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A series of beautiful and practical landing page templates
A responsive, Bootstrap landing page template created by Start Bootstrap
📊📈 Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework for use in client-side (i.e. d3.js) visualizations and offline analysis (e.g. Excel)
Recommender System; Collaborative Filtering;Content-Based Algorithm
A webapp built using streamlit to display movie recommendation based on content based filtering using cosine similarity
React + Konva / image editor / like Figma or Canva
Content-based Recommender System using TF-IDF & Cosine Similarity
Recommendation System for Amazon Alexa E-Commerce Application
Food recommendation system in python
Implemented Content-based filtering, Collaborative filtering and K-Means Clustering on MovieLens Dataset(
Created a hybrid recommender using content based recommender and collaborative filtering
Regression-based Movie Recommender system that's a hybrid of content-based and collaborative filtering Recommender system Simply rate some movies and get immediate recommendations tailored for you
Building powerful and personalized, recommendation engines with Python
uses collaborative and content based filtering techniques
(Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree Project) Recommendation functions for collaborative filtering and content-based recommendations
3rd Year: 1st - 92. A Novel Context Aware Restaurant Recommender System Using Content-Boosted Collaborative Filtering (CACBCF).
Anime Recommender System with various recommender system algorithms implemented in python
Hybrid Recommendation System for Podcasts using Natural Language Processing and Singular Value Decomposition
Build up a hybrid recommender system based on MovieLens database using content-based filtering and collaborative filtering algorithms
Movie recommendation system based on hybrid recommender and clustering
Jupyter Notebook with exercises on how to create a Hybrid Recommender System (Collaborative Filtering / Content-Based)
A recommender system built for book lovers.
A Personalized meal recommendation system that recommends meal on the basis of user preference of Nutrients, Diet, and disease if any using Python
A repository for a machine learning project about developing a hybrid movie recommender system.
This is the repository of our article published in RecSys 2019 "Are We Really Making Much Progress? A Worrying Analysis of Recent Neural Recommendation Approaches" and of several follow-up studies.
Recommendation System Algorithm
we have a dataset of nearly 2 lakh movies which are grouped on the based of genre like action,adventure,comedy,etc. In this project we will be using KNN clustering {K nearest neighbors is a simple …