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Anyicon provides Ruby on Rails view helpers for rendering icons from various collections hosted on GitHub.


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Anyicon provides Ruby on Rails view helpers for rendering icons from various collections hosted on GitHub.

How does it work

Anyicon simplifies the process of integrating and using SVG icons from various collections in your Rails application. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  1. Configuration: You can set up the icon collections you want to use in a Rails initializer (config/initializers/anyicon.rb) or you can use the already defined collections. Each collection is defined by specifying the GitHub repository, the path within the repository where the icons are located, and the branch to use.

  2. Icon Rendering: When you call the anyicon helper in your views, it uses the Anyicon::Icon class to render the SVG content. The helper takes the icon name in the format collection:icon_name and optionally additional HTML properties.

  3. Fetching Icons: If the requested icon is not already cached locally, the gem will fetch the SVG file from the specified GitHub repository. It uses the configuration settings to construct the URL, download the file, and store it in your application's app/assets/images/icons directory. Attention to the license agreement of each collection

  4. Caching: Once downloaded, icons are cached locally to avoid repeated network requests. This ensures that your application remains performant and reduces dependency on external network availability.

  5. Helper Methods: The anyicon helper method simplifies the process of including icons in your views by managing the rendering and fetching process transparently. You can also pass additional HTML attributes to customize the rendered SVG element.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'anyicon'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install anyicon


You can just use the anyicon helper in your views:

<%= anyicon icon: 'fontawesome_regular:address-book' %>


You can configure the icon collections in an initializer:

# config/initializers/anyicon.rb
Anyicon.configure do |config|
  config.collections = {
    my_custom_collection: { repo: 'user/repo', path: 'path/to/icons', branch: 'main' }

Collections Available

Collection Github List Example Quantity License
Font-Awesome fontawesome_regular fontawesome_regular:address-book 136 License
fontawesome_solid fontawesome_solid:award 1,392
fontawesome_brands fontawesome_brands:readme 490
Heroicons heroicons_outline heroicons_outline:check 296 MIT
heroicons_solid heroicons_solid:cube 296
Tabler Icons tabler_icons_filled tabler_icons_filled:alarm 675 MIT
tabler_icons_outline tabler_icons_outline:article 4,615
Mage Icons mage_icons_fill mage_icons_fill:Book 449 Apache 2.0
mage_icons_stroke mage_icons_stroke:Archive 545
mage_icons_social_bw mage_icons_social_bw:Github 50
mage_icons_social_color mage_icons_social_color:Youtube 50
Line Awesome line_awesome line_awesome:film 1,554 MIT/Good Boy License
@carbon/icons carbon carbon:arrow--left 2,212 Apache 2.0
IonIcons ionicons ionicons:add-sharp 1,356 MIT
Feather Icons feather_icons feather_icons:airplay 287 MIT

Please, read the license before using any of these collections. This gem does not maintain or keep any of those files in it's repository. However, when you use any of the icons they will be automatically saved in /app/assets/images/icons/ folder.

Fell free to add your own collection to this list.


To get started with development:

git clone
cd heroicon
bundle install
bundle exec rake test


Anyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Anyicon provides Ruby on Rails view helpers for rendering icons from various collections hosted on GitHub.



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