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TGW OAuth2 Provider

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This document provides an overview of the TGW OAuth2 provider for web, mobile, and native applications accessing TGW services. You will also find instructions for setting up development and test environments.

Requirements: Ruby ~> v2.6.6, Rails ~> v5.2.2, MySQL Server ~> 5.7, Docker Desktop ~>

Development Prerequisites

The following prerequisites should be installed on your workstation before working on the TGW API project:

Setting Up Ruby Environment

These instructions assume you have installed the Ruby Version Manager on your workstation. To install Ruby:

$ rvm install 2.6.6

RVM will install the Ruby interpreter. It's good practice to use gemsets to keep various projects separated to reduce the likelihood of Ruby gem version conflicts between your projects. The following snippet can be used to create your environment:

$ rvm use 2.6.6
$ rvm gemset create tgw
$ rvm use 2.6.6@tgw
$ gem install bundler

You can set your gemset to be the default by using the command:

$ rvm use 2.6.6@tgw --default

Setting Up Docker Environment

After you install Docker Desktop for Mac, be sure to enable Kubernetes. You will need to install a tool for deploying your application.

$ brew install kompose

Setting Up Development Project

Once you have your Ruby environment set up, it's time to download the source code and finish setting things up. From the work directory where you plan to save the source code:

$ git clone [email protected]:arktos65/tgw-auth.git
$ cd tgw-auth
$ bundle install
$ brew install yarn

The previous commands clone a copy of the tgw-auth repository from Github to your local work directory. Then you change directory into the source code root directory and run bundler to install all the required Ruby gems for the project. The Gemfile provides the list of gems and version constraints to be installed.

You also should install the git hooks for the project. From the root source code directory:

$ ./

This script will install the git hooks in their correct location.

Network local hosts

Edit your /etc/hosts file and add the following line: auth-db auth-server auth-cache

This host file entry will allow you to run a development instance of your OAuth services in Docker.

Initialize Database Environment

These instructions assume you're running MySQL as a containerized service defined in the project's docker-compose.yml file.. Take a look at the config/database.yml file to see what you should set your database credentials to.

From the root source code directory:

$ rvm use 2.6.6@tgw
$ docker-compose up auth-db

Open a new terminal window and then:

$ rvm use 2.6.6@tgw
$ rails db:create db:migrate
$ rails db:seed

You should see some messages starting with:

Created database 'tgw-auth_development'
Created database 'tgw-auth_test'
Task seed:
 * [  ] User (seed)
 * [OK] User (seed)
 * [  ] Admin (seed)
 * [OK] Admin (seed)

This means your database environment has been successfully initialized.

Test OAuth Service

The final step is to verify everything works properly. From the root source code directory:

$ rails server

You should see:

=> Booting Puma
=> Rails application starting in development
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
Puma starting in single mode...
* Version 3.12.1 (ruby 2.5.1-p57), codename: Llamas in Pajamas
* Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
* Environment: development
* Listening on tcp:https://localhost:3000
Use Ctrl-C to stop

Now open your web browser and type in https://localhost:3000/api/v1/ping. If the API server is healthy, you should receive a JSON response that looks something like:

  "service":"TGW OAuth Service::API",

The JSON may be formatted to display as a single line -- that is ok. You can stop the API server by pressing CTRL-C in the terminal window where it is running.

User Login

The OAuth development environment is seeded with a user for testing purposes. You can login by pointing your web browser at https://localhost:3000/users/sign_in.

Development Credentials

Username: [email protected]
Password: password123

These credentials are only available on your development instance.

Admin Login

The OAuth development environment is seeded with an admin user for testing purposes. You can login by pointing your web browser at https://localhost:3000/admins/sign_in.

Development Credentials

Username: [email protected]
Password: password123

These credentials are only available on your development instance.

OAuth Applications

Admin users can manage OAuth applications registered with this provider by pointing your web browser at https://localhost:3000/oauth/applications.

Generating API Documentation

This project using rswagger for generating API developer documentation. To update the documentation:

rake rswag:specs:swaggerize

The documentation is accessible at https://localhost:3000/api-docs.

Building a Docker Image

By design, when Github code is merged to the master branch, a build job is triggered on Azure DevOps to build a Docker image from that branch and is pushed up to Docker Hub. Code merged to the stage branch will automatically produce a stage environment Docker image.

If you wish to manually build an image, use the following command from the project root directory:

$ docker-compose build

The resulting image will be stored in your local Docker image repository. The image will be titled tgwconsulting/tgw-oauth:latest.

Running Your Development Environment

This project uses Docker Compose making it very simple to start your development environment with all the associated services in various containers.

Starting the TGW Auth service:

$ cd <project_root>/helm
$ helm install auth-service tgw-auth

NAME: auth-service
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Nov  9 09:40:47 2020
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:

NOTE: It is common for the auth-server pods to restart once when installing the service because of timing issues between the initialization of the auth-db pod. The auth-server pods will recycle automatically.

To perform a graceful shutdown of your development environment:

$ cd <project_root>/helm
$ helm uninstall auth-service

release "auth-service" uninstalled

Testing OAuth Server

Once you have deployed the Rails application to your local Kubernetes cluster, you'll need to forward the port to the TGW-server service. This can be done with the command:

$ kubectl port-forward deployment/auth-server 3000

Direct your web browser to https://localhost:3000 to access the service.

Examining a Docker Image

If you need to explore the contents of the Docker image, you may do so with the following command:

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash tgwconsulting/tgw-oauth

Docker will start a container with a bash shell. This command is useful for checking service source code.

Kubernetes Deployments

The TGW Auth and related services are containerized and can run in Docker or Kubernetes environments. Kubernetes deployments are managed by Helm charts. Be sure to enable Kubernetes in your local Docker Desktop environment.

Setting up Helm for Kubernetes

Helm is a tool for managing Charts. Charts are packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources.

Use Helm to:

  • Find and use popular software packaged as Helm Charts to run in Kubernetes
  • Share your own applications as Helm Charts
  • Create reproducible builds of your Kubernetes applications
  • Intelligently manage your Kubernetes manifest files
  • Manage releases of Helm packages

The source code to the Helm charts for this service are stored in the helm directory in the project root.

helm repo add stable

License & Authors

Copyright:: 2019-2020 TGW Consulting, LLC.  All rights reserved.

This source code is proprietary, confidential information of TGW Consulting, LLC.
It contains TGW Consulting intellectual property, including trade secrets and
copyright-protected authorship, and may include patentable inventions. You may
not distribute this source code outside of TGW Consulting without express written
permission from management. TGW Consulting does not claim ownership of included
open source software components, which are subject to their own licenses.