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conversion between selectionSet to columnSet
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sviezypan committed Aug 27, 2021
1 parent fa65347 commit 33fbf68
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Showing 7 changed files with 157 additions and 76 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions core/jvm/src/main/scala/zio/sql/newtypes.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ import scala.language.implicitConversions
trait NewtypesModule {

type ColumnName = String
sealed trait TableName
sealed trait TableName {
def name: String
object TableName {
sealed case class Source(name: String) extends TableName
case object Derived extends TableName
sealed case class Derived(name: String) extends TableName

implicit def strToTable(tableName: String) : TableName = TableName.Source(tableName)
Expand Down
186 changes: 128 additions & 58 deletions core/jvm/src/main/scala/zio/sql/select.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,23 +2,29 @@ package zio.sql

import scala.language.implicitConversions

trait SelectModule { self: ExprModule with TableModule =>
sealed case class SelectBuilder[F, A, B <: SelectionSet[A]](selection: Selection[F, A, B]) {

def from[A1 <: A](table: Table.Aux[A1]): Read.Select[F, selection.value.ResultTypeRepr, A1] = {
type B0 = SelectionSet.Aux[selection.value.ResultTypeRepr, A]
val b: B0 = selection.value
sealed case class SelectBuilder[F, Source, B <: SelectionSet[Source]](selection: Selection[F, Source, B]) {

def from[Source0 <: Source](table: Table.Aux[Source0])
(implicit ev: B <:< SelectionSet.Cons[Source0, selection.value.ColumnHead, selection.value.SelectionTail]): Read.Select[F, selection.value.ResultTypeRepr, Source0] = {
type B0 = SelectionSet.ConsAux[selection.value.ResultTypeRepr, Source0, selection.value.ColumnHead, selection.value.SelectionTail]
val b: B0 = selection.value.asInstanceOf[B0]

Read.Select(Selection[F, A1, B0](b), Some(table), true, Nil)
Read.Select(Selection[F, Source0, B0](b), Some(table), true, Nil)

object SelectBuilder {
implicit def noTable[F, A >: Any, B <: SelectionSet[A]](
selectBuilder: SelectBuilder[F, A, B]
): Read.Select[F, selectBuilder.selection.value.ResultTypeRepr, A] = {
type B0 = SelectionSet.Aux[selectBuilder.selection.value.ResultTypeRepr, A]
val b: B0 = selectBuilder.selection.value
Read.Select(Selection[F, A, B0](b), None, true, Nil)
implicit def noTable[F, Source >: Any, B <: SelectionSet[Source]](
selectBuilder: SelectBuilder[F, Source, B]
)(implicit ev: B <:< SelectionSet.Cons[Source, selectBuilder.selection.value.ColumnHead, selectBuilder.selection.value.SelectionTail]
): Read.Select[F, selectBuilder.selection.value.ResultTypeRepr, Source] = {
type B0 = SelectionSet.ConsAux[selectBuilder.selection.value.ResultTypeRepr, Source, selectBuilder.selection.value.ColumnHead, selectBuilder.selection.value.SelectionTail]
val b: B0 = selectBuilder.selection.value.asInstanceOf[B0]

Read.Select(Selection[F, Source, B0](b), None, true, Nil)

Expand All @@ -30,10 +36,15 @@ trait SelectModule { self: ExprModule with TableModule =>

val mapper: ResultType => Out

type ColumnsRepr[TableType]
type TableType
type ColumnHead
type ColumnTail <: ColumnSet

type CS <: ColumnSet.Cons[ColumnHead, ColumnTail]
type ColumnsRepr[X]

val columns: ColumnsRepr[_ <: TableType]
val columnSet : CS

def asTable(tableName: TableName): columnSet.TableSource = columnSet.table(tableName)

* Maps the [[Read]] query's output to another type by providing a function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,13 +229,8 @@ trait SelectModule { self: ExprModule with TableModule =>
f(a, b, c, d, e, fArg, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t)

// def union[Out1 >: Out](that: Read.Aux[ResultType, Out1]): Read.Aux[ResultType, Out1] =
// Read.Union[ResultType, Out1](self, that, true)

