In this project, we implemented our own cryptocurrency using Blockchain technology. Users can use our Discord interface to to pay, send, and play games to earn our crypto. In our Discord server, a bot maintains a public ledger where it tracks all the transactions and creates a block for every set of transactions and commits it to our chain. Therefore, users can learn some of the core features of Blockchains through exploring our simulation.
!pay @mention [amount] : Pay discord user [amount]
!balance : Displays balance of user
!history : Displays all transactions of user
!playgg : Lets you play a gussing game to earn coins
!rps : Lets you play a Rock, Paper, Scissors game to earn coins
📜transactions: shows all the transactions that have taken place where each transaction has a TransactionID, Time, Sender, Receiver
🔗chain-of-blocks: shows all the blocks (a set of transactions) that have been committed on the chain