Apache Dubbo Erlang Implementation.
The following features are supported.
- Zookeeper registry center (√)
- Dubbo Protocol (√)
- Serialize
- Hessian serialize (√)
- Json serialize (√)
- Erlang project as consumer or provider (√)
- Sync and Async invoker (√)
- Random loadbalance (√)
- Connection pools (√)
- Support protocol,cluster,loadbalance,registry and filter extension point.
Add dubblerl to rebar.config with your project
{deps, [
{dubboerl, {git, "https://github.com/apache/dubbo-erlang.git", {branch, "master"}}}
Use erlanalysis tool transfer java interface to erlang lib. And add the lib to you project app dir.
configure dubbo reference.
in sys.config add dubboerl config. For example:
{protocol, {dubbo, [{port, 20882}]}},
Init dubboerl application context when your project start.
Call the interface method.
Request = #userInfoRequest{requestId = 123, username = "testname"},
userOperator:queryUserInfo(Request,#{sync=> true}).
Reference the demo project dubboerl_demo
Reference Docs