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Christofer Dutz edited this page Nov 22, 2022 · 3 revisions

On this page we'll be listing things, that we will probably be working on in the future, however there is no guarantee that any feature listed here will be finished by a given date or that things will be implemented in this order or even if they will be implemented at all.

It's probably also stuff we would be delighted to get help with. So if any of these trigger your interest, please feel free to reach out to us on [email protected] (Subscribe by sending an empty email to [email protected]).


  • Support typeSwitch fields inside typeSwitch cases
  • Support using API enum types in MSPEC definitions (PlcValueType, ErrorCode)
  • Support generation of Message Templates (Pre-defined message types)
  • Support generation of Interactions (Sending of messages using templates and receiving responses)
  • Support generation of Driver Logic by using Message Templates, Interactions and a State-Machine representation (SCXML) to generate most of the driver-logic needed


  • PLC4Py
  • PLC4Rust
  • PLC4C
  • PLC4Net


  • Help port existing drivers from Java to Go and other supported languages.
  • Implement passive mode variants of our drivers


  • Generic query optimizer (Automatically splits up requests and possibly rewrites queries internally to be more efficient)
  • Rewrite of the Scraper (Java)
  • Implementation of something like the Scraper for PLC4Go
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