Tags: aptinio/neovim
vim-patch:8.2.3925: diff mode confused by NUL bytes (neovim#18033) Problem: Diff mode confused by NUL bytes. Solution: Handle NUL bytes differently. (Christian Brabandt, closes vim/vim#9421, closes vim/vim#9418) vim/vim@06f6095
NVIM 0.6.1 (2021-12-31) Bug Fixes * api: allow nvim_buf_set_extmark to accept end_row key neovim#16686 1b54344 * diagnostic: assert that diagnostics have line number and column neovim#16687 9dae939 * diagnostic: clamp diagnostics on negative line numbers neovim#16497 096f841 * diagnostic: escape special chars in file names neovim#16588 beac24d * diagnostic: respect "if_many" source option for virtual text neovim#16697 060eeaa * diagnostic: set effective buffer number for DiagnosticChanged autocmd neovim#16485 84784a8 * diagnostic: set effective buffer number in autocmd (again) neovim#16590 08ddfa9, closes neovim#16474 * lua: do not cast offset to char_u 93f1ec0 * lsp: avoid attaching to unloaded buffers neovim#16726 0088994 * lsp: call config on_exit handler before context is cleared neovim#16781 571609f * lsp: fix `nil`-index behavior for UTF-8 in `_str_*index_enc` methods neovim#16785 03bd914 * lsp: handle offset encoding neovim#16783 7b60ec7 * lsp: progress handlers should return vim.NIL on error neovim#16476 fb11ef0 * options: disallow empty 'fdc' and 'scl' neovim#16776 37a00be * quickfix: avoid O(N^2) when filling from string typval neovim#16663 aa0ddc6 * screenpos, float: add top and left border adjustment 8f68548 * terminal: fix resize crash with pending scrollback neovim#16665 ae249d8 * ui: close floating window on BufLeave event neovim#16664 785bace * uri: change scheme pattern to not include the comma character neovim#16798 0e96f7d Features * lsp,diagnostic: open folds in jump-related functions neovim#16784 ee9e342 * lsp: add buf_detach_client neovim#16741 ec101b9 * lsp: use `vim.ui.select` for selecting lsp client neovim#16782 14357c8 * runtime: new checkhealth filetype neovim#16708 09306f0
NVIM 0.6.0 BREAKING CHANGES * 32-bit windows builds are no longer provided. * **build deps**: use libuv 1.42.0 upstream for WIN32 (neovim#15889) (f6c0a37), closes neovim#15889 * removes Windows 7 support * removes support for mouse and alternate buffers in TUI for Windows 8 and 8.1 * **lsp/diagnostic:** highlight groups and signs for LSP diagnostics renamed (e.g. `LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning` to `DiagnosticWarn`) (a5bbb93) * **diagnostic:** make DiagnosticChanged a first class autocmd (neovim#16098) (150a592), closes neovim#16098 * `au User LspDiagnosticsChanged` autocommands are not supported. Use the new first-class DiagnosticChanged event instead. * **lua**: `register_keystroke_callback` => `on_key` (neovim#15460) (69fe427) * **note**: this breaking change was included in 0.5.1 FEATURES * **:source, nvim_exec:** defer script item creation until s:var access (da9b0ab) * **:source, nvim_exec:** support script-local variables (d4ed51e), closes neovim#13143 neovim#11507 * **lua:** add trimempty optional parameter to vim.split (5fa26e2) * **lua:** add vim.str_utf_{start,end} (neovim#16129) (2230b57) * **lua:** add vim.str_utf_pos function (d752cbc) * **lsp:** aggregate code actions from all clients (neovim#15121) (c36df20) * **api:** add lua C bindings for xdiff (neovim#14536) (3d3c0c6) * **api:** evaluate statusline string neovim#16020 (9086938) * **api:** named marks set, get, delete neovim#15346 (49fdc62) * **api:** nvim_get_chan_info: include "argv" for jobs