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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

New Computer Setup

  1. Install the latest Xcode and it's command line tools from the Xcode - Apple

  2. Install the Github for Mac Client and set it up:

  3. Install iTerm2

  4. Get Info on iTerm2 and set it to open with Rosetta. Too many command line programs don't support Apple Silicon

  5. Install Kaleidoscope from the Kaleidoscope - Black Pixel and then install ksdiff

  6. Install homebrew
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  7. install git large file support brew install git-lfs

  8. install oh-my-zsh
    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

  9. clone this repo to ~/dotfiles

  10. ~/dotfiles/zsh/

  11. ~/dotfiles/git/

  12. ~/dotfiles/xcode/

  13. ~/dotfiles/osx/

  14. install SwiftLint
    brew install swiftlint

Other Apps to Install

Stream Deck Xcode helpers:

  • Xcode Stream Deck Plugin installed through the stream deck app
  • Blame: Control + Shift + Command + A
  • Document function: Option + Command + /

Other Helpful Links


  • update this repo in ~/dotfiles
    If any for the bash or git config files change run . ~/.zshrc

###Keeping Command Line Tools Up-To-Date Run the following commands to update your command line tools:

  • sudo gem update --system
  • sudo gem update -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
  • brew update
  • brew doctor and follow the instructions

You can also check your other gems/formulas with:

  • gem outdated
  • brew outdated

Don't want to wait for oh-my-zsh auto updates? run:

  • omz update

#System Preferences

Keyboard > Text
  • Uncheck "Correct spelling automatically"
  • Uncheck "Capitalize words automatically"
Accessibility > Pointer Control > Mouse & Trackpad > Trackpad Options
  • Enable dragging with drag lock
  • Check Show volume in the menu bar
  • Check Show Bluetooth in the menu bar

#App Preferences


  • Profiles > Import ~/dotfiles/iTerm2/My Defaults.json
  • Appearance > Theme => Dark


  • General > Uncheck "Open safe files after downloading"
  • General > Open with last windows
  • Advanced > Show full address
  • Advanced > Show developer menu


  • Add accounts
  • Set tabs or spaces as you do
  • Enable code folding ribbon
  • Select one of the themes installed above
  • For all behaviors that default to doing something have theme open a "Debug" window tab so it doesn't mess with what you are working on.
  • Behaviors > Testing > Succeeds or Fails
    Run ~/dotfiles/Xcode/

Custom Behaviors

(All use Command + a number)

  1. Edit
    Show tab named 'Edit'
    Show Project Navigator
    Hide debugger
    Show editor as Current Editor
  2. Design
    Show tab named 'Design'
    Hide debugger
    Show utilities
    Show toolbar
  3. Search
    Show tab named 'Search'
    Show Search Navigator
    Hide debugger
    Hide utilities
    Show editor as Assistant Editor
  4. Diff
    Show tab named 'Diff'
    Show Project Navigator
    Hide debugger
    Hide utilities
    Show editor as Versions Editor
  5. Debug
    Show tab named 'Debug'
    Show Debug Navigator
    Show debugger with current views
    Show editor as Assistant Editor


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