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=== CleanPortfolio ===

Contributors: catchthemes
Tags: one-column, flexible-header, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, featured-image-header, featured-images, footer-widgets, rtl-language-support, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, blog, photography, portfolio

License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http:

CleanPortfolio WordPress Theme, Copyright 2018
CleanPortfolio is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

CleanPortfolio is based on Underscores http:, (C) 2012-2017 Automattic, Inc.

== Description ==

Clean Portfolio - A Free Portfolio WordPress Theme specially designed to unleash the creativity in you. Clean Portfolio is super clean and represents simplicity and clarity. It is completely responsive, minimalistic and provides you with crucial features that is needed to create an elegant-looking website of any kind. Its vast range of features make it easier for the creative people like photographers, bloggers, designers, illustrators and more to showcase their experience and expertise to the world in large. Clean Portfolio comes with features fit for promoting products and services, ability to create a professional portfolio, social media integration and much more. This free multipurpose portfolio WordPress theme ensures your website is simple, clean and user-friendly no matter what kind your website is. Clean Portfolio is impressive, aesthetically pleasing, and simple, yet feature-rich multipurpose WordPress theme that will put your work on the limelight. The theme fits perfectly for any kind of website, be it a blog, portfolio, or a corporate website. This theme is translation ready. For more details, check out the Theme Instructions at and Support forum at

== Installation ==

1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button.
2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now.
3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does this theme support any plugins? =

CleanPortfolio includes support for Jetpack's Infinite Scroll and Site Logos, as well as other features.

== Portfolio (requires Jetpack: ==

CleanPortfolio helps you showcase your company's work as portfolio projects. Each project is displayed with its featured image and additional information is displayed on hover.

Once you've added some portfolio projects to your website, they will be visible at http:

You can also apply CleanPortfolio's Portfolio Template to a page, which allows visitors to sort your creative works by Project Type. The Portfolio Template will display up to 120 projects.

== Testimonials (requires Jetpack: ==

Add testimonials to your Lodestar website to share what others have been saying about your work. You can view the testimonial archive by adding /testimonial to your URL.

You can also apply CleanPortfolio's Testimonial Template to display your testimonials on any page of the site.

== Custom Menus ==

CleanPortfolio includes one Custom Menu in the header, which can be configured via My Sites → Menus. If no menu is assigned, this area will display a list of your pages by default.

== Social Links Menu (requires Jetpack: ==

With CleanPortfolio, you have the option to display links to your social media profiles in the header and footer. To display them, set up a Social Links Menu.

== Widget Areas ==

CleanPortfolio offers five widget areas:

* The optional Sidebar, which appears on the right/left on all posts and pages, excluding the front page.
* Four optional Footer widget areas.

If the Sidebar area is not active, the theme automatically adjusts to have a single column.

== Site Logo ==

Brand identity is very important — that’s why CleanPortfolio supports the Site Logo feature. To add your own image, go to Customize → Site Identity. The logo will appear in the header, above the site title.

== Custom Background ==

Custom color, pattern, or a beautiful image – the choice is yours. To change the background, visit Customize → Colors & Backgrounds from your dashboard.

== Classic Menu ==
If you are using Classic Menu, make sure you just add few menus so that the menu does not become two lines. This can create design issues.

== Credits ==

* Based on Verity WordPress Theme, [GPLv2 or later](
* Based on Underscores http:, (C) 2015-2016 Automattic, Inc., [GPLv2 or later](
* normalize.css http:, (C) 2012-2016 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, [MIT](http:
* jquery-match-height http: (C) 2014 [MIT](http:
* fitvids is Licensed under the  WTFPL license, Copyright 2013, Chris Coyier - http: + Dave Rupert - http: http:
* Font Awesome icons, Copyright Dave Gandy, License: SIL Open Font License, version 1.1 (http:
* Portfolio image, [CC0] (
* Portfolio image, [CC0] (
* Portfolio image, [CC0] (
* Slider image, [CC0] (
* Slider image, [CC0] (

== Changelog ==

= 1.2.2 (Released: August 10, 2018) =
* Updated: Upgrade to pro button css update

= 1.2.1 (Released: June 26, 2018) =
* Added: Icons imdb, phone, envelope, map-marker and caret-down
* Added: Support imdb icon in social menu

= 1.2 (Released: June 18, 2018) =
* Added: Core Privacy Policy link support in footer
* Bug Fixed: Design issue with Catch Infinite Scroll plugin
* Bug Fixed: Search box issue in iOS devices
* Bug Fixed: Sub menu not opening on Windows Phone ( Reported and solution by robertk448 )
* Bug Fixed: svg.icons.svg syntax
* Updated: Escaped get_template_directory_uri

= 1.1.2 (Released: January 2, 2018) =
* Bug Fixed: Testimonials link issue

= 1.1.1 (Released: November 24, 2017) =
* Bug Fixed: First Post not showing
* Bug Fixed: Featured Slider content color

= 1.1 (Released: November 20, 2017) =
* Added: Copyright information in readme file
* Bug Fixed: Hero content mobile design issue
* Updated: Portfolio, Testimonial and Services disabled by default
* Updated: Header Media default text

= 1.0 (Released: November 20, 2017) =
* Bug Fixed: Escaping issues in site-info.php and extras.php
* Removed: Space in theme name to match with textdomain
* Removed: Unnecessary codes
* Updated: Theme's Scroll Up option is disabled if To Top plugin is activated
* Updated: Featured Slider Images

= 0.5 (Released: November 19, 2017) =
* Updated: Theme's Scroll Up option is disabled if To Top plugin is activated
* Bug Fixed: Homepage/Archive pages not showing sidebar

= 0.4 (Released: November 08, 2017) =
* Bug Fixed: Hide more link in testimonial

= 0.3 (Released: October 03, 2017) =
* Bug Fixed: Option to enable recent posts on Static Frontpage
* Optimized: Images

= 0.2 (Released: September 27, 2017) =
* Initial Submission to

= 0.1 =
* Initial release


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