neovim#15537 (0603eba), closes neovim#15440 * **api:** win_viewport also sends line_count neovim#15613 (086631c) * **api:** support :terminal input callback in lua (9e41e82) * **ci:** add backport PR action (neovim#14766) (6cc456d) * **decorations:** allow more than one stacked highlight in a virt_text (1495d36) * **decorations:** support virtual lines (392c658) (8d7816c) * **diagnostic:** move vim.lsp.diagnostic to vim.diagostic and support other sources (a5bbb93) * **diagnostic:** add 'prefix' option to open_float (neovim#16321) (3c74ba4) * **diagnostic:** add option to include diagnostic source (d43151e) * **diagnostic:** allow 'prefix' option to return highlight (cc48837) * **diagnostic:** allow customized diagnostic messages (neovim#15742) (d999c96) * **diagnostic:** match(), tolist(), fromlist() neovim#15704 (e61ea77) * **diagnostic:** update jumplist on goto_next/prev (neovim#15942) (b55944e) * **diagnostic:** use `scope = 'line'` by default for `open_float()` (neovim#16456) (217f9f8), closes neovim#16453 * **diagnostic:** support severity_sort (32c0631) * **checkhealth:** provide function for command line completion (8b43b07) * **f_chansend:** support Blob data argument (7e9ea08) * **job:** add parameter to close stdin (eb7f24b) * **keywordprg:** use :terminal for external commands neovim#15398 (a90513c), closes neovim#2995 neovim#2761 * **lsp:** add 'focus' option to open_floating_preview (neovim#16465) (fff8827) * **lsp:** add a registry for client side code action commands (6c03601) * **lsp:** add client command support to codelens (neovim#15820) (19a77cd) * **lsp:** add codeAction/resolve support (neovim#15818) (ec4731d) * **lsp:** add exit_timeout flag (neovim#16070) (80456cf) * **lsp:** add formatexpr (neovim#16186) (52fa1d2) * **lsp:** add lsp healthcheck (e268026) * **lsp:** add per-client commands (neovim#16101) (519d8de) * **lsp:** add tagfunc (neovim#16103) (f940e7a) * **lsp:** add warning message for large log size (e6777a7) * **lsp:** allow configuring zindex for floating windows (neovim#15086) (c487a73) * **lsp:** allow diagnostics to be disabled for a buffer (neovim#15134) (1aeb945) * **lsp:** allow root_dir to be nil (neovim#15430) (ff0833c) * **lsp:** highlight active parameter in signature help (neovim#15018) (af26371) * **lsp:** improve vim.lsp.util.apply_text_edits (neovim#15561) (41cfba6) * **lsp:** include original request params in handler ctx (187579f) * **lsp:** jump to diagnostics by position (neovim#14795) (ea39ff5) * **lsp:** Make line diagnostics display prettier (e43dbfd) * **lsp:** make list handlers configurable (neovim#15199) (3e00d4f) * **lsp:** support textDocument/prepareRename (neovim#15514) (c1f573f) * **lsp:** use uv_spawn to check if server executable (neovim#16430) (1a60580) * **lsp:** use vim.ui.select() in codelenses (neovim#16004) (e7ea54a) * **lsp:** utilize textEdit.range for startbyte in omnifunc (neovim#15957) (e9d6f7c) * **lua:** add lua-cjson as vendored dependency (8decc9f) * **lua:** add vim.mpack for msgpack support in lua (eaf661d) * **lua:** allow passing handles to vim.b/w/t (6c5e7bd) * **lua:** convert binary string with NULs to Blob (de9df82) * **lua:** document support of packages with v:lua syntax (9dd371b) * **lua:** enable stack traces in error output (neovim#16228) (03b805a) * **lua:** expose lua-cjson as vim.json (30fed27) * **lua:** make vim.mpack support vim.NIL and vim.empty_dict() (0f59666) * **match:** allow hl group to be defined after :match command (fca52f5) * **msgpack:** convert Blobs to BIN strings (af6f454) * **health:** support lua healthchecks (9249dcd), closes neovim#15632 * **shada:** restore Blob globals properly (ef729fb) * **terminal:** TermClose: set exit code in v:event.status neovim#15406 (50b30de), closes neovim#4713 * **treesitter:** add next, prev sibling method (1400841) * **treesitter:** allow to set highlight priority for queries (242608e) * **ui:** add `opt.kind` to `vim.ui.select` (neovim#15838) (7ae86c1) * **ui:** add vim.ui.input and use in lsp rename (neovim#15959) (16d4af6) * **ui:** add vim.ui.select and use in code actions (neovim#15771) (63fde08) * **vim script:** support calling v:lua as a method (b2994e3) CHANGES * **defaults:** auto-create backup dir (4600193) * **defaults:** inccommand=nosplit neovim#15395 (7215d35) * **defaults:** set undo points in <C-U> and <C-W> (neovim#15400) (2cb8db3) * **defaults:** limit syntax cost on CmdwinEnter neovim#15401 (622a36b), closes neovim#6289 neovim#6399 * **defaults:** map CTRL-L to search highlights, update diffs neovim#15385 (0aa8128) * **defaults:** map Y to y$ neovim#13268 (5a111c1), closes neovim#416 neovim#6289 * **defaults:** remove 'options' from viewoptions neovim#15397 (3954537), closes neovim#6289 * **defaults:** set hidden (f6c72b7) * **defaults:** set nojoinspaces (d417e67) * **defaults:** switchbuf=uselast neovim#15394 (4ba7495) * **runtime:** add packages as `"/pack/*/start/*"` patterns to &rtp (9df7e02) * **startup:** load builtin plugins with --clean neovim#15893 (c7a63f3), closes neovim#15605 * **terminal:** set cursorlineopt=number in terminal mode (neovim#15493) (c61a386) * **window:** skip non-focusable floats for :windo (neovim#15378) (e8631cb) PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS * **api:** avoid spurious allocations when converting small objects (705e8f1) * **highlight:** use a hashtable for highlight group names (bb4b4d7) * **lua:** optimize vim.deep_equal neovim#15236 (4b452d4) * **lua:** don't use regexes inside lua require'mod' (ea2023f), closes neovim#15147 neovim#15497 * **lsp:** improve json deserialization performance (neovim#15854) (912a6e5) * **map:** reduce double pointer indirection to single pointer indirection (9e651a9) * **treesitter:** avoid string lookup of highlight name in hot loop (2460f0a) FIXES * **:source, nvim_exec:** handle Vimscript line continuations neovim#14809 (6188926), closes neovim#14807 * **:source:** copy curbuf lines to memory before sourcing neovim#15111 (afdc9e6) * allow str_utfindex second argument to be an explicit nil (neovim#16448) (512ec46) * **api:** fix crash after set_option_value_for() neovim#15390 (8b0e6cc), closes neovim#14097 neovim#13577 * **api:** fix nvim_buf_set_extmark (2338345) * **autocmd:** fix conditions in block_autocmds, unblock_autocmds neovim#15372 (29712ae), closes neovim#6279 * **buffer_updates:** cleanup test behavior (54b2c68) * **buffer_updates:** handle :delete of the very last line in buffer (8335e26) * **buffer_updates:** handle :sort of already sorted buffer (ef687d3) * **buffer_updates:** make `lockmarks` not affect extmarks and buffer updates. fixes neovim#12861 (7d171b1) * **bufupdates:** send correct updates for visual paste (1423146) * **build:** add an env var to re-enable the colors (5087347) * **build:** call find_package(Threads) before using its variables (f446ab3) * **build:** export symbols on Windows (aa644b7) * **build:** fix build failure in MinGW (0503e17) * **build:** make vendored