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I’ve been helping people setup Stable Diffusion and run it on their AMD graphics card (or CPU) on Windows. I’ve also wrote a basic UI for the diffusers library version to make it more user friendly. This guide is a consolidation of what I’ve learned and hopefully will help other people setup their PC to run Stable Diffusion too.

The intent of this UI is to get people started running Stable Diffusion on Windows. As such this UI won't be as feature rich as other UI, nor will it be as fast as running Stable Diffusion on Linux and ROCm.

WIP Update: Known issues:

  • There's been a bug where DDIM and LMS schedulers will cause an error. See this issue page
  • img2img output is sub-standard on PNDM scheduler, not sure if this is expected
  • the seed input for img2img does not generate the same image. See this this page

Example screenshot:
example screenshot using waifu diffusion model


A lot of this document is based on other guides. I've listed them below:


You'll need to have a few things prepared first:

NOTE: For Windows 10/11 you need to do an additional step. Go to Settings -> search for "Manage app execution aliases" -> disable the App Installer for "python.exe" and "python3.exe".

To check if they’re installed properly open up command prompt and run the following commands:

python --version
git --version
pip --version

There shouldn't be any "not recognized as an internal or external command" errors.

Creating a Workspace

Start by creating a folder somewhere to store your project. I named mine stable_diff.

Download the setup.bat file and save it into your stable_diff folder:
NOTE: make sure you save the file as a .bat file and not a .bat.txt file.

Open command prompt and navigate to your stable_diff folder. Once there run the setup.bat file:

cd <path to your stable_diff folder>

The setup batch file should create a virtual envrionment and install the Python packages. It will also download Python scripts from online repositories.

Activate the virtual environment:

At this point you should be in your virtual environment and your prompt should have a (virtualenv) at the begining of the line. To exit the virtual environment just run deactivate at any time.

To restart the virtual environment after closing the command prompt window, cd back into the stable_diff folder and run the .\virtualenv\Scripts\activate.bat batch file again.

Download Model and Convert to ONNX

Login to huggingface:
huggingface-cli.exe login
When it prompts you for your token, copy and paste your token from the huggingface website then press enter. NOTE: when pasting, the command prompt looks like nothing has happened. This is normal behaviour, just press enter and it should update.

Go to and accept the terms and conditions for the model.

Option 1

Run the Python script to download and convert:
python --model_path="runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5" --output_path="model/stable_diffusion_onnx"

NOTE: This may take a while depending on your internet connection speed.

Option 2

Althernatively, you could download the pre-converted version of the model using git:
git clone --branch onnx --single-branch model/stable_diffusion_onnx

Basic Script and Setup Check

Run the script and check if any images were generated in the output folder. NOTE: some warnings may show up but it should be working as long as an output image is generated:

If an image was generated and it's not just a blank image then you're ready to generate art! You can use the script to input your own prompt for example:
python --prompt="tire swing hanging from a tree" --height=512 --width=512

Running The GUI

Run the UI script and wait for everything to load:

Once you see "Running on local URL:" open up your browser and go to "http:". You should be able to generate images using the web UI. To close the program, go back to the command prompt and hit ctrl-C.

Using Other Models

Models Using Diffuers

If the model is on the hugging face website and it's using the diffusers library, then you can use the same convert script from the guide. In this example I'll use waifu-diffusion.
python --model_path="hakurei/waifu-diffusion" --output_path="model/waifu_diffusion_onnx"

Models Using .ckpt

If the pretrained model is a .ckpt file, then you'll need to do a two step conversion. You first will need to convert from .ckpt to diffusers, then from diffusers to ONNX.

Download the .ckpt model of your choice and put them in your stable_diff folder. Run the first conversion script, using trinart2_step115000.ckpt in this example:
python --checkpoint_path="./trinart2_step115000.ckpt" --dump_path="./trinart2_step115000_diffusers"
Then run the second conversion script:
python --model_path="./trinart2_step115000_diffusers" --output_path="model/trinart2_step115000_onnx"
NOTE: make sure the --dump_path in the first script and the --model_path is the same folder name.

After Conversion

Once you have your newly converted model, you can pass it to the scripts using the --model parameter:
python --model="model/waifu_diffusion_onnx"

Running Stable Diffusion on CPUs

If you don't have a graphics card with enough VRAM or you only have onboard graphics, you can still run Stable Diffusion with the CPU. Simply add a --cpu-only flag to your command line:
python --cpu-only


If you want to update the program, download the latest setup.bat and overwrite the old one:

Then run the following:
.\setup.bat -update

NOTE: if you're updating from diffusers v0.5.1 and below, you will need to re-convert your models.

Running Other Schedulers

WIP Update: There has been an issue raised to fix the bug but it's not in v0.6.0.

Currently the diffusers library supports PNDM, DDIM, and LMS Discrete schedulers. By default the scripts I've provided only uses PNDM. In the mean time you can edit the diffusers library directly. There's two file you need to modify: and


Go open the first file in notepad stable_diff\virtualenv\Lib\site-packages\diffusers\pipelines\stable_diffusion\

  • On line 4, this line:
import numpy as np

add this line underneath:

import numpy as np
import torch
  • On line 153 change this:
latents = latents * self.scheduler.init_noise_sigma

to this:

latents = latents * np.array(self.scheduler.init_noise_sigma)
  • On line 171 change this:
sample=latent_model_input, timestep=np.array([t]), encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings

to this:

sample=latent_model_input, timestep=np.array([t], dtype=np.int64), encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings
  • On line 181, this line:
latents = self.scheduler.step(noise_pred, t, latents, **extra_step_kwargs).prev_sample

add this line above:

latents = torch.tensor(latents)
latents = self.scheduler.step(noise_pred, t, latents, **extra_step_kwargs).prev_sample


Go open the second file in notepad stable_diff\virtualenv\Lib\site-packages\diffusers\pipelines\stable_diffusion\

  • On line 327 change this:
sample=latent_model_input, timestep=np.array([t]), encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings

to this:

sample=latent_model_input, timestep=np.array([t], dtype=np.int64), encoder_hidden_states=text_embeddings
  • On line 336, this line:
latents = self.scheduler.step(noise_pred, t, latents, **extra_step_kwargs).prev_sample

add this line above:

latents = torch.tensor(latents)
latents = self.scheduler.step(noise_pred, t, latents, **extra_step_kwargs).prev_sample

Undoing Your Changes

If you messed something up editing the two files, you need to re-install diffusers using pip:

pip uninstall diffusers
pip install diffusers==0.6.0


UI for ONNX based diffusers






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  • Python 81.4%
  • Batchfile 18.6%