy_budget General This policy deploys a budget.

Key Vault

Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
append_kv_softdelete Key Vault This policy appends the SOFTDELETE flag to the key vault configuration.
audit_key_vault_location Key Vault This policy audits key vault location.

Machine Learning

Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
audit_ml_privateendpointid Machine Learning This policy audits machine learning private endpoint id.
deny_machinelearning_aks Machine Learning This policy denies machine learning with AKS.
deny_ml_compute_subnetid Machine Learning This policy denies machine learning with compute subnet id.
deny_ml_compute_vmsize Machine Learning This policy denies machine learning with compute vm size.
deny_ml_pubicaccess Machine Learning This policy denies machine learning with compute cluster remote login port public access.
deny_ml_computecluster_scale Machine Learning This policy denies machine learning with compute cluster scale.


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
audit_log_analytics_workspace_retention Monitoring This policy audits Log Analytics Workspace retention.
audit_subscription_diagnostic_setting_should_exist Monitoring This policy audits if a diagnostic setting exists for a subscription.
deploy_api_mgmt_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for API Management.
deploy_application_gateway_diagnostic_settings Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Application Gateway.
deploy_bastion_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Bastion.
deploy_eventhub_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Event Hub.
deploy_firewall_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Firewall.
deploy_key_vault_diagnostic_settings Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Key Vault.
deploy_loadbalancer_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Load Balancer.
deploy_network_interface_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Network Interface.
deploy_network_security_group_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Network Security Group.
deploy_public_ip_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Public IP.
deploy_storage_account_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Storage Account.
deploy_subscription_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for a subscription.
deploy_virtual_machine_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Virtual Machine.
deploy_vnet_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Virtual Network.
deploy_virtual_network_gateway_diagnostic_setting Monitoring This policy deploys diagnostic settings for Virtual Network Gateway.


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
deny_appgw_without_waf Network This policy denies Application Gateway without WAF.
deny_nic_public_ip Network This policy denies public IP addresses on network interfaces.
deny_private_dns_zones Network This policy denies private DNS zones.
deny_publicip Network This policy denies public IP addresses.
deny_rdp_from_internet Network This policy denies RDP from the internet.
deny_subnet_without_nsg Network This policy denies subnets without network security groups.
deny_unapproved_udr_hop_type Network This policy denies unapproved UDR hop types.
deploy_ddosprotection Network This policy deploys DDoS protection.
deploy_firewallpolicy Network This policy deploys firewall policy.
require_nsg_on_vnet Network This policy requires NSG on VNET
restrict_vnet_peering Network This policy restricts VNET peering

Security Center

Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
auto_enroll_subscriptions Security Center This policy auto-enrolls subscriptions to Security Center.
auto_provision_log_analytics_agent_custom_workspace Security Center This policy auto-provisions the Log Analytics agent to a custom workspace.
auto_set_contact_details Security Center This policy auto-sets contact details for Security Center.
enable_vulnerability_vm_assessments Security Center This policy enables vulnerability assessments for virtual machines.
export_asc_alerts_and_recommendations_to_eventhub Security Center This policy exports ASC alerts and recommendations to an event hub.
export_asc_alerts_and_recommendations_to_log_analytics Security Center This policy exports ASC alerts and recommendations to a Log Analytics workspace.


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
deny_publicendpoint_mariadb SQL This policy denies public endpoint for MariaDB.
deny_sql_mintls SQL This policy denies SQL minimum TLS version.
deploy_sql_auditingsettings SQL This policy deploys SQL auditing settings.


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
storage_enforce_https Storage This policy enforces HTTPS for storage accounts.
storage_enforce_minimum_tls1_2 Storage This policy enforces minimum TLS 1.2 for storage accounts.
storage_enforce_network_rules Storage This policy enforces network rules for storage accounts.
storage_enforce_public_access Storage This policy enforces public access for storage accounts.


Policy Definition Name Policy Category Description
add_replace_resource_group_tag_key_modify Tags This policy adds or replaces a tag key on a resource group and modifies the value.
inherit_resource_group_tags_append Tags This policy inherits tags from a resource group and appends them to a resource.
inherit_resource_group_tags_modify Tags This policy inherits tags from a resource group and modifies them on a resource.
require_resource_group_tags Tags This policy requires tags on a resource group.