libmpack and libmpack-lua build properly (2a08aef) * **channel:** throw error if sending to internal channel w/o terminal (3b89fee) * **checkhealth:** duplicate checks if module name has "-" neovim#15935 (a36c6e5) * **checkhealth:** mitigate issues with duplicate healthchecks neovim#15919 (acd5e83), closes neovim#15259 * **ci:** disable broken test on openbsd on all CI due to resource constraints (a3e2636) * **ci:** re-run GHA for ready_for_review events (neovim#15377) (c6ef956) * **decorations:** crash when :bdelete (extmark_free_all) after clear_namespace (cd353aa), closes neovim#15212 * **defaults:** "syntax sync maxlines=1" on CmdwinEnter neovim#15552 (5f8518b), closes neovim#15401 * **defaults:** do not map Y in visual-mode neovim#15387 (54726e8), closes neovim#13268 * **diagnostic:** allow floats to be focusable (neovim#16093) (427bac6) * **diagnostic:** change default severity_sort order (938ed45) * **diagnostic:** clamp line numbers in setqflist and setloclist (5b0d8f8) * **diagnostic:** correctly handle folder level diagnostics (f87779a) * **diagnostic:** deepcopy diagnostics before clamping line numbers (2abc799) * **diagnostic:** do not focus floats in goto functions (neovim#16433) (b5b025f) * **diagnostic:** don't clamp line numbers in setqflist (0341c68) * **diagnostic:** don't return nil when callers expect a table (neovim#15765) (057606e) * **diagnostic:** don't use nil col if missing from qflist (neovim#16357) (5e46f64) * **diagnostic:** error on invalid severity value (neovim#15965) (d5dd0aa) * **diagnostic:** fix navigation with diagnostics placed past end of line (34bb5fa) * **diagnostic:** fix option resolution in open_float (neovim#16229) (fd34784) * **diagnostic:** fix wrong data type in setqflist() (3fd1450) * **diagnostic:** get line count per buffer when clamping (c59f200) * **diagnostic:** handle an unknown or missing client (neovim#16242) (1fdbd29) * **diagnostic:** handle diagnostics placed past the end of line (neovim#16095) (a2994c8) * **diagnostic:** make set() go through cache when calling show() (d93f47d) * **diagnostic:** only update decorations for loaded buffers (neovim#15715) (924e8e4) * **diagnostic:** preserve fields from LSP diagnostics via user_data (neovim#15735) (17b7968) * **diagnostic:** remove useless highlight links (neovim#15683) (c13242c), closes neovim#15585 * disable clipboard when test registers (dd63d93) * **docgen:** add tagfunc.lua (0746f00) * **doc:** various fixes neovim#15604 (4eb1ebb) * **eval:** add the vimscript-1 feature to has() (18b32fc) * **eval:** checking for a non-empty string is too strict (neovim#15987) (1dbbaf8) * **eval:** fix has('wsl') neovim#16153 (16d06fa), closes neovim#12642 neovim#16143 * **eval:** fixup for empty modifier in fnamemodify (neovim#16368) (a7ad509), closes neovim#16367 * **extmark:** fix missing virt_lines when using id param of set_extmark (995dbd2) * **extmarks:** splice extmarks on nv_Undo neovim#15920 (e069361) * **fileio:** replace characters over INT_MAX with U+FFFD (neovim#16354) (a2e5c2f), closes neovim#11877 * **float:** fix potential heap corruption in win_redr_border (de670f3) * **float:** redraw if w_border_adj changed (7ff1bc1) * **heath/provider.vim:** using list as string neovim#16007 (5365f24), closes neovim#15988 * **highlight:** remove syncolor.vim, always include syntax colors (9afa0d2), closes neovim#15176 neovim#12573 neovim#15205 * **inccommand:** ignore trailing commands only for *previewed* command neovim#15638 (1f8c91b), closes neovim#8796 neovim#7494 * include ci/ in exported tarball (d6f03aa), closes neovim#15856 * **input:** never reinterpret unmapped ALT- chrods in Terminal mode (neovim#16222) (5ce35ab) * **input:** resolve isolated (non-ALT/META) mappings neovim#13109 (c4857b6), closes neovim#13042 neovim#13086 neovim#15869 * **jobwait:** always drain process event queues neovim#15402 (3c081d0), closes neovim#15349 * **lsp_spec:** tests depended on previous session (069d1de) * **lsp:** accept file URIs without a hostname (a2c2a08) * **lsp:** add done flag to messages returned in util.get_progress_messages() (neovim#15985) (45fa70a) * **lsp:** add placeholder cancel function (neovim#16189) (4da0351) * **lsp:** add textDocument/prepareRename to capability map (neovim#15961) (fcc11d5), closes neovim#15899 * **lsp:** adjust legacy show diagnostic functions to use correct scope (neovim#16106) (dc6c9fe) * **lsp:** allow diagnostic.clear to accept nil bufnr (neovim#15137) (4ed2d4f) * **lsp:** avoid duplicates in client attached buffers (neovim#16099) (c5525f2) * **lsp:** avoid serializing boolean as key (neovim#15810) (96614f8) * **lsp:** change rpc start notify level to warn (neovim#16467) (04c7b55) * **lsp:** change signature of buf_highlight_references (neovim#16345) (eb3d591) * **lsp:** correctly parse LSP snippets neovim#15579 (516775e), closes neovim#15522 * **lsp:** default to UTF-16 in make_position_params (2e3a474) * **lsp:** do not index nil client in progress (neovim#16262) (8f31b21) * **lsp:** do not invoke handlers for unsupported methods (neovim#15926) (d288daa) * **lsp:** don't update active_clients on exit_timeout (neovim#16192) (98f5782) * **lsp:** enable additional capabilities (neovim#15470) (5d63354) * **lsp:** ensure buffers are re-attached on rename (neovim#16266) (ee3a58d) * **lsp:** Ensure users get feedback on references/symbols errors or empty results (256570a) * **lsp:** expose ContentModified error code to callbacks (neovim#15262) (3f09732) * **lsp:** fix cursor row after textEdits (neovim#16038) (bd2f61c) * **lsp:** gracefully handle nil workspaceFolders (neovim#16284) (0ecc58c) * **lsp:** guard textDocument/codeAction command logic neovim#15769 (433bda4) * **lsp:** improve symbols_to_items performance (neovim#16197) (5ad15c9) * **lsp:** Include client name in handler error messages (neovim#15227) (24f2b9e) * **lsp:** pass bufnr for async formatting (neovim#15084) (c31bc6e) * **lsp:** persist diagnostic config for clients (bcc9ba5) * **lsp:** prevent double <text> for cached plaintext markup (910967e) * **lsp:** restore diagnostics extmarks on buffer changes (neovim#15011) (77b33e4) * **lsp:** rewrite incremental sync (neovim#16252) (2ecf0a4) * **lsp:** send buffer contents joined on fileformat-specific linebreak (neovim#16334) (134a638) * **lsp:** send textDocument/didChange for each buffer (neovim#16431) (3451121) * **lsp:** support duplicate params in signature help (neovim#15032) (9132b76) * **lsp:** update lsp-handler signature in call_hierarchy (neovim#15738) (8164adc) * **lsp:** update workspace/applyEdit handler signature (neovim#15573) (3f526fe) * **lua:** fix vim.deepcopy for metatables & cycled tables (neovim#16435) (eb876a0) * **lua:** preserve argument lists which are not lists (6896d22) * **man.vim:** ensure buftype=nofile after :tag or :stag neovim#15675 (29bc648), closes neovim#15650 * **man.vim:** filetype=man is too eager neovim#15488 (2548a9e), closes neovim#15487 neovim#15487 * **mouse:** fix mouse