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Laravel Deeplable

A package for translating Laravel Models using DeepL's API. It contains a translator for the astrotomic/laravel-translatable composer package. Translators for other usecases can be written easily.


Install the package via composer:

composer require aw-studio/laravel-deeplable

and publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=deeplable --force


After publishing the config/deeplable.php you must enter your DeepL-Secret in order to use their API. You may also configure all Models you want to translate when you run the deeplable:run command.


You can translate your translatable models to all languages that are set in your config/translatable.php as long as they are available on DeepL. In order to translate your models to a target language the default translation (fallback_locale) must be available. You can use the Deeplable trait to easily translate your model to a target language.

use AwStudio\Deeplable\Traits\Deeplable;

class Post extends Model
    use Deeplable;

Imagine you have stored the default language ('en') and want to auto-generate the german translation for all translated attributes:

$post = Post::first();

$post->translateAttributeTo('de', 'title');
$post->translateAttributesTo('de', ['title', 'text']);

If you want to translate all Models to all locales, simply run the deeplable artisan command:

php artisan deeplable:run

You may also set an argument if you want to translate a specific language:

php artisan deeplable:run fr


Translators have the purpose to bind a translatable attribute to a model. A build in example is the AstrotomicTranslator that updates models that are translated by the astrotomic/laravel-translatable package.

Creating A Translator

A translator must extend the AwStudio\Deeplable\Translators\BaseTranslator class which has 2 abstract methods:

class AstrotomicTranslator
    protected function translateAttribute(Model $model, $attribute, $locale, $translation)
        $model->translateOrNew($locale)->setAttribute($attribute, $translation);

    public function getTranslatedAttributes(Model $model, $locale)
        return array_keys($model->getTranslationsArray()[$locale] ?? []);

Registering The Translator

A translator may be registered in a Service Provider like this:

use AwStudio\Deeplable\Translators\Resolver;
use Astrotomic\Translatable\Contracts\Translatable;

public function register()
    Translator::register(Translatable::class, function () {
            return new AstrotomicTranslator($this->app['deeplable.api']);

Using The Translator

The translator can then be used like this:

use AwStudio\Deeplable\Facades\Translator;
use Astrotomic\Translatable\Contracts\Translatable;

Translator::get(Translatable::class)->translate($post, 'de', 'en'); // Translates the whole model from en to de
Translator::get(Translatable::class)->translateAttributes($post, ['title', 'text'], 'de', 'en'); // Translates attributes title and text from en to de

Translation Strategy

Given the case that different models need different translators, a translation strategy can be specified in a service provider like this:

use AwStudio\Deeplable\Facades\Translator;
use AwStudio\Deeplable\Translators\Resolver;
use Astrotomic\Translatable\Contracts\Translatable;

public function register()
    Translator::strategy(function(Model $model) {
        if($model instanceof Translatable) {
            return Translatable::class;
        // something else...

The correct translator can now be received like this:
