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Insights: angular/angular-cli

Dependency graph

Package: angular-cli

Repositories that depend on angular-cli

40,054 Repositories 499 Packages
These counts are approximate and may not exactly match the dependents shown below.
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@ryanadrh26 ryanadrh26 / Yotzandre yotzandre
0 0
@ghost @everything-registry/sub-chunk-1132
@ghost @infinitebrahmanuniverse/nolb-angular-c
@ghost @zalastax/nolb-angular-c
@ghost @infinite-ux/core
@denkstrap denkstrap / denkstrap-toolkit validation-service
0 0
@joaoscaravonatti joaoscaravonatti / graphql-login user-control
2 0
@bittech-project bittech-project / control testlib
4 0
@bleenco bleenco / ngx-uploader ng2-uploader
756 348
@tademet tademet / -NgBonita ng-bonita
0 0
@gund gund / ng-http-interceptor ng2-http-interceptor
104 18
@shlomiassaf shlomiassaf / ngx-modialog angular2-modal
686 241
@dimpu dimpu / ngx-md angular2-markdown
264 80
@ghost wim-security-pack-test
@ghost @dminguela/snw-maps-widget
@sckumar sckumar / ionic-manup igtb-ionic-manup
0 0
@mobxjs mobxjs / mobx-angular @jonhermansen/mobx-angular
482 58
@mobxjs mobxjs / mobx-angular @eklesia/mobx-angular
482 58
@