drag positions on multigrid neovim#12667 (0dcfd0e), closes neovim#15091 * **mouse:** correct dragged position in composed layout (810da1a) * **multigrid:** mouse events crash neovim (28ac6c0) * **nvim_open_win:** crash if autocmds delete buffer/window neovim#15549 (0c06da1), closes neovim#15548 * **options:** using :set fillchars should clear local value (7528bce) * prevent K_EVENT from stopping Select mode CTRL-O neovim#15688 (5f144ef) * **provider:** compare versions as number, not string (python 3.10 support) neovim#15937 (e16adbf), closes neovim#14586 * **screen:** make display_tick monotonic up to 2^64. fixes neovim#16152 (9e88c9c) * **screen:** missing search highlights when redrawing from timer neovim#15380 (db695cc), closes neovim#13074 neovim#14064 * **shared:** do not treat empty tables as list in deep extend (neovim#15094) (526fc60) * **sign:** reset auto sign column with minimum in float win minimal style (c8f57f6) * **startup:** init.lua: set $MYVIMRC to absolute path neovim#15748 (c76cddf) * **termdebug:** replace mapset with nvim_set_keymap (neovim#15699) (4d7dcbe) * **termdebug:** replace term_getline with getbufline neovim#15598 (11289ad) * **terminal:** close without ! if the job is stopped (55defa1), closes neovim#4683 * **terminal:** free terminal if close_buffer() closes a closed terminal (neovim#16264) (14def4d) * **test/dumplog:** tostring(rv) before formatting as string (ddaa0cc) * **tests:** use isolated XDG_DATA_HOME in startup tests (8e663e2) * **treesitter:** do not map hl_group when no mapping is set (f489d98) * **treesitter:** run predicates more often in iter_matches (458f2aa) * **tui:** extend smglr ignores to smglp and smgrp (neovim#16239) (3ba800f) * **tui:** remove obsolete $NVIM detection neovim#15791 (4414584), closes neovim#12937 neovim#11390 * **tutor:** formatting, layout neovim#15098 (c52ec8f), closes neovim#15088 * **ui:** use nowait for q mapping in floating window (neovim#16427) (c132144) * **v:lua:** fix emsg when calling v:lua directly (da9005a) * **vim-patch.sh:** run nvim with -u NONE -n neovim#16179 (97ae0ab) * **vim.opt:** vimL map string values not trimmed (neovim#14982) (4906156) * **window:** win_close from other tabpage neovim#15454 (90b2da1), closes neovim#15313 * **windowing:** positioning of relative floats (9065730)
NVIM v0.4.4 Maintenance release for v0.4.x series. FIXES: fd02e63 neovim#12701 ui: fix problem with sattr_T overflow 3e3002b neovim#12710 fs: Ensure FileInfo struct is initialized e4629f2 neovim#12496 main.c: fix hang issue with recoverymode neovim#12520 f558af8 neovim#12209 fixed hang issue with --headless and -r option specified cda1190 neovim#12180 TUI: block signals on suspend 8399f73 neovim#12142 Fix issues revealed by gcc10 setting -fno-common by default 5e47cf2 netrw.vim: do not save +/* registers 5d41bfc neovim#11907 quickfix.c: Fix vimgrep regression 641e229 neovim#11903 screen: add missing redraws after a message 47bd62c loop_close: close all handles d273036 loop_close: call uv_stop(), fix bug 284b398 neovim#11821 loop_close: timout after 2 seconds 1b2666c messages: echo "line1\r\nline2" should not clear line1 1bf90bf neovim#11651 API: fix crash on copy_object(kObjectTypeWindow) fafd636 neovim#11566 libcallnr: Use int, not int64_t, as the return type for Vim compat 972dd75 neovim#11460 win_line: Fix crash with 'rightleft' in :terminal 4c48cf3 f_getenv/setenv: Access v_special when v_type is VAR_SPECIAL 2cd1ff7 neovim#11360 paste: Select-mode, Visual-mode