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photoproof (work-in-progress)

photoproof is a web app, created for photographers to ease the process of proofing the photos after a photoshoot.

The app works on any shared hosting, the user just has to create a Firebase and any mail service account.


  • Easy collection management: create/edit/delete collections with just a few clicks.
  • Individual collection settings: allow/forbid comments, set minimum and/or maximum selection goals.
  • Automatic photo resize on the server to 1400x1000px.
  • Serve webp format if browser support is detected.
  • Receive an email once the client confirms their selections.


  • Setting to apply watermarks to the photos.
  • Feature to add spot-comments (comment linked to a spot on a photo for easier reference).


  1. Create a new project and a web app on
  2. Select Blaze plan. Under normal usage, you should be charged cents per month.
  3. Authentication:
  • Sign-in-method tab: enable email/password.
  • Users tab: create admin account with your credentials.
  • Copy the newly created user's UID.
  1. Firestore Database:
  • Click Create Database.
  • Select start in test mode and click next.
  • Select your closest location and click done.
  • Go to Rules tab and paste this code:
rules_version = '1';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /collections/{collectionId} {
    	allow get;
      allow update: if ((request.writeFields.size() == 2)
      	&& ('finalComment' in request.writeFields)
      	&& ('status' in request.writeFields)
      	&& == 'confirmed');
  		allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == '<<<USER_UID>>>' ;
      match /collections/{collectionId}/photos/{photoId} {
    	allow read;
      allow update: if ((request.writeFields.size() == 1) && ('selected' in request.writeFields)
      	&& get(/databases/$(database)/documents/collections/$(collectionId)).data.status == 'selecting');
      allow update: if ((request.writeFields.size() == 1) && ('comment' in request.writeFields)
      	&& get(/databases/$(database)/documents/collections/$(collectionId)).data.status == 'selecting'
      	&& get(/databases/$(database)/documents/collections/$(collectionId)).data.allowComments == true);
  		allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == '<<<USER_UID>>>';
    match /settings/settings {
    	allow read;
    	allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == '<<<USER_UID>>>' ;
    match /mail/{collectionId} {
    	allow create: if ((get(/databases/$(database)/documents/collections/$(collectionId)).data.status == 'selecting')
      	&& ( == '<<<YOUR_EMAIL>>>'));
    	allow read, write: if request.auth.uid == '<<<USER_UID>>>';
  • Replace <<<USER_UID>>> with your user UID you saved earlier.
  • Replace <<<YOUR_EMAIL>>> with your user's email.
  • Click Publish
  1. Storage:
  • Rules tab: paste this code:
rules_version = '1';
service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read;
      allow write: if request.auth.uid == '<<<USER_UID>>>' ;
  • Replace <<<USER_UID>>> with your user UID you saved earlier.
  • Click Publish
  1. Click the gear near Project Overview and select Project settings.
  2. Bellow at Firebase SDK snippet select Config and copy the code.
  3. Create new file at /src/config.js and paste your config code there. Edit the code so it starts with export const firebaseConfig = { ...
  4. Go to Extensions.
  5. Install Resize Images with these settings:
  • Cloud functions location: your closest one
  • Sizes of resized images: 1400x1000,400x700
  • Deletion of original file: Yes
  • List of absolute paths not included for resized images: /logo
  • Convert image to preferred types: jpeg, webp
  1. Install Trigger Email with these settings (you can get this information at SendGrid or similar email service:
  1. Change email to the one, where collection confirmation emails will be sent on firebase.ts file at confirmCollection function. //TODO email should be saved and loaded from a database.
  2. Do the steps as written in this answer:
  • You can find your-bucket code by clicking on Storage at Firebase console of your project.
  1. Clone and run your newly created photoproof app:
git clone
cd photoproof
npm install
npm run
  1. Once everything works correctly, run npm run build and place build folder contents on your shared hosting at /photoproof folder.
  2. Your app will be accessible at:


The desire to build a custom photo proofing app arose from many headaches by using buggy Wordpress plugins of which none worked correcly or had all of the required features.

The project photoproof was done with simplicity in mind so both the photographer and the client has a smooth experience every single time they cooperate.


Collections List


Editting Collection


Creating Collection


Collection page for the client



No description, website, or topics provided.






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