//TODO check union logic
def union[Out1 >: Out, ThatResultType](that: Read.Aux[ThatResultType, Out1]): Read.Aux[self.ResultType with ThatResultType, Out1] =
//Read.Union[self.ResultType with that.ResultType, Out with Out1](self, that, true)
def union[Out1 >: Out](that: Read.Aux[ResultType, Out1]): Read.Aux[ResultType, Out1] =
Read.Union[ResultType, Out1](self, that, true)

def unionAll[Out1 >: Out](that: Read.Aux[ResultType, Out1]): Read.Aux[ResultType, Out1] =
Read.Union[ResultType, Out1](self, that, false)
Expand All @@ -240,81 +246,98 @@ trait SelectModule { self: ExprModule with TableModule =>

val mapper = read.mapper.andThen(f)

type ColumnsRepr[TableType]
override type ColumnHead = read.ColumnHead
override type ColumnTail = read.ColumnTail

override type CS = read.CS

override val columnSet : CS = read.columnSet

val columns: ColumnsRepr[_ <: TableType] = ???
override type ColumnsRepr[X] = read.ColumnsRepr[X]

sealed case class Select[F, Repr, A](
selection: Selection[F, A, SelectionSet.Aux[Repr, A]],
table: Option[Table.Aux[A]],
whereExpr: Expr[_, A, Boolean],
groupBy: List[Expr[_, A, Any]],
havingExpr: Expr[_, A, Boolean] = true,
orderBy: List[Ordering[Expr[_, A, Any]]] = Nil,
sealed case class Select[F, Repr, Source](
selection: Selection[F, Source, SelectionSet.ConsAux[Repr, Source, _, _ <: SelectionSet[Source]]],
table: Option[Table.Aux[Source]],
whereExpr: Expr[_, Source, Boolean],
groupBy: List[Expr[_, Source, Any]],
havingExpr: Expr[_, Source, Boolean] = true,
orderBy: List[Ordering[Expr[_, Source, Any]]] = Nil,
offset: Option[Long] = None, //todo don't know how to do this outside of postgres/mysql
limit: Option[Long] = None
) extends Read[Repr] { self =>
type ResultType = Repr

val mapper: Repr => Repr = identity(_)

def where(whereExpr2: Expr[_, A, Boolean]): Select[F, Repr, A] =
def where(whereExpr2: Expr[_, Source, Boolean]): Select[F, Repr, Source] =
copy(whereExpr = self.whereExpr && whereExpr2)

def limit(n: Long): Select[F, Repr, A] = copy(limit = Some(n))
def limit(n: Long): Select[F, Repr, Source] = copy(limit = Some(n))

def offset(n: Long): Select[F, Repr, A] = copy(offset = Some(n))
def offset(n: Long): Select[F, Repr, Source] = copy(offset = Some(n))

def orderBy(o: Ordering[Expr[_, A, Any]], os: Ordering[Expr[_, A, Any]]*): Select[F, Repr, A] =
def orderBy(o: Ordering[Expr[_, Source, Any]], os: Ordering[Expr[_, Source, Any]]*): Select[F, Repr, Source] =
copy(orderBy = self.orderBy ++ (o :: os.toList))

def groupBy(key: Expr[_, A, Any], keys: Expr[_, A, Any]*)(implicit
def groupBy(key: Expr[_, Source, Any], keys: Expr[_, Source, Any]*)(implicit
ev: Features.IsAggregated[F]
): Select[F, Repr, A] = {
): Select[F, Repr, Source] = {
val _ = ev
copy(groupBy = groupBy ++ (key :: keys.toList))

def having(havingExpr2: Expr[_, A, Boolean])(implicit
def having(havingExpr2: Expr[_, Source, Boolean])(implicit
ev: Features.IsAggregated[F]
): Select[F, Repr, A] = {
): Select[F, Repr, Source] = {
val _ = ev
copy(havingExpr = self.havingExpr && havingExpr2)

type ColumnsRepr[TableType]
override type ColumnHead = selection.value.ColumnHead
override type ColumnTail = selection.value.ColumnTail

val columns: ColumnsRepr[_ <: TableType] = ???
override val columnSet : CS = selection.value.columnSet(0)

override type CS = selection.value.CS

override type ColumnsRepr[X] = selection.value.ColumnsRepr[X]

// TODO what to do with distinct?
sealed case class Union[Repr, Out](left: Read.Aux[Repr, Out], right: Read.Aux[Repr, Out], distinct: Boolean)
extends Read[Out] {
type ResultType = Repr

val mapper: ResultType => Out = left.mapper

//TODO left has type Expr[T1, String], right has Expr[T2, String], ColumnsRepr is Expr[T1 with T2, String]
//type ColumnsRepr[TableType] = left.ColumnsRepr[left.TableType with right.TableType]
type ColumnsRepr[TableType] = Expr[Features.Union[left.ColumnsRepr[left.TableType], right.ColumnsRepr[right.TableType]],
TableType, left.ColumnsRepr[left.TableType] with right.ColumnsRepr[right.TableType]]
//TODO union is allowed only if two selection are of the same column names and the same column types
override type ColumnHead = left.ColumnHead
override type ColumnTail = left.ColumnTail

override type CS = left.CS

override val columnSet : CS = left.columnSet

//TODO turn the name columns into indexed columns so they can apply to either left hand or right hand side
val columns: ColumnsRepr[left.TableType with right.TableType] = //left.columns.asInstanceOf
??? // Expr.Source(TàbleName.Derived, )
override type ColumnsRepr[X] = left.ColumnsRepr[X]

