Create your own custom resume quickly with sections designed to impress recruiters globally. Each section is carefully tailored to showcase your skills and personality, ensuring your application stands out and leaves a lasting impression.
- This application is purely frontend application, collection of no data at all.
- It is deployed on vercel Live Link.
- Technologies Used
- Installation
- Features
- Folder Structure
- Acknowledgement
- Project History
- Contributors
- License
- Vite
- Npm
- Material UI
- React.js
- Javascript
- Redux
- React Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- React hook form
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the frontend folder and run
npm install
to install frontend dependencies. - Run
npm run dev
in the frontend folder to start the frontend application.
- Pre defined multiple templates
- Industry level resume creation
- Export as pdf
- Easy Interface
- ATS Friendly Design
|-- src |-- assets |-- components |-- AppNavBar |-- Navbar.jsx |-- NavbarDesktop.jsx |-- NavbarMobile.jsx |-- NavbarMobileDrawer.jsx |-- input |-- Address.jsx |-- Bio.jsx |-- Education.jsx |-- Experience.jsx |-- KeySkills.jsx |-- Projects.jsx |-- UploadImage.jsx |-- preview |-- Address.jsx |-- Bio.jsx |-- Education.jsx |-- Experience.jsx |-- KeySkills.jsx |-- Projects.jsx |-- ViewPreview.jsx |-- FillDetailButton.jsx |-- FillDetailSideBar.jsx |-- Footer.jsx |-- SuccessSnackbar.jsx |-- data |-- aboutData.js |-- details.js |-- social.js |-- templates.js |-- pages |-- About.jsx |-- FillDetails.jsx |-- Home.jsx |-- MyResume.jsx |-- redux |-- slices |-- addressSlice.js |-- bioSlice.js |-- educationSlice.js |-- experienceSlice.js |-- keySkillsSlice.js |-- projectsSlice.js |-- sliceDynamicStyle.js |-- sliceFillDetails.js |-- store.js |-- styles |-- footer.module.css |-- home.module.css |-- input.module.css |-- navbar.module.css |-- utils |-- colors.js |-- controls.js |-- App.jsx |-- main.jsx |-- index.css |-- index.html |-- package.json |-- package-lock.json
- First Commit : January 07, 2024
- First Release : February 07, 2024
- Updated Release : I am continously updating our application after first live.
- Anurag Affection
- You are welcome to contribute here !
You are free to:
- Use — the software for any purpose
- Share — Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
- Adapt — Remix, transform, and build upon the material
Under the following terms:
- Attribution — You must give appropriate credit.
- NonCommercial — You may not use material for commercial purposes.