DSM-TUI (Decks Server Manager TUI) is a tool that allows server management by viewing active services and server status. It is developed in Python with TUI (Terminal User Inteface)
We made Windows compatible and something in beta could not work
because of the libraries it is better to keep version 3 or higher or the application may not work.
Downloading the app from source could be both a bad idea and a good idea, the app could not go because of the outdated libraries or the outdated program, instead it could be useful in case of problems in the code or even just to change it.
#copy of the repository
git clone https://github.com/aniko33/DSM-TUI.git
#open folder
#install req...
pip install -r req.txt
#creating the startup file on /bin
chmod +x dsm && sudo mv dsm /bin
echo remove DSM-TUI folder...
cd ..
rm -rf DSM-TUI
echo now you can start DSM with the command: dsm
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aniko33/DSM-TUI/main/dsm-windows.py --output dsm.py
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aniko33/DSM-TUI/main/req.txt --output req.txt
pip install -r req.txt
echo now you can start DSM with the command: python dsm.py
Downloading from a compiled file could be useful in case the libraries are of poor quality or just because python no longer allows use. The compiled file was compiled with Pyinstaller.
wget https://github.com/aniko33/DSM-TUI/releases/download/v1.1/dsmcom
chmod +x dsmcom
sudo mv dsmcom /bin/dsm
echo now you can start DSM with the command: dsm
Using this tool is very easy just run the command: on Linux dsm
on Windows: python dsm.py
and an interface with various functions will be given.
This app needs to be connected to an internet network and must be able to connect to google.com or, in case, change the link.
there is no guide on reading the code and using it, perhaps in the next versions there will be a documentation for developers