// QUESITON doesn't literal need to have a name of a column?
// EXAMPLE select * from (select '1' as up) as x
sealed case class Literal[B: TypeTag](values: Iterable[B]) extends Read[(B, Unit)] {
type ResultType = (B, Unit)

val mapper: ResultType => (B, Unit) = identity(_)

def typeTag: TypeTag[B] = implicitly[TypeTag[B]]

type ColumnsRepr[TableType] = (Expr[Features.Source, TableType, B], Unit)
override type ColumnHead = B
override type ColumnTail = ColumnSet.Empty

val columns: ColumnsRepr[TableType] = (Expr.Source(TableName.Derived, Column.Indexed(1)), ())
override type CS = ColumnSet.Cons[ColumnHead, ColumnTail]

override val columnSet : CS = ColumnSet.Cons(Column.Indexed[ColumnHead](1), ColumnSet.Empty)

override type ColumnsRepr[X] = (Expr.Source[TableName.Derived, Column.Indexed[ColumnHead]], Unit)

def lit[B: TypeTag](values: B*): Read[(B, Unit)] = Literal(values.toSeq)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,28 +382,51 @@ trait SelectModule { self: ExprModule with TableModule =>
computedOption(expr, Some(name))

sealed trait ColumnSelection[-A, +B] {
sealed trait ColumnSelection[-Source, +ColumnType] {
type ColumnType0 <: ColumnType

def name: Option[ColumnName]

def toColumn(index: Int) : Column[ColumnType]

object ColumnSelection {

sealed case class Constant[A: TypeTag](value: A, name: Option[ColumnName]) extends ColumnSelection[Any, A] {
def typeTag: TypeTag[A] = implicitly[TypeTag[A]]
sealed case class Constant[ColumnType: TypeTag](value: ColumnType, name: Option[ColumnName]) extends ColumnSelection[Any, ColumnType] {
def typeTag: TypeTag[ColumnType] = implicitly[TypeTag[ColumnType]]

def toColumn(index: Int) : Column[ColumnType] = name match {
case Some(value) => Column.Named(value)
case None => Column.Indexed(index)

sealed case class Computed[F, A, B](expr: Expr[F, A, B], name: Option[ColumnName]) extends ColumnSelection[A, B] {
def typeTag: TypeTag[B] = Expr.typeTagOf(expr)
sealed case class Computed[F, Source, ColumnType](expr: Expr[F, Source, ColumnType], name: Option[ColumnName]) extends ColumnSelection[Source, ColumnType] {
implicit def typeTag: TypeTag[ColumnType] = Expr.typeTagOf(expr)

def toColumn(index: Int) : Column[ColumnType] = name match {
case Some(value) => Column.Named(value)
case None => Column.Indexed(index)

sealed trait SelectionSet[-Source] {
type SelectionsRepr[Source1, T]

type ResultTypeRepr

type Append[Source1, That <: SelectionSet[Source1]] <: SelectionSet[Source1]

type ColumnHead
type ColumnTail <: ColumnSet
type SelectionTail <: SelectionSet[Source]

type CS <: ColumnSet
def columnSet(startingIndex: Int) : CS

type ColumnsRepr[X]

def ++[Source1 <: Source, That <: SelectionSet[Source1]](that: That): Append[Source1, That]

def selectionsUntyped: List[ColumnSelection[Source, _]]
Expand All @@ -394,12 +440,25 @@ trait SelectModule { self: ExprModule with TableModule =>
type ResultTypeRepr = ResultTypeRepr0

type ConsAux[ResultTypeRepr0, -Source, A, B <: SelectionSet[Source]] =
SelectionSet.Cons[Source, A, B] {
type ResultTypeRepr = ResultTypeRepr0

type Singleton[-Source, A] = Cons[Source, A, Empty]

type Empty = Empty.type

case object Empty extends SelectionSet[Any] {

override type ColumnHead = Unit
override type ColumnTail = ColumnSet.Empty
override type SelectionTail = SelectionSet.Empty

override type CS = ColumnSet.Empty
override def columnSet(startingIndex: Int) : CS = ColumnSet.Empty

