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Implementation of Joint Embedding Space Retrieval (JESR) for Neural Code Search (NCS) for IR term project.


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Implementation of StructurallY Guided Our model is composed of the following components (1) encoders (2) distance function


Download the required datasets and model checkpoints from this google drive link. All the data should be contained in a folder called "triples" (check scripts/ in case of confusion. Store the models in their respective folders (e.g. GraphCodeBERT/ should be present inside GraphCodeBERT but as GraphCodeBERT/ not GraphCodeBERT/GraphCodeBERT/ Again in case of confusion check the default argument of the argument parser for models/GraphCodeBERT.

Each variant of the augmentations proposed in our work can be found as different train and val set pairs.


Use the requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt

If you face issues with requirements.txt then please try using our conda environment (py3.7.yml)
To install from a yml file: conda env create -f py3.7.yml


NOTE: Please grant execution permissions to all bash scripts (chmod +x)

We train our baselines on natural language (nl) and code snippet (pl or programming language) pair classification task. We create a balanced training and validation set by sampling positive and negative instances from the CoNaLa mined pairs dataset. We utilize a separate encoder for both text and code, and train the models in a siamese configuration, with Binary Cross Entropy as loss. We encode code, text and annotations separately durin test time and score them using functions like inner product and euclidean distance (l2_loss)

n-BOW: Neural Bag of words

  1. Treat nl & pl as bag of words and represent them as mean pool of token level embeddings.
  2. Utilize tokenizer of CodeBERT to get token sequence and initialize embedding layer with CodeBERT embeddings (768 dim).

To train model from scratch: scripts/

To test saved model: scripts/

CNN: Convolutional Neural Network

  1. Perform 1-D convolutions with 3 filters of kernel width of 16 each and residual connections.
  2. Use self-attention like weighted sum layer to pool the sequence output (across sequence lenght dim.)
  3. Utilize tokenizer of CodeBERT to get token sequence but initialize embedding layer from scratch (128 dim.). We initialize from scratch unlike other baselines because we had performance issues on initializing with CodeBERT embeddings.

To train model from scratch: scripts/

To test saved model: scripts/

RNN: Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)

  1. Treat nl & pl
  2. Utilize tokenizer of CodeBERT to get token sequence and initialize embedding layer with CodeBERT embeddings (768 dim).

To train model from scratch: scripts/

To test saved model: scripts/



CodeBERT: scripts/

GraphCodeBERT: scripts/


CodeBERT: scripts/

GraphCodeBERT: scripts/


Performance with dynamic negative sampling

|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |CodeBERT|CoNaLa|0.630|0.772|0.533|7.682|5.507|0.643| |CodeBERT|CoNaLa 100k|0.662|0.798|0.550|7.298|5.852|0.658| |GraphCodeBERT|CoNaLa|0.670|0.798|0.545|8.126|6.101|0.655| |GraphCodeBERT|CoNaLa 100k|0.676|0.808|0.593|7.594|4.707|0.693| |UniXcoder|CoNaLa|0.730|0.850|0.592|5.734|4.652|0.691| |UniXcoder|CoNaLa 100k|0.724|0.842|0.591|6.216|4.759|0.690|

Code Retrieval Performance Comparison (L2 dist):

