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Vue.js App enhanced with JWT Authentication. Can be used with Express, Flask or Laravel. Read more on AppSeed.

Vue Argon Design - Gif animated intro.


Setting up for development

  • clone the project: git clone
  • change directory to vuejs-argon-design-system
  • (Optionally) start the Express backend server (default ip/port: locahost:3000)
  • Default backend URL http: This can be overwritten by updating the file: src/views/Login.vue


Install Modules

$ npm i
$ npm install -g serve # (optionally) 


  • npm run serve to start the app. Visit localhost:8080 in your browser. The default port 8080 can be overwritten by updating the package.json, line with serve attribute: vue-cli-service serve --port 8080

Production Build

  • npm run build - build the app in dist directory

Test the production build serve -s dist - and visit localhost:8080 in your browser. You should see this app running.


For issues and features request, use Github or access the support page provided by AppSeed

Vuejs Argon Design System provided by AppSeed