Key points and lines detection
Goal of this project is to generate a top-view image of a soccer game with the players and the ball on it, potentially to generate statistics of the game.
This requires several computer vision algorithms. Here are described the main steps:
- first detect the main lines and corners on the soccer pitch like the central circle, the lateral lines, the goal lines etc.
- with those key points, find the optimal camera pose and focal length to match the observation with a real soccer pitch with known dimensions.
- On the other hand, use YOLOv5 neural network to detect players and balls on the image.
- Then reproject 2D bounding boxes to the world coordinates and watch the top view.
camera pose estimation and lines reprojection
Yolov5 players and ball detection with jersey colors
Top view images with ball in blue, players with jersey colors, referee in black
├── camera_pose_estimation_package # Camera pose estimation package
│ ├── camera_pose_estimation
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── images # Example images
│ ├── image_001.png
│ ├── image_002.png
│ ├── image_003.png
│ ├── image_004.png
│ ├── image_005.png
│ ├── image_006.png
│ ├── image_007.png
│ ├── image_008.png
│ └── image_009.png
├── # Main script to generate top view of the soccer pitch with players/ball
├── out
├── pitch_tracker_package
│ ├── pitch_tracker
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── players_and_ball_detection # Yolov5 neural network folder
│ ├── det_image_001.png
│ ├── image_001.png
│ └──
├── res # Resources for
│ ├── inference_tracking.png
│ ├── key_points_description.png
│ ├── key_points.png
│ ├── pose_estimation.png
│ └── top_view.png
├── soccer_field.png # Soccer field image (top view)
└── # Basic tracking of the ball + assign color to each player
This was tested under Python 3.8.13 in a virutal environment.
Please run:
cd camera_pose_estimation_package
pip install -e .
cd ../pitch_tracker_package
pip install -e .
If you are using videos, I recommend to extract them using ffmpeg, for example:
ffmpeg -i your_video.mp4 -r 25 image_%03d.png
Then, use the yolov5 weights to detect the players and the ball on each image, and save the results in .txt files.
First test the basic tracking and color assignement by running:
python your_images/ your_yolo_labels/
If you are satifsied with this, you can build up a top view visualization:
python your_images/ your_yolo_labels/
If you want to build up a video with images, it s possible too with ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i image_%03d.png -c:v libx264 -vf fps=25 -pix_fmt yuv420p out_video.mp4
As you can see, results are not as good as expected, for the following reasons:
- we assume no camera distortion
- we assume that the optical center is perfeclty centered on the camera
- we dont know in advance what is the intrinsic matrix
- we dont know the camera location
- neural network could perform better
- tracking of the ball is very basic
- we assume that the ball is constantly at 0 altitude, so when it s shot in the air, trajectory is very weird
Ideally, we would want to be able to track each player continuously, and follow each of them by its jersey number. Even if one of the players goes out of the field of view of the camera, we would like to recognize him when he is showing up again.
Filtering could be added for object movement (Kalman filter) and camera movement too (way too shaky).
More areas of improvements are detailed in each folder