model name recall@5 recall@10 mrr avg_candidate_rank avg_best_candidate_rank ndcg
CodeBERT (l2_dist) (code) 0.622 0.780 0.519 8.342 6.115 0.634
CodeBERT_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code) 0.632 0.792 0.535 7.612 5.501 0.646
CodeBERT_rel_thresh (l2_dist) (code) 0.642 0.766 0.553 9.208 7.049 0.658
CodeBERT_rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code) 0.606 0.718 0.498 11.196 7.707 0.615
CodeBERT_zero_shot (l2_dist) (code) 0.030 0.050 0.028 223.428 204.353 0.167
GraphCodeBERT (l2_dist) (code) 0.662 0.792 0.570 8.636 7.047 0.673
GraphCodeBERT_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code) 0.684 0.802 0.574 8.088 5.819 0.677
GraphCodeBERT_rel_thresh (l2_dist) (code) 0.670 0.788 0.574 8.128 5.323 0.676
GraphCodeBERT_rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code) 0.634 0.758 0.540 9.690 7.397 0.649
GraphCodeBERT_zero_shot (l2_dist) (code) 0.120 0.172 0.099 202.382 190.548 0.237
UniXcoder (l2_dist) (code) 0.692 0.830 0.598 6.786 5.605 0.695
UniXcoder_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code) 0.698 0.808 0.592 6.890 5.318 0.691
UniXcoder_rel_thresh (l2_dist) (code) 0.676 0.802 0.594 8.228 5.847 0.690
cnn_siamese (l2_dist) (code) 0.054 0.104 0.060 102.886 84.121 0.219
nbow_siamese (l2_dist) (code) 0.080 0.096 0.062 154.880 143.016 0.208
rnn_siamese (l2_dist) (code) 0.156 0.244 0.129 61.868 54.458 0.292

Zero shot retrieval L2 dist function:

model name recall@5 recall@10 mrr avg_candidate_rank avg_best_candidate_rank ndcg
CodeBERT (annot) 0.194 0.244 0.165 149.210 141.545 0.299
CodeBERT (code) 0.030 0.050 0.028 223.428 204.353 0.167
CodeBERT (code+annot) 0.086 0.124 0.076 183.616 168.751 0.218
GraphCodeBERT (annot) 0.284 0.336 0.217 104.924 95.784 0.353
GraphCodeBERT (code) 0.120 0.172 0.099 202.382 190.548 0.237
GraphCodeBERT (code+annot) 0.246 0.286 0.183 168.970 158.405 0.313
UniXcoder (annot) 0.560 0.604 0.490 37.312 34.200 0.591
UniXcoder (code) 0.240 0.304 0.207 79.904 72.060 0.349
UniXcoder (code+annot) 0.516 0.582 0.447 37.372 33.792 0.557

Top 100k vs whole data (L2 dist function)

model name recall@5 recall@10 mrr avg_candidate_rank avg_best_candidate_rank ndcg
experiments/CodeBERT (code) 0.622 0.780 0.519 8.342 6.115 0.634
experiments/CodeBERT 100k (code) 0.622 0.774 0.547 8.416 6.345 0.653
experiments/CodeBERT (annot) 0.792 0.876 0.706 6.696 5.756 0.774
experiments/CodeBERT 100k (annot) 0.780 0.872 0.682 8.382 7.381 0.756
experiments/CodeBERT (code+annot) 0.800 0.882 0.685 4.454 3.584 0.762
experiments/CodeBERT 100k (code+annot) 0.784 0.876 0.691 4.766 3.871 0.765
experiments/GraphCodeBERT (code) 0.662 0.792 0.570 8.636 7.047 0.673
experiments/GraphCodeBERT 100k (code) 0.698 0.832 0.574 7.062 5.381 0.678
experiments/GraphCodeBERT (annot) 0.822 0.886 0.713 6.560 5.416 0.781
experiments/GraphCodeBERT 100k (annot) 0.822 0.884 0.732 10.184 8.605 0.795
experiments/GraphCodeBERT (code+annot) 0.818 0.896 0.717 4.474 3.490 0.786
experiments/GraphCodeBERT 100k (code+annot) 0.820 0.878 0.724 4.498 3.512 0.792
experiments/UniXcoder (code) 0.692 0.830 0.598 6.786 5.605 0.695
experiments/UniXcoder 100k (code) 0.696 0.830 0.598 7.510 5.384 0.695
experiments/UniXcoder (annot) 0.814 0.878 0.755 5.024 4.455 0.813
experiments/UniXcoder 100k (annot) 0.824 0.886 0.762 6.320 5.203 0.818
experiments/UniXcoder (code+annot) 0.844 0.916 0.766 3.038 2.422 0.823
experiments/UniXcoder 100k (code+annot) 0.836 0.908 0.753 3.824 2.833 0.813

