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Apromore Community Edition (DEPRECATED)

Warning: The source code available in this repository is deprecated.

This repository contains the source code of Apromore Community Edition (CE). Apromore CE was the open-source edition of Apromore until August 2020, when Apromore CE was replaced by Apromore Core. Apromore Core contains the main plugins of Apromore CE, including the Portal and the Process Discovery plugin.

If you are looking for the commercial edition of Apromore (Apromore Enterprise Edition), check the Apromore web site


The instructions below are for installation of Apromore CE from the source code.

System Requirements

  • Linux Ubuntu 18.04 (We do not support newer versions as it may lead to dependency issues), Windows 10/WS2016/WS2019, Mac OSX 10.8 or newer
  • Java SE 8 "Server JRE" or "JDK" Edition 1.8. Note that newer versions, including Java SE 11, are currently not supported. For Ubuntu, it can be installed as
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt install mysql-server
sudo mysql_secure_installation
  • Note: These instructions are tested with Linux Ubuntu 18.04. In Linux Ubuntu 20.04 there may be some dependency management issues. With minor adaptations, these instructions may be used for Windows 10/WS20016/WS2019 and Max OS 10.8 or newer.

Installation instructions

  • Check out the source code using git: git clone
  • Check out the tag: git checkout tags/v7.15
  • Open command prompt/terminal and change to the root of the project cd ApromoreCE
  • Execute the following commands: git submodule init and git submodule update. This populates the ApromoreCore subdirectory.
  • Given that currently you are on the 'ApromoreCE' directory, go to the 'ApromoreCore' directory cd ApromoreCore
  • Check out the v7.15 tag of ApromoreCore git checkout tags/v7.15.
  • Go to the 'ApromoreCE' directory and run the maven command mvn clean install. This will build the Apromore manager, portal and editor and all the extra plugins.
  • Create an empty H2 database ant create-h2. Only do this once, unless you just want to reset to a blank database later on.
  • Run the ant command ant start-virgo-community. This will install, configure and start Eclipse Virgo, and deploy Apromore. Only do this once. Later, You can start the server by executing the ./ -clean command from the "/ApromoreCE/ApromoreCore/Apromore-Assembly/virgo-tomcat-server-3.6.4.RELEASE/bin/" directory. Note: If you deploy to port 80 (or another port below 1024), you will need to run the previous command as sudo.
  • Open a web browser to https://localhost:9000. Use "admin”/“password” to access as administrator, or create a new account.
  • Keep the prompt/terminal window open. Ctrl-C on the window will shut the server down.


Share file to all users (optional)

  • By default Apromore does not allow you to share a file with all users (i.e. the "public" group is not supported by default). You can change this by editing the file present in the /ApromoreCE/ApromoreCore/Apromore-Assembly/virgo-tomcat-server-3.6.4.RELEASE/repository/usr/ directory. Specifically, to enable the option to share files and folders with the “public” group, you should set security.publish.enable = true in the file.

Predictive monitoring setup (optional)

  • Predictive monitoring requires the use of MySQL; see the Apromore Core README for MySQL setup instructions. Once that is done, populate the database with additional tables as follows (There may be a slight change in the path of the .sql file based on the location of your "ApromoreCE" folder):
mysql -u root -p apromore < /ApromoreCE/ApromoreCore/Supplements/database/Nirdizati.MySQL-1.0.sql
  • Check out predictive monitoring repository from GitHub:
git clone
  • Set up additional servers (alongside the Apromore server), as directed in Nirdizati README
  • Set the following properties in present in the following directory: "/ApromoreCE/ApromoreCore/Apromore-Assembly/virgo-tomcat-server-3.6.4.RELEASE/repository/usr"
    • training.python must be set to the location of a Python 3 executable
    • training.backend must be directory containing nirdizati-training-backend
    • training.tmpDir must be a writable directory for temporary files
    • training.logFile must be a writable file path for logging The following properties may usually by left at their default values:
    • can be left at the default localhost:9092, presuming Zookeeper and Kafka are running locally. Note: Make sure that port 9092 is open on the server because runs on port 9092 by default.
    • the various kafka.*.topic properties should already match those used in the nirdizati-training-backend scripts
  • Stop and restart the server so that it picks up the changes to
  • Ensure that the following bundles are present in the Virgo usr directory (ant start-virgo-community copies them there on startup):
    • Predictive-Monitor-Logic/target/predictive-monitor-logic-1.0.jar
    • Predictive-Monitor-Portal-Plugin/target/predictive-monitor-portal-plugin-1.0.war
    • Predictor-Training-Portal-Plugin/target/predictor-training-portal-plugin-1.0.war
    • Note: You can run the ant start-virgo-community command only once i.e at the startup. Later, you can start the server by executing the ./ -clean command present in the "/ApromoreCE/ApromoreCore/Apromore-Assembly/virgo-tomcat-server-3.6.4.RELEASE/repository/usr/" directory.
    • Note: If you deploy to port 80 (or another port below 1024), you will need to run the previous command as sudo.

Backup and restore

Apromore stores its data objects in two places:

  • Database: all data, except the event logs
  • Event logs which are by default located in the top-level Event-Logs-Repository directory

As such, both need to be backed up and restored.

  • To backup h2 database, it is enough to copy across the Manager-Repository.h2.db file
  • To backup MySQL database, the following command may be used (If prompted for password, enter the password of the ‘apromore’ user i.e ‘MAcri’):
mysqldump -u apromore -p apromore > backup.sql

To backup only one table (rather than the whole database), the following command may be used:

mysqldump -u root -p apromore tablename > tablename.sql

To restore, use

mysql --max_allowed_packet=1G --user=root -p -h localhost apromore < backup.sql
  • For the event logs directory, it is recommended to zip the directory before copying it across

Virgo Admin Console (Security)

  • For security purpose, it is advisable to deactivate the virgo admin console.
  • Go to the directory /ApromoreCE/ApromoreCore/Apromore-Assembly/virgo-tomcat-server-3.6.4.RELEASE/pickup
  • And delete the ‘’ file sudo rm -rf

Change Port Number (optional)

  • Change line#12 in the file present in the /ApromoreCE/ApromoreCore/Apromore-Assembly/virgo-tomcat-server-3.6.4.RELEASE/repository/usr directory.
  • Change line#14 in the tomcat-server.xml file present in the /ApromoreCE/ApromoreCore/Apromore-Assembly/virgo-tomcat-server-3.6.4.RELEASE/configuration directory.