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Releases: appium/appium-inspector


09 Jun 10:51
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What's Changed

🚀 New Features

  • feat: add locator details to find element results by @sudharsan-selvaraj in #1485
    • This information is only shown if no results are found

🛠 Fixes

  • fix: fix updater by @eglitise in #1407
  • fix: replace newlines in element properties with \n by @miwtoo in #1442
  • fix: do not add appium: for undefined capability keys by @KazuCocoa in #1480
  • fix: add validation for duplicate capability set name by @sudharsan-selvaraj in #1483
    • This does not affect already existing capability sets with duplicate names

🌐 Localization

  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1410
  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1428
  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1439
  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1449
  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1463
  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1495

🔍 Other Changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2024.3.4...v2024.6.1


29 Mar 11:31
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What's Changed

📦 Platform Support

  • ℹmacOS: replaced universal builds with separate x64 and arm64 builds
  • ⚠Windows: removed ia32 builds (please create an issue if you would like these to be re-added)
  • 🎉Windows: added arm64 builds
  • 🎉Linux: added tar.gz format
  • 🎉Linux: added arm64 builds

🚀 New Features

  • feat: add suggested selector for UiAutomator strategy by @eglitise in #1394

🛠 Fixes

  • fix: add pcloudy:options for setting the 'source', username and apikey capability for pCloudy to comply with W3C by @shibupanda in #1388
  • fix: generate suggested locators upon selecting element instead of upon retrieving source by @eglitise in #1389
    • Depending on your app source, this may speed up the source retrieval by anywhere from 100ms to several seconds or even more! ⚡
  • fix: show spinner for element ID property until it is retrieved by @eglitise in #1390
  • fix: use horizontal scrolling for selected element table values by @eglitise in #1394
  • fix: fallback to default server tab when unselecting current provider by @eglitise in #1396
  • fix: rename TestingBot key and secret to username and accessKey by @jochen-testingbot in #1401

🌐 Localization

  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1393

🔍 Other Changes

  • ci: update electron-builder and Azure pipeline configurations by @eglitise in #1404

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2024.3.1...v2024.3.4


05 Mar 21:56
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What's Changed

🛠 Fixes

  • fix: correctly account for position and scroll values of webviews by @jlipps in #1378

🌐 Localization

  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1357

Full Changelog: v2024.2.2...v2024.3.1


12 Feb 18:17
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What's Changed

🛠 Fixes

  • fix: resolve 't' error on saved caps tab by @eglitise in #1345
    • This affected users with one or more unnamed saved capability sets

Full Changelog: v2024.2.1...v2024.2.2


11 Feb 12:52
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What's Changed

🚀 New Features

  • feat: update menu bar by @eglitise in #1338
    • add buttons for Delete, Zoom (macOS only), Zoom In, Zoom Out, Reset Zoom, link to Appium Discuss
    • remove Save button (same as Save As)
    • show the Edit menu for non-macOS

🛠 Fixes

  • fix: resolve issue with Start Session sometimes needing a second click by @orionlize in #1299
  • fix: improve scaling of screenshot width for larger window sizes by @eglitise in #1306
  • fix: reduce getSession endpoint calls in hybrid mode by @KazuCocoa in #1330
  • fix: update menu bar immediately after changing language by @eglitise in #1338

📖 Documentation

🌐 Localization

  • feat: enable Arabic, French, Turkish, Traditional Chinese translations by @eglitise in #1323
  • fix: add remaining translation keys by @eglitise in #1319
  • fix: rename Desired Capabilities to Capability Builder by @eglitise in #1332
  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1271
  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1315
  • chore: Update translations by @github-actions in #1340

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2023.12.2...v2024.2.1


20 Dec 20:26
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What's Changed

  • fix: adjust highlighter positions again by @eglitise in #1259
    • this problem affected Android devices which had one of the screen dimensions below 1000px, and the other above 1000px
  • fix: undefined value reference by @KazuCocoa in #1208
    • this problem affected the process of attaching to an existing session
  • style: remove custom anticon :hover style by @ath0mas in #1224

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2023.11.1...v2023.12.2


13 Nov 19:42
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2023.10.4...v2023.11.1


20 Oct 16:33
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What's Changed

  • fix: update xpath selector selection logic again by @jlipps in #1135

Full Changelog: v2023.10.3...v2023.10.4


16 Oct 22:04
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What's Changed

  • feat: improve xpath locator suggestions by @jlipps in #1131

Full Changelog: v2023.10.1...v2023.10.2


13 Oct 16:47
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What's Changed

  • feat: merge swipe and tap under the same button by @alvarolaserna in #1104
    • swiping now works by tapping -> holding -> dragging -> releasing
  • fix: improve error message for invalid server url by @eglitise in #1113
  • fix: update robotqa session path for Appium 2 by @donmezburak in #1067
  • fix: dereference pending command object correctly by @jlipps in #1069
    • this fixes the issue where many commands in the Commands tab were not working
  • various dependency updates

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2023.8.4...v2023.10.1