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Getting started

Use this SDK to setup the connection to your App-Arena™ Plattform Project.


Install the latest version of the SDK using composer.

composer require app-arena/php-sdk

Initialize the SDK within our index.php or similar

// In your index.php
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Add App-Arena App-Manager
$am = new \AppArena\AppManager([
    'appId' => 1234, // (optional) If you know the appId, then submit it here. Else the SDK will try to get it form GET, POST, REQUEST parameters or facebook settings
    'versionId' => 123, // Add the required version ID of your project version here
    'root_path' => __DIR__ . '/public', // Root path accessible from the web
    'cache' => [
        'dir' => __DIR__ . '/public/var/cache', // Writable folder for file cache. Check the cache section for more options
    'apikey' => 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW' // Add you API key here
// Get config values, languages, translations and infos from the current app, template or version
$configs      = $am->getConfigs();
$infos        = $am->getInfos();
$languages    = $am->getLanguages();
$translations = $am->getTranslations();

Now the connection is setup up and you can receive content from the App-Manager. The App-Manager SDK automatically detects if you want to display an app, template or version by the Query parameters your are sending with your request:

Query Parameter Description Example
appId Returns all configs, translations and infos from the submitted app
templateId Returns all configs, translations and infos from the submitted template
versionId Returns all configs, translations and infos from the submitted verion

If you specify multiple of these query parameters, then versionId is more important than templateId is more important than appId.

Core concepts

  • Cache: Activate on of the build in backend caches to speed up load time for your users
  • CSS / LESS / SCSS: See how the PHP SDK makes it easy for you to compile files individual for each app
  • SmartLink: Intelligent user redirection based on the users device and settings

Special GET parameters

Attach one of these parameters to the url to modify the PHP SDK behaviour

Parameter Description Values
cacheInvalidate Clean certain caches within the app, before the page is loaded. See Cache section for more details.
device Use this parameter to simulate a certain device type. When you attach ?device=tablet to your url, the getDeviceType() function of the PHP SDK will return tablet, to emulate this device type. 'desktop', 'tablet', 'mobile'
preview Attaches a cache busting parameter (?v=TIMESTAMP) to all CSS files Urls (response of method getCssFiles($css_config). This prevents the user to see a cached version of CSS files 'true', 'false'


Method Description Parameters Response
addParams($params) This will add parameters to the smartLink Url. These parameters will be available as GET-Parameters, when a user* clicks on the smartLink. The parameters will be available as GET parameters as well in the facebook page tab* or within an iframe array $params Array of parameters which should be passed through
cacheInvalidate($action = 'all') Invalidate the cache of a submitted entity. See parameter settings in cache section String $action Can be 'all', 'configs', 'infos', 'languages', 'translations', 'apps' or 'templates'
getBaseUrl() Returns the BaseUrl your Sharing Url is generated with. By default it will use the currently used domain string
getBrowser() Returns a browser object you can array
getChannels() Returns a list of channels the current app is installed on. If current entity is not an app, it will return an empty array. array List of channels the current entity has been published on.
getCssFiles($css_config) Returns CSS Helper object to compile and concatenate Less, CSS and Config-Type (CSS) values array $css_config Array to define the compilation process (@see CSS Config. ) array List of compiled CSS file path’s
getDevice() Returns user device information array
getDeviceType() Returns the device type of the current device mobile, tablet, desktop string
getEnvironment() Returns if the app currently running on a website, facebook or direct website means the app is embedded via iframe to a website facebook means the app is embedded in a facebook page tab direct means the app is being accessed directly without iframe embed string
getExpiryDate() Returns a Datetime object, containing the date, the app license expires DateTime
getFacebook() Returns all available Facebook information, like currently used fanpage and canvas information.
getLang() Returns the currently used Language as Language Code (e.g. de_DE, en_US, ...) string
getParams() Returns all params submitted to the SmartLink before redirection array
getOperatingSystem() Returns the operating system of the current user string
getStartDate() Returns a Datetime object, containing the date, the app should be publicly accessible DateTime
getUrl() Returns the SmartLink Url for Sharing string
getUrlLong() Returns the SmartLink Url without Url Shortener bool $shorten Shorten URL using string
getUserLimit() Returns the number of users exportable for an app int
renderSharePage ($debug = false) Renders the complete HTML of the Share page including all meta tags and redirection. bool $debug - Show debug information on the page? string
setBaseUrl($base_url) Sets a new base url for your sharing links (->getUrl()). string $base_url New base url void
setFilename($filename) Sets the filename for the SmartLink (default: smartlink.php) string $filename void
setLang($lang) Sets a new language for the current instance string $lang 5 char Language Code,e .g. de_DE
setMeta($meta) Sets the meta data for SmartLink Share page. All key value pairs will be generated as meta information into the head of the share page. The array keys title, desc, image are the most important. The array values can be Strings or config identifiers of the instance array $meta (see description) array
setParams($params) This will reset all parameters of the smartLink Url. These parameters will be available as GET-Parameters, when a user* clicks on the smartLink. The parameters will be available as GET parameters as well in the facebook page tab* or within an iframe array $params Array of parameters which should be passed through