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Simple Spark Java app with support for Selenium testing.


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Simple Spark Java app with support for Selenium testing. The App serves Chuck Norris jokes in a Web application.

Runs on (tested on):

  • ✓ Windows (8.1, x86)
  • ✓ Mac OS (Mavericks)
  • ✓ Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu Server 12.04)


index.html specific.html
random specific

Getting started


  • Java JDK (openjdk-7-jdk recommended) installed and accessible in the PATH

Clone and run!

  1. git clone this repo.
  2. ./gradlew run in the repo's base folder (gradlew run on Windows).
  3. Check out a random joke on localhost:4567.
  4. Check out a specific joke (number 5) on localhost:4567/id/5.

To run SparkApp on another port ID on a *nix OS, export PORT environmental variable to a valid integer port and it will be used.

export PORT=1337
./gradlew run

Running tests

Unit tests

  1. ./gradlew test - simple enough. Or ./gradlew check. On Windows gradlew check works well.

Functional tests - Selenium


  1. For running locally on your MacOS/Linux/Windows computer, you'll need to install Firefox 28.0
    • Newer versions might work, but 28.0 will work, so ...
    • You can grab Firefox 28.0 here.
    • Friendly note: Make sure autoupdate is turned off.
    • For all systems you must expose Firefox in your path (how to do so depends on what OS you are running, so please Bing for answers).
  2. For running on Servers (GreenQloud for example) where you do not have a GUI, you'll need to install X Virtual Frame Buffer (xvfb) and additional packages and Firefox 28.0.
    • sudo apt-get install -y xvfb
    • sudo apt-get install -y xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable xfonts-cyrillic
    • sudo apt-get install -y firefox=28.0+build2-0ubuntu2
  3. For running on Windows:
    • Java JDK 7 in your Path (Example C:\Program Files\Java\openjdk-7.0.71\bin)
    • Firefox 28.0 needs to be accesible from the Command Line

Note if installing firefox on the server doesn't work, you can do the following on *nix:

sudo apt-get purge firefox
cd /tmp
tar xvjf firefox-28.0.tar.bz2
sudo mv firefox/ /opt/firefox28
sudo ln -s /opt/firefox28/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

Run it!

  1. Locally just do ./gradlew selenium or gradlew selenium on Windows.
  2. Headless mode on servers:
    • ./gradlew seleniumXvfb
    • Stop Java processes after run: sudo killall -9 java

And what? ...

Gradle creates test reports for us. Look at the build/reports folder for more sweet Gradle juice.