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NOTE: Following AIP-62 new wallet standard, wallets are expected to not implement this wallet plugin but to implement the new wallet standard support by following this integration guide

Aptos wallet plugin template for wallet builders to interact with the Aptos Wallet Adapter

This repo provides wallet builders a pre-made class with all required wallet functionality following the wallet standard for easy and fast development to interact with the Aptos Wallet Adapter


  • fork this repo

  • run npm install or yarn install

  • Open src/index.ts

  • Change all AptosWindow appereances to <Your-Wallet-Name>Window

  • Change AptosWalletName to be <Your-Wallet-Name>WalletName

  • Change url to match your website url

  • Change icon to your wallet icon (pay attention to the required format)

  • Change window.aptos to be window.<your-wallet-name>

NOTE: Ensure the name prop is the same as the window.<name>. The adapter will look for the matching name when detecting a wallet. For example, if your wallet's name prop is Petra, then the window should be window.petra.

NOTE2 window object key (i.e window.<name>) has to be lowercase exact match (petra). Wallet name prop can have capitalization (Petra / PetraWallet)

  • Make sure the Window Interface has <your-wallet-name> as a key (instead of aptos)
  • Open __tests/index.test.tsx and change AptosWallet to <Your-Wallet-Name>Wallet
  • Run tests with npm run test - all tests should pass

At this point, you have a ready wallet class with all required properties and functions to integrate with the Aptos Wallet Adapter.

Publish as a Package

Next step is to publish your wallet as a npm package so dapps can install it as a dependency.

  • Make sure to update package.json name, description, author and any other properties.
  • Run npm install then npm run build - a dist folder should be available
  • (optional) Run npm publish --dry-run to see what would get published (make sure there is a dist folder)

Creating and publishing scoped public packages

Creating and publishing unscoped public packages

Add your name to the wallets list

Once the package is published, you can create a PR against the aptos-wallet-adapter repo and add your wallet name as a url to the npm package to the supported wallet list on the README file.

Note: if your wallet provides function that is not included, you should open a PR against aptos-wallet-adapter in the core package so it would support this functionality. You can take a look at the signTransaction on the wallet core package