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In this assignment let's build an Nxt Watch by applying the concepts we have learned till now.

Refer to videos below:

Success View

Failure View

Design Files

Login Route
Home Route
Trending Route
Gaming Route
Video Item Details Route
SavedVideos Route
Popup Design Files
Not Found Route

Set Up Instructions

Click to view
  • Download dependencies by running npm install
  • Start up the app using npm start

Completion Instructions

Functionality to be added

The app must have the following functionalities

  • Initially, the app should be in light theme

  • Login Route

    • When a invalid username and password are provided and the Login button is clicked, then the respective error message received from the response should be displayed
    • When a valid username and password are provided and the Login button is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Home route
    • When an unauthenticated user, tries to access the HomeRoute, TrendingRoute, GamingRoute, SavedVideosRoute, VideoDetailsRoute, then the page should be navigated to Login route
    • When an authenticated user, tries to access the HomeRoute, TrendingRoute, GamingRoute, SavedVideosRoute, VideoDetailsRoute, then the page should be navigated to the respective route
    • When an authenticated user tries to access the LoginRoute, then the page should be navigated to the Home route
    • When show password checkbox is checked, then the password should be shown
    • When show password checkbox is unchecked, then the password should be masked
  • Home Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Home Route,
      • An HTTP GET request should be made to homeVideosApiUrl with query parameter as search and its initial value as empty string
        • Loader should be displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view should be displayed
          • When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request should be made to homeVideosApiUrl
      • When a non-empty value is provided in the Search Input and button with search icon is clicked
        • Make an HTTP GET request to the homeVideosApiUrl with jwt_token in the Cookies and query parameter search with value as the text provided in the Search Input
        • Loader should be displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
      • When the HTTP GET request made to the homeVideosApiUrl returns an empty list for videos then No Videos View should be displayed
    • When the website logo image is clicked, the page should be navigated to the Home route
    • When a Video is clicked, the page should be navigated to the Video Item Details route
    • Clicks on the Trending link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Trending route
    • Clicks on the Gaming link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Gaming route
    • Clicks on the Saved Videos link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the SavedVideos route
  • Trending Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Trending Route,
      • An HTTP GET request should be made to trendingVideosApiUrl
        • Loader should be displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view should be displayed
          • When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request should be made to trendingVideosApiUrl
    • When the website logo image is clicked, the page should be navigated to the Home route
    • When a Video is clicked, the page should be navigated to the Video Item Details route
    • Clicks on the Home link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Home route
    • Clicks on the Gaming link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Gaming route
    • Clicks on the Saved Videos link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the SavedVideos route
  • Gaming Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Gaming Route,
      • An HTTP GET request should be made to gamingVideosApiUrl
        • Loader should be displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the data is fetched successfully, display the list of videos received in the response
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view should be displayed
          • When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request should be made to gamingVideosApiUrl
    • When the website logo image is clicked, the page should be navigated to the Home route
    • When a Video is clicked, the page should be navigated to the Video Item Details route
    • Clicks on the Home link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Home route
    • Clicks on the Trending link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Trending route
    • Clicks on the Saved Videos link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the SavedVideos route
  • Video Item Details Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the Video Item Details route

      • An HTTP GET request should be made to videoItemDetailsApiUrl with jwt_token in the Cookies and video_id as path parameter
        • loader should be displayed while the HTTP request is fetching the data
        • After the HTTP request is successful, the response received should be displayed
        • If the HTTP GET request made is unsuccessful, then the Failure view should be displayed
          • When the Retry button is clicked, an HTTP GET request should be made to videoItemDetailsApiUrl
    • Corresponding video should be displayed using react-player package

    • Initially, all the three buttons (Like, Dislike, Save) will be inactive

    • When the Like button is clicked,

      • It will change to an active state
      • If the Dislike button is already in the active state, then the Dislike button needs to be changed to the inactive state
    • When the Dislike button is clicked,

      • It will change to an active state
      • If the Like button is already in the active state, then the Like button needs to be changed to the inactive state
    • When the Save button is clicked

      • The button will change to an active state and the respective video details should be added to the list of saved videos
      • Save button text will be changed to Saved
    • When the Saved button is clicked

