react-native-snap-carousel Public
Forked from meliorence/react-native-snap-carouselSwiper component for React Native with previews, multiple layouts, parallax images, performant handling of huge numbers of items, and RTL support. Compatible with Android & iOS.
JavaScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 6, 2018 -
github-issue-analyzer Public
A system that utilizes natural language processing and machine learning in order to analyze GitHub issues
timeline Public
A web application showing a historical timeline of the FIFA World Cup
Java UpdatedJul 3, 2017 -
password-game Public
A hybrid mobile application based on the popular party game "Password"
php_classes Public
A collection of PHP classes used for performing common development tasks
PHP UpdatedJul 3, 2017 -
vehicles_network Public
Heavy Vehicles Management application (school assignment)