override type ColumnsRepr[X] = Unit
override type SelectionsRepr[Source1, T] = Unit

override type ResultTypeRepr = Unit
Expand All @@ -411,12 +470,23 @@ trait SelectModule { self: ExprModule with TableModule =>

override def selectionsUntyped: List[ColumnSelection[Any, _]] = Nil

def selections[Source1 <: Any, T]: SelectionsRepr[Source1, T] = ()
override def selections[Source1 <: Any, T]: SelectionsRepr[Source1, T] = ()

sealed case class Cons[-Source, A, B <: SelectionSet[Source]](head: ColumnSelection[Source, A], tail: B)
extends SelectionSet[Source] { self =>

override type ColumnHead = A
override type ColumnTail = tail.CS
override type SelectionTail = B

override type CS = ColumnSet.Cons[ColumnHead, ColumnTail]

override def columnSet(startingIndex: Int) : CS =
ColumnSet.Cons[ColumnHead, ColumnTail](head.toColumn(startingIndex), tail.columnSet(startingIndex + 1))//.asInstanceOf

override type ColumnsRepr[X] = (Expr[Features.Source, X, A], tail.ColumnsRepr[X])

override type SelectionsRepr[Source1, T] = (ColumnSelection[Source1, A], tail.SelectionsRepr[Source1, T])

override type ResultTypeRepr = (A, tail.ResultTypeRepr)
Expand All @@ -429,7 +499,7 @@ trait SelectModule { self: ExprModule with TableModule =>

override def selectionsUntyped: List[ColumnSelection[Source, _]] = head :: tail.selectionsUntyped

def selections[Source1 <: Source, T]: SelectionsRepr[Source1, T] = (head, tail.selections[Source1, T])
override def selections[Source1 <: Source, T]: SelectionsRepr[Source1, T] = (head, tail.selections[Source1, T])

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion core/jvm/src/main/scala/zio/sql/table.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ trait TableModule { self: ExprModule with SelectModule =>

object ColumnSet {
type ConsAux[Head, Tail <: ColumnSet, TableType, ColumnsRepr0[TableType]] = ColumnSet.Cons[Head, Tail] { type ColumnsRepr = ColumnsRepr0[TableType] }

type Empty = Empty.type
type :*:[A, B <: ColumnSet] = Cons[A, B]
type Singleton[A] = Cons[A, Empty]
Expand All @@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ trait TableModule { self: ExprModule with SelectModule =>
sealed case class Cons[A, B <: ColumnSet](head: Column[A], tail: B) extends ColumnSet { self =>
type ColumnsRepr[T] = (Expr[Features.Source, T, A], tail.ColumnsRepr[T])
type Append[That <: ColumnSet] = Cons[A, tail.Append[That]]
type TableSource = Table.Source.Aux_[ColumnsRepr, A :*: B]

override def ++[That <: ColumnSet](that: That): Append[That] = Cons(head, tail ++ that)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ trait TableModule { self: ExprModule with SelectModule =>
def unapply[A, B](tuple: (A, B)): Some[(A, B)] = Some(tuple)

sealed trait Column[A]{
sealed trait Column[+A]{
def typeTag: TypeTag[A]

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion mysql/src/main/scala/zio/sql/mysql/MysqlModule.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ trait MysqlModule extends Jdbc { self =>
private def renderExpr[A, B](expr: self.Expr[_, A, B])(implicit render: Renderer): Unit = expr match {
case Expr.Source(table, column) => {
(table, column) match {
case (TableName.Source(tableName), Column.Named(columnName)) => render(tableName, ".", columnName)
case (tableName: TableName, Column.Named(columnName)) => render(tableName, ".", columnName)
case _ => ()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion oracle/src/main/scala/zio/sql/oracle/OracleModule.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ trait OracleModule extends Jdbc { self =>
def buildExpr[A, B](expr: self.Expr[_, A, B], builder: StringBuilder): Unit = expr match {
case Expr.Source(table, column) => {
(table, column) match {
case (TableName.Source(tableName), Column.Named(columnName)) =>
case (tableName: TableName, Column.Named(columnName)) =>
val _ = builder.append(tableName).append(".").append(columnName)
case _ => ()
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ trait PostgresModule extends Jdbc { self =>
private[zio] def renderExpr[A, B](expr: self.Expr[_, A, B])(implicit render: Renderer): Unit = expr match {
case Expr.Source(table, column) => {
(table, column) match {
case (TableName.Source(tableName), Column.Named(columnName)) =>
case (tableName: TableName, Column.Named(columnName)) =>
render(tableName, ".", columnName)
case _ => ()
Expand Down

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