      • The button will change to an inactive state and the respective video details will be removed from the list of saved videos
      • Saved button text will be changed to Save
  • SavedVideos Route

    • When an authenticated user opens the SavedVideos Route,
      • If the list of saved videos is empty, then No Saved Videos Found View should be displayed
      • The Videos in the list of saved videos should be displayed as a list of videos
    • When the website logo image is clicked, the page should be navigated to the Home route
    • When a Video is clicked, the page should be navigated to the Video Item Details route
    • Clicks on the Home link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Home route
    • Clicks on the Trending link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Trending route
    • Clicks on the Gaming link in the Sidebar is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Gaming route
  • Not Found Route

    • When a random path is provided in the URL then the page should navigate to the Not Found route
  • When the theme button in the header is clicked, then the theme should be changed accordingly

  • Logout

    • When the Logout button in the header is clicked, then the Logout Popup should be displayed
      • When Cancel button is clicked, then the popup should be closed and the page should not be navigated
      • When Confirm button is clicked, then the page should be navigated to the Login route
API Requests & Responses



Method: POST


Returns a response containing the jwt_token

Success Response

  "jwt_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InJhaHVsIiwicm9sZSI6IlBSSU1FX1VTRVIiLCJpYXQiOjE2MTk2Mjg2MTN9. nZDlFsnSWArLKKeF0QbmdVfLgzUbx1BGJsqa2kc_21Y"

Failure Response

  "status_code": 404,
  "error_msg": "Username is not found"



Method: GET


Returns a response containing the list of all videos


  "total": 60,
  "videos": [
      "id": "30b642bd-7591-49f4-ac30-5c538f975b15",
      "title": "Sehwag shares his batting experience in iB Cricket | iB Cricket Super Over League",
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "channel": {
        "name": "iB Cricket",
        "profile_image_url": ""
      "view_count": "1.4K",
      "published_at": "Apr 19, 2019"



Method: GET


Returns a response containing the list of trending videos


  "total": 30,
  "videos": [
      "id": "ad9822d2-5763-41d9-adaf-baf9da3fd490",
      "title": "iB Hubs Announcement Event",
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "channel": {
        "name": "iB Hubs",
        "profile_image_url": ""
      "view_count": "26K",
      "published_at": "Nov 29, 2016"



Method: GET


Returns a response containing the list of gaming videos


  "total": 30,
  "videos": [
      "id": "b214dc8a-b126-4d15-8523-d37404318347",
      "title": "Drop Stack Ball",
      "thumbnail_url": "",
      "view_count": "44K"




Method: GET


Returns a response containing the list of gaming videos


  "video_details": {
    "id": "ad9822d2-5763-41d9-adaf-baf9da3fd490",
    "title": "iB Hubs Announcement Event",
    "video_url": "",
    "thumbnail_url": "",
    "channel": {
      "name": "iB Hubs",
      "profile_image_url": "",
      "subscriber_count": "1M"
    "view_count": "26K",
    "published_at": "Nov 29, 2016",
    "description": "iB Hubs grandly celebrated its Announcement Event in November 13, 2016, in the presence of many eminent personalities from the Government, Industry, and Academia with Shri Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog as the Chief Guest."

Quick Tips

Click to view
    //write code here
  //write code here
  • Use formatDistanceToNow function to find the difference between the given date and now in words.
import {formatDistanceToNow} from 'date-fns'
console.log(formatDistanceToNow(new Date(2021, 8, 20)))
// Return the distance between the given date and now in words.

Important Note

Click to view

The following instructions are required for the tests to pass

  • Home route should consist of / in the URL path

  • Login route should consist of /login in the URL path

  • Trending route should consist of /trending in the URL path

  • Gaming route should consist of /gaming in the URL path

  • SavedVideos route should consist of /saved-videos in the URL path

  • VideoItemDetails route should consist of /videos/:id in the URL path

  • No need to use the BrowserRouter in App.js as we have already included in index.js

  • User credentials

     username: rahul
     password: rahul@2021
  • Wrap the Loader component with an HTML container element and add the data-testid attribute value as loader to it

    <div className="loader-container" data-testid="loader">
      <Loader type="ThreeDots" color="#ffffff" height="50" width="50" />
  • The HTML button element in Home Route has the data-testid attribute value as searchButton to it

  • Styled Components should be used for styling purposes.

