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Multisite features for your Nuxt project

📖 Release Notes


This module helps you bring multisite features to your Nuxt project. Here are the main features:

  • Current site detection based on host (or query string in development)
  • Contextual CSS vars declaration for site-specific theming
  • Contextual meta data


  • Install the module with your favorite package manager.
yarn add @ax2/multisite-module
# Or npm i @ax2/multisite-module
  • Add @ax2/multisite-module to modules section of nuxt.config.js.
// nuxt.config.js

  modules: [
  • Configure the module as needed by adding a multisite key to nuxt.config.js.
// nuxt.config.js

  multisite: {
  	// Module options



  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Set this to true to force the module to get the current site from the query string.


  • Type: Array

List of sites.

  multisite: {
    sites: [
        id: 'my-site',
        title: 'My awesome site',
        isDefault: true,
        hostPatterns: 'myawesomesite\.com,myincrediblesite\.(com|org)',
        cssVars: {
          '--primary-color': '#41B883',
          '--secondary-color': '#3B8070',
        head: {
          link: [
            { rel: 'icon', type: 'image/x-icon', href: '/my-site/favicon.ico' },

Each item in sites can have a few options of its own:


  • Type: Integer|String

The site's unique identifier.


  • Type: Boolean

Wether this site should be considered as the default one. Any request that cannot be resolved to one of the sites will fallback to the default one.


  • Type: String

A list of comma-separated patterns to test against requests host in order to enable this site in production.


  • Type: Object

CSS vars that should be set when visiting this site.


  • Type: Object

This is the same as Nuxt's head property, options defined here are merged with the main head property definition.

NOTE: Functions are not supported here



In development, switch from one site to another by adding a site query parameter to the URL. The value should be the site's ID as defined in the module's configuration. ie: http:

Active site is stored in a cookie, so next time you visit http:, active site will be last used one.


In production, active site is detected by matching request host against the patterns you defined in hostPatterns options. ie if you visit http:, my-site will be set as active site.

A $multisite property is added to the app's context, it contains a few helpers that you can use in any component.



  • Type: Object

The site property contains current site's configuration. You could use it to display the current site's title:

  <h1 class="site-title">
    {{ $ }}



  • Arguments
    • {String} path: required
    • {Integer|String} site: optional, defaults to current site ID
  • Return: String

Get an asset's path for given site. If no site is specified, defaults to active site.

    <img class="logo" :src="$multisite.asset('logo.png')">
    <!-- Renders to <img class="logo" src=""> -->

NOTE: It's recommended that you place site-specific assets in a directory named after the site's ID as defined in the module's options. Sites assets directories should be in the static/ directory.


MIT License

Copyright (c) Ax2 Inc.