GraphCodeBERT code retrieval L2 dist function: (training on external knowledge only vs CoNaLa)

dataset top k temperature recall@5 recall@10 mrr avg_candidate_rank avg_best_candidate_rank ndcg
intent 1 2 0.468 0.578 0.387 25.628 21.425 0.518
intent 5 2 0.490 0.608 0.396 27.184 22.030 0.525
snippet 1 2 0.458 0.574 0.383 27.566 23.403 0.513
snippet 5 2 0.406 0.520 0.345 31.004 26.384 0.481
CoNaLa 100k - - 0.698 0.832 0.574 7.062 5.381 0.678
CoNaLa - - 0.662 0.792 0.570 8.636 7.047 0.673

Relevance thresholding for positive samples (RTPS):

model name recall@5 recall@10 mrr avg_candidate_rank avg_best_candidate_rank ndcg
zero_shot (inner_prod) (code) 0.018 0.022 0.015 242.406 229.819 0.152
zero_shot (inner_prod) (annot) 0.012 0.022 0.018 232.462 217.389 0.156
zero_shot (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.016 0.026 0.017 237.924 225.027 0.155
zero_shot (l2_dist) (code) 0.030 0.050 0.028 223.428 204.353 0.167
zero_shot (l2_dist) (annot) 0.194 0.244 0.165 149.210 141.545 0.299
zero_shot (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.086 0.124 0.076 183.616 168.751 0.218
CodeBERT (inner_prod) (code) 0.590 0.732 0.497 11.016 8.299 0.615
CodeBERT (inner_prod) (annot) 0.764 0.850 0.676 15.336 13.932 0.749
CodeBERT (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.746 0.846 0.642 6.548 5.238 0.726
CodeBERT (l2_dist) (code) 0.622 0.780 0.519 8.342 6.115 0.634
CodeBERT (l2_dist) (annot) 0.792 0.876 0.706 6.696 5.756 0.774
CodeBERT (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.800 0.882 0.685 4.454 3.584 0.762
intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (code) 0.586 0.730 0.505 9.570 7.068 0.621
intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (annot) 0.774 0.852 0.675 16.452 14.279 0.751
intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.726 0.834 0.625 6.602 4.775 0.714
intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code) 0.632 0.792 0.535 7.612 5.501 0.646
intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (annot) 0.772 0.860 0.690 7.540 6.184 0.764
intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.768 0.878 0.670 4.836 3.529 0.751
rel_thresh (inner_prod) (code) 0.602 0.740 0.511 10.478 8.499 0.625
rel_thresh (inner_prod) (annot) 0.786 0.858 0.685 18.990 16.107 0.757
rel_thresh (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.754 0.858 0.644 7.078 5.647 0.729
rel_thresh (l2_dist) (code) 0.642 0.766 0.553 9.208 7.049 0.658
rel_thresh (l2_dist) (annot) 0.796 0.866 0.705 12.092 9.605 0.773
rel_thresh (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.760 0.866 0.691 5.130 4.071 0.766
rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (code) 0.562 0.690 0.475 13.548 9.586 0.595
rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (annot) 0.782 0.854 0.662 19.726 17.310 0.739
rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.722 0.820 0.614 8.638 6.671 0.706
rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code) 0.606 0.718 0.498 11.196 7.707 0.615
rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (annot) 0.808 0.862 0.679 11.744 10.173 0.753
rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.770 0.870 0.668 5.868 4.425 0.747
Graph zero_shot (inner_prod) (code) 0.132 0.190 0.096 187.690 175.052 0.238
Graph zero_shot (inner_prod) (annot) 0.308 0.416 0.219 77.658 74.995 0.361
Graph zero_shot (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.216 0.276 0.176 136.228 127.452 0.313
Graph zero_shot (l2_dist) (code) 0.120 0.172 0.099 202.382 190.548 0.237
Graph zero_shot (l2_dist) (annot) 0.284 0.336 0.217 104.924 95.784 0.353
Graph zero_shot (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.246 0.286 0.183 168.970 158.405 0.313
Graph CodeBERT (inner_prod) (code) 0.608 0.746 0.542 10.500 8.647 0.649
