A react-three-fiber scroll-rig for syncing 3D meshes and DOM elements.
Shdr is an online ESSL (GLSL) shader editor, viewer and validator powered by WebGL.
A fast simplex noise implementation in Javascript / Typescript.
Javascript 2D Perlin & Simplex noise functions
A snapshot of Mateusz Wisniowski's useful repo. They are @matheowis.
🪐 A curated list of awesome Blender addons, tools, tutorials; and 3D resources for everyone.
The FLIP Fluids addon is a tool that helps you set up, run, and render high quality liquid fluid effects all within Blender, the free and open source 3D creation suite.
[CVPR 2024] Paint3D: Paint Anything 3D with Lighting-Less Texture Diffusion Models, a no lighting baked texture generative model
Tiny, multitouch, component driven joysticks in react
Collection of shader materials for three.js
A simple to use holographic material for React Three Fiber
Simplify three.js development, including events, drag & drop, binding, focus management, smart rendering, tweening and more.
Javascript panorama viewer based on Three.js
一个让 THREE 平台化的项目,目前已适配微信,淘宝,头条小程序,微信小游戏
A WeChat MiniProgram 3D that includes a Panorama Viewer and a 3D Viewer using the device orientation control.
MB-Lab is a character creation tool for Blender 4.0 and above, based off ManuelBastioniLAB
A shader-based software renderer written from scratch in C89
🌏 A Declarative 3D Globe Data Visualization Library built with Three.js