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Sublime text isort plugin

Small plugin that adds a command to sublime which replaces the contents with the output of the isort library. See below for more information about the library


Package Control

Available in @wbond's package control. Just bring up the package control menu in sublime (default ctrl-shift-p), and enter Package Control: Install Package, search for isort.


Clone this repository from your Sublime packages directory:

Linux (untested)

$ cd ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages
$ git clone


$ cd "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages"
$ git clone


$ cd "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2"
$ git clone

isort your python imports for you so you don't have to.

isort is a Python utility / library to sort imports alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections. It provides a command line utility, Python library, Vim plugin, Sublime plugin, and Kate plugin to quickly sort all your imports.

for more details on isort see the isort repo.

Using isort

By default isort command is run on save. To change this behaviour set your user/project settings to include:

    "isort.sort_on_save": false,

You can also run the command manually by bringing up the command menu, and select "isort: sort imports" command.

Note that the command is only visible, and runs on autosave, when used on "python files".