Graph CodeBERT (inner_prod) (annot) 0.800 0.874 0.712 15.074 13.244 0.779
Graph CodeBERT (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.762 0.850 0.680 6.638 5.033 0.756
Graph CodeBERT (l2_dist) (code) 0.662 0.792 0.570 8.636 7.047 0.673
Graph CodeBERT (l2_dist) (annot) 0.822 0.886 0.713 6.560 5.416 0.781
Graph CodeBERT (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.818 0.896 0.717 4.474 3.490 0.786
Graphintra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (code) 0.650 0.770 0.534 9.720 7.041 0.645
Graph intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (annot) 0.778 0.862 0.678 17.406 15.490 0.753
Graph intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.754 0.854 0.652 7.004 5.156 0.735
Graph intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code) 0.684 0.802 0.574 8.088 5.819 0.677
Graph intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (annot) 0.796 0.870 0.703 8.102 6.781 0.773
Graph intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.788 0.898 0.695 4.910 3.562 0.770
Graph rel_thresh (inner_prod) (code) 0.662 0.772 0.557 9.152 6.704 0.660
Graph rel_thresh (inner_prod) (annot) 0.794 0.854 0.700 16.422 13.419 0.768
Graph rel_thresh (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.782 0.864 0.686 6.596 4.636 0.761
Graph rel_thresh (l2_dist) (code) 0.670 0.788 0.574 8.128 5.323 0.676
Graph rel_thresh (l2_dist) (annot) 0.808 0.878 0.723 8.572 6.803 0.788
Graph rel_thresh (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.816 0.884 0.714 4.246 2.942 0.784
Graph rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (code) 0.598 0.738 0.521 11.112 8.789 0.633
Graph rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (annot) 0.772 0.854 0.667 16.068 13.225 0.743
Graph rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.748 0.852 0.636 7.016 5.384 0.723
Graph rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code) 0.634 0.758 0.540 9.690 7.397 0.649
Graph rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (annot) 0.792 0.868 0.709 9.444 7.501 0.777
Graph rel_thresh_intra_categ_neg (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.780 0.882 0.679 5.076 3.907 0.758
nbow_siamese (inner_prod) (code) 0.268 0.382 0.197 35.456 26.071 0.360
nbow_siamese (inner_prod) (annot) 0.248 0.362 0.186 55.050 45.625 0.344
nbow_siamese (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.286 0.414 0.221 33.052 24.490 0.380
nbow_siamese (l2_dist) (code) 0.080 0.096 0.062 154.880 143.016 0.208
nbow_siamese (l2_dist) (annot) 0.406 0.492 0.309 63.392 59.537 0.440
nbow_siamese (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.202 0.278 0.138 94.118 82.625 0.290
cnn_siamese (inner_prod) (code) 0.100 0.182 0.087 69.922 56.085 0.252
cnn_siamese (inner_prod) (annot) 0.086 0.142 0.081 87.168 75.748 0.240
cnn_siamese (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.120 0.198 0.104 64.360 53.016 0.269
cnn_siamese (l2_dist) (code) 0.054 0.104 0.060 102.886 84.121 0.219
cnn_siamese (l2_dist) (annot) 0.198 0.288 0.153 79.670 68.995 0.306
cnn_siamese (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.166 0.266 0.133 74.488 63.082 0.295
rnn_siamese (inner_prod) (code) 0.224 0.334 0.182 46.534 39.060 0.343
rnn_siamese (inner_prod) (annot) 0.412 0.510 0.317 41.112 37.890 0.456
rnn_siamese (inner_prod) (code+annot) 0.410 0.540 0.315 29.556 26.885 0.458
rnn_siamese (l2_dist) (code) 0.172 0.272 0.144 62.688 53.707 0.304
rnn_siamese (l2_dist) (annot) 0.464 0.546 0.369 36.758 34.063 0.498
rnn_siamese (l2_dist) (code+annot) 0.474 0.590 0.396 27.850 26.408 0.523


Implementation of Joint Embedding Space Retrieval (JESR) for Neural Code Search (NCS) for IR term project.







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