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An avatar libraray for your next react project. This library is inspired from Avvvatars and emojis are taken from Phosphor Library

Emojitar banner image

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  • Generate unique avatars for your users
  • Highly customisable
  • 0 dependencies
  • Switch between initials or emojis


Install it using you favourite packadge manager.

npm install emojitar

Get started

Import the library and use the component

import { Emojitar as Avatar } from "emojitar";

export default function (props) {
	return <Avatar value="Ashish Khare" displayValue="ak" />;


  1. value : string
    It is a required field and avatar is generated on the basis of this property.
<Avatar value="[email protected]" />
  1. displayValue?: string
    It is the text that will be displayed instead of the value property in the avatar.
<Avatar value="[email protected]" displayValue="AK" />
  1. emoji ?: none
    Just specify the prop emoji to display emoji instead of initials.
<Avatar value="[email protected]" emoji />
  1. size ?: (number | 32)
    Specify the size of the avatar. Or it is set to 32 by default.
<Avatar value="[email protected]" size={36} />
  1. radius ?: number
    Specify the radius of the avatar, else it defaults to full rounded corners.
<Avatar value="[email protected]" radius={6} />
  1. shadow ?: none
    This property applies a subtle shadow beneath the avatar.
<Avatar value="[email protected]" shadow />
  1. border ?: none
    Apply this property to activate border on the avatar.
<Avatar value="[email protected]" border />
  1. borderSize ?: (number | 2)
    Set width of border. Defaults to 2. It is important to also pass border prop while using borderSize prop.
<Avatar value="[email protected]" border borderSize={6} />
  1. borderColor ?: string
    Accepts a string of valid CSS color code. Or else default to predefined color set.
<Avatar value="[email protected]" border borderColor="#06dea6" />

Last Words

Hope you enjoy this library!




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