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Octernship Information

Company information

Appwrite is a secure open-source backend server provides the core APIs required to build web and mobile applications. Appwrite provides authentication, database, storage, functions, and advanced real-time capabilities.

Why participate in an Octernship with GitHub

Appwrite is an open-source project with a fast growing community. It started out as an open-source project a few years ago for the purpose of making software development easier and less complex to give developers a better starting point to build new projects. Our team is actively working with the fast-growing community to make Appwrite better. In this role, you will have the opportunity to work as a Developer Advocate by creating simple how-to video demos using Appwrite and Nodejs.

Octernship role description

We're looking for a Developer Advocate to join our Developer Relations team. This team is responsible for fostering and engaging an open source community by creating simple apps and demonstrating it on YouTube videos.

There are many tutorials on creating a to-do app with Appwrite and many high-level video tutorials. What’s missing are the very basics, covering both Nodejs and Appwrite fundamentals. We are looking for an Octern who can demonstrate their developer relations ability by being able to explain a clear step-by-step tutorial on building an app that would help a new developer/CS build their first to-do app.

Important Note

Working on the project serves as your application and it is unpaid. The payment is when you are selected as an official octern with Appwrite, joining as as an intern for 3 months. The monthly stipend will be $500/month with a chance of being hired and/or a report on how you can improve and be an ideal employee.

Octernship info Timelines
Assignment Deadline 15 April 2023
Project Duration 6 weeks
Project Task Length < 1 week
Octernship Duration 3 months

Recommended qualifications

  • Experience with Git & GitHub
  • Experience with Video Editing and using YouTube
  • Experience with Nodejs
  • Experience with Docker
  • Experience with Appwrite


To participate, you must be:

  • A verified student on Global Campus
  • 18 years or older
  • Active contributor on GitHub (monthly)

YouTube Tutorial: Create a Simple Notes App with Appwrite, Nodejs, and MeiliSearch

Create a searchable notes app using Appwrite, Nodejs, and MeiliSearch

Task instructions

There are many tutorials on creating simple apps with Appwrite and high-level tutorials. What’s missing are the very basics, covering both Nodejs and Appwrite fundamentals. We are looking for an Octern who can demonstrate their developer relations ability by being able to explain a clear step-by-step tutorial on building an app that would help a new developer/CS build their first searchable notes app

Key Features

  • Ability to create notes
  • Ability to add new notes
  • Ability to delete notes
  • Ability to search notes

Task Expectations

  • Have enough notes created in the example so that way it makes sense to be able to search
  • You must create one YouTube video that breaks down the steps to create this app in digestible chunks of information.
  • A new developer should be able to follow along your video and replicate the same search app.
  • You can use this exact tutorial to guide you The video must be at most 90 minutes.
  • The videos goal is to help new developers onboard with Appwrite making a simple to-do app and be able to follow along to video instructions
  • Don't worry about intro/outro assets, just the main content on how to build the app
  • You don't need to mention the video is for github octernship
  • Don't worry too much on video/sound quality, we are looking for how you explain technical information
  • Video must be in English

Task submission

  1. Upload the task video to YouTube. Make sure the video is public or unlisted
  2. Submit the YouTube Link and code demo to the auto generated Feedback Pull Request for review and submission
  3. Use GitHub Discussions to ask any relevant questions regarding the project



Create Video - Simple Notes app with Appwrite







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