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Protocol to create multiple token delegates for SPL token accounts

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Protocol to create multiple token delegates for SPL token accounts

A protocol to share one delegate with multiple programs.

Input accounts

async function programAddress(inputs, programPK = tokenAgentPK) {
    const addr = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(inputs, programPK)
    const res = { 'pubkey': await addr[0].toString(), 'nonce': addr[1] }
    return res

const delegateProgram = new PublicKey('... FILL IN ...')

const delegateRoot = await programAddress([delegateProgram.toBuffer()], delegateProgram)
const allowance = await programAddress([tokenAccount.toBuffer(), provider.wallet.publicKey.toBuffer(), rootKeyPK.toBuffer()], delegateProgram)

const delegateRootPK = new PublicKey(delegateRoot.pubkey)
const allowancePK = new PublicKey(allowance.pubkey)

Import Statement

use token_delegate::{ self, cpi::accounts::{ DelegateApprove, DelegateTransfer } };

Delegate Approve

Enable a downstream program to transfer from a SPL token account

let cpi_accounts = DelegateApprove {
    allowance: ctx.accounts.allowance.to_account_info(),            // PDA of Token Delegate Program: (token_account, owner, delegate)
    allowance_payer: ctx.accounts.user_key.to_account_info(),       // Payer to open the allowance account
    owner: ctx.accounts.this_user.to_account_info(),                // The owner of the main token account
    delegate: ctx.accounts.this_program_pda.to_account_info(),      // The delegate account (probably a PDA for another program)
    delegate_root: ctx.accounts.delegate_root.to_account_info(),    // The PDA of the Token Delegate Program (the "delegate" for SPL token accounts)
    token_account: ctx.accounts.token_account.clone(),              // The SPL token account to link
    token_program: ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(),    // SPL Token program
    system_program: ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(),  // System program 
let cpi_program = ctx.accounts.delegate_program.to_account_info();
let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts);
token_delegate::cpi::delegate_approve(cpi_ctx, true, u64::MAX, u64::MAX)?;

Delegate Transfer

Transfer tokens with signature from delegate

// Root PDA of the current program (the delegate)
let root_pda_seeds = &[ctx.program_id.as_ref(), &[inp_root_nonce]];
let root_pda_signer = &[&root_pda_seeds[..]];

let cpi_accounts = DelegateTransfer {
    allowance: ctx.accounts.allowance.to_account_info(),            // PDA of Token Delegate Program: (token_account, owner, delegate)
    delegate: ctx.accounts.this_program_pda.to_account_info(),      // The delegate account (probably a PDA for another program)
    delegate_root: ctx.accounts.delegate_root.to_account_info(),    // The PDA of the Token Delegate Program
    from: ctx.accounts.token_account.clone(),                       // The SPL token account that was delegated
    to: ctx.accounts.token_account_destination.clone(),             // The destination SPL token account for the transfer
    token_program: ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(),    // SPL Token program
let cpi_program = ctx.accounts.delegate_program.to_account_info();
let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new_with_signer(cpi_program, cpi_accounts, root_pda_signer);
token_delegate::cpi::delegate_transfer(cpi_ctx, token_transfer)?;


Protocol to create multiple token delegates for SPL token accounts






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