Dynamically create a policy set based on multiple custom or built-in policy definition references to simplify assignments.

module platform_baseline_initiative {
  source                  = "azurenoops/overlays-policy/azurerm//modules/policyInitiative"
  version                 = "x.x.x"
  initiative_name         = "platform_baseline_initiative"
  initiative_display_name = "[Platform]: Baseline Policy Set"
  initiative_description  = "Collection of policies representing the baseline platform requirements"
  initiative_category     = "General"
  management_group_id     = local.management_group_id
  member_definitions = [

πŸ“˜ Microsoft Docs: Azure Policy initiative definition structure

Assign a policy definition to a management group, subscription, resouce group or resource. The assignment can be set to DeployIfNotExists or Deny. The assignment can also be set to DeployIfNotExists and remediate the non-compliant resources.

module org_mg_whitelist_regions {
  source            = "azurenoops/overlays-policy/azurerm//modules/policyDefAssignment/managmentGroup"
  version           = "x.x.x"
  definition        = module.allowed_regions.definition
  assignment_scope  = local.management_group_id
  assignment_effect = "Deny"
  assignment_parameters = {
    listOfRegionsAllowed = [
      "UK South",
      "UK West",

πŸ“˜ Microsoft Docs: Azure Policy assignment structure

Assign a policy set to a management group.

module org_mg_platform_diagnostics_initiative {
  source                  = "azurenoops/overlays-policy/azurerm//modules/policySetAssignment"
  version                 = "x.x.x"
  initiative              = module.platform_diagnostics_initiative.initiative
  assignment_scope        =
  assignment_effect       = "DeployIfNotExists"
  skip_remediation        = false
  skip_role_assignment    = false
  remediation_scope       =
  resource_discovery_mode = "ReEvaluateCompliance"
  assignment_parameters = {
    workspaceId                 =
    storageAccountId            =
    eventHubName                =
    eventHubAuthorizationRuleId =
    metricsEnabled              = "True"
    logsEnabled                 = "True"
  assignment_not_scopes = [
  non_compliance_messages = {
    null                                        = "The Default non-compliance message for all member definitions"
    "DeployApplicationGatewayDiagnosticSetting" = "The non-compliance message for the deploy_application_gateway_diagnostic_setting definition"

Use the exemption module in favour of not_scopes to create an auditable time-sensitive Policy exemption

module exemption_team_dev_mg_deny_nic_public_ip {
  source               = "azurenoops/overlays-policy/azurerm//modules/policyExemption"
  version              = "x.x.x"
  name                 = "Deny NIC Public IP Exemption"
  display_name         = "Exempted while testing"
  description          = "Allows NIC Public IPs for testing"
  scope                =
  policy_assignment_id =
  exemption_category   = "Waiver"
  expires_on           = "2023-05-25" # optional
  # optional
  metadata = {
    requested_by  = "Team Development"
    approved_by   = "Jim Developer"
    approved_date = "2021-11-30"

πŸ“˜ Microsoft Docs: Azure Policy exemption structure

Building out Continuous Governance

Assignment Effects

Azure Policy supports the following types of effect:

Types Policy Effects from least to most restrictive

Note: If you're managing tags, it's recommended to use Modify instead of Append as Modify provides additional operation types and the ability to remediate existing resources. However, Append is recommended if you aren't able to create a managed identity or Modify doesn't yet support the alias for the resource property. πŸ“˜ Microsoft Docs: Understand how effects work

Role Assignments

Role assignments and remediation tasks will be automatically created if the Policy Definition contains a list of Role Definitions. You can override these with explicit ones, as seen here, or specify skip_role_assignment=true to omit creation, this is also skipped when using User Managed Identities. By default role assignment scopes will match the policy assignment but can be changed by setting role_assignment_scope.

Remediation Tasks

Unless you specify skip_remediation=true, the *_assignment modules will automatically create remediation tasks for policies containing effects of DeployIfNotExists and Modify. The task name is suffixed with a timestamp() to ensure a new one gets created on each terraform apply.

On-demand evaluation scan

To trigger an on-demand compliance scan with terraform, set resource_discovery_mode=ReEvaluateCompliance on *_assignment modules, defaults to ExistingNonCompliant.

Note: ReEvaluateCompliance only applies to remediation at Subscription scope and below and will take longer depending on the size of your environment.

Definition and Assignment Scopes

  • Should be Defined as high up in the hierarchy as possible.
  • Should be Assigned as low down in the hierarchy as possible.
  • Multiple scopes can be exempt from policy inheritance by specifying assignment_not_scopes or using the exemption module.
  • Policy overrides RBAC so even resource owners and contributors fall under compliance enforcements assigned at a higher scope (unless the policy is assigned at the ownership scope).


Terraform overlay modules that simplifies the creation of custom and built-in Azure Policies to be used with Azure NoOps.




Security policy




Contributors 4

