This is the home of a passionate but quiet GEEK.
- React, JSX rocks!
- Vue, composition API rocks!
- Docker/podman. Perhaps someday we can compose an OS by containers.
- 3D/WebGL. Webpages will be 3D in the future.
- Astronomy. Can you imagine the diameter of the biggest black hole TON 618 (as of 2021/8/21) is 33 times the diameter of our Solar system?
- Science fiction. Have you watched Interstellar? It's a great movie.
- Crazy fan of voice actor/actress (or character voice, or CV for short, or 声优 in Chinese).
- Blue is my favorite color. It is the color of the ocean, which looks cold in its apprearance but has a strong power inside.
- I love cats more than dogs.
- I prefer 4 spaces as a tab.