  • The theme button should have the data-testid as theme.

  • The Sidebar should consists of

    • Facebook logo
    • Twitter Logo
  • Each Route consists of respective banner as shown in the design files and it should have the data-testid as banner.

  • The thumbnail images in the Route should have the alt attribute value as video thumbnail.

  • The channel logo images in Home Route should have the alt attribute value as channel logo.

  • Home Route

    • The Route should consist of an HTML container element with data-testid as home.
    • The Route should consist of an HTML image element with attribute value as nxt watch logo and src as the value of the given nxt watch logo URL should be displayed in the banner.
    • The Route should consist of a banner and it contains a close button element with data-testid as close.
    • The HTML container element with data-testid as home should have the background color.
      • If the Dark theme is applied, then the #181818 color should be applied as a background-color.
      • If the Light theme is applied, then the #f9f9f9 color should be applied as a background-color.
  • Trending Route

    • The Route should consist of an HTML container element with data-testid as trending.
    • The HTML container element with data-testid as trending should maintain the background color theme.
      • If the Dark theme is applied, then the #0f0f0f color should be applied as a background-color.
      • If the Light theme is applied, then the #f9f9f9 color should be applied as a background-color.
  • Gaming Route

    • The Route should consist of an HTML container element with data-testid as gaming.
    • The HTML container element with data-testid as gaming should maintain the background color theme.
      • If the Dark theme is applied, then the #0f0f0f color should be applied as a background-color.
      • If the Light theme is applied, then the #f9f9f9 color should be applied as a background-color.
  • SavedVideos Route

    • The SavedVideos Route should consist of an HTML container element with data-testid as savedVideos.
    • The HTML container element with data-testid as savedVideos should maintain the background color theme.
      • If the Dark theme is applied, then the #0f0f0f color should be applied as a background-color.
      • If the Light theme is applied, then the #f9f9f9 color should be applied as a background-color.
  • VideoItemDetails Route

    • The VideoItemDetails Route should consist of an HTML container element with data-testid as videoItemDetails.
    • The HTML container element with data-testid as videoItemDetails should maintain the background color theme.
      • If the Dark theme is applied, then the #0f0f0f color should be applied as a background-color.
      • If the Light theme is applied, then the #f9f9f9 color should be applied as a background-color.
  • The Website Logo image for Light theme and Dark theme should have the alt attribute value as website logo

  • The Failure image for Light theme and Dark theme should have the alt attribute value as failure view

  • The Not found image for Light theme and Dark theme should have the alt attribute value as not found

  • In the VideoItemDetails Route, the #2563eb color should be applied as color for any button i.e (Like, Dislike, Save) if the button is active.

  • In the VideoItemDetails Route, the #64748b color should be applied as color for any button i.e (Like, Dislike, Save) if the button is inactive.


Image URLs
Hex: #0f0f0f
Hex: #f9f9f9
Hex: #f8fafc
Hex: #1e293b
Hex: #f1f5f9
Hex: #475569
Hex: #f1f1f1
Hex: #181818
Hex: #e2e8f0
Hex: #94a3b8
Hex: #4f46e5
Hex: #64748b
Hex: #231f20
Hex: #ffffff
Hex: #212121
Hex: #616e7c
Hex: #3b82f6
Hex: #00306e
Hex: #ebebeb
Hex: #7e858e
Hex: #d7dfe9
Hex: #cbd5e1
Hex: #000000
Hex: #ff0b37
Hex: #ff0000
Hex: #383838
Hex: #606060
Hex: #909090
Hex: #cccccc
Hex: #424242
Hex: #313131
Hex: #f4f4f4
Hex: #424242
  • Roboto

Things to Keep in Mind

  • All components you implement should go in the src/components directory.
  • Don't change the component folder names as those are the files being imported into the tests.
  • Do not remove the pre-filled code
  • Want to quickly review some of the concepts you’ve been learning? Take a look at the Cheat Sheets.


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