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Using Universal Binaries on tvOS

Taner Şener edited this page Jan 9, 2022 · 3 revisions

Current releases of FFmpegKit do not publish universal binaries. v4.5.LTS was the last release that published tvOS universal binaries of all packages. You can import them into your project using instructions below.

1. Download a tvOS universal binary package from Releases page and extract it.

  • tvOS universal binary packages are files ending with tvos-static-universal postfix, e.g.,

2. Drag & drop extracted ffmpeg-kit-tvos-<package-name>-universal folder to your project root in Xcode.

3. If ffmpeg-kit-tvos-<package-name>-universal folder is not copied to your project directory (outside Xcode), copy it manually.

4. Add $(PROJECT_DIR)/ffmpeg-kit-tvos-<package-name>-universal/include to Build Settings -> Header Search Paths.

5. Add $(PROJECT_DIR)/ffmpeg-kit-tvos-<package-name>-universal/lib to Build Settings -> Library Search Paths.

6. Import library headers without any prefix.

#import <FFmpegKit.h>
#import <FFprobeKit.h>
#import <FFmpegKitConfig.h>

7. Add all shared/static libraries under ffmpeg-kit-tvos-<package-name>-universal/lib to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries section.

8. Add libbz2, libc++, libiconv, libz, VideoToolbox1 and Accelerate2 system libraries/frameworks to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries section.

1 - Required by Main releases

2 - Required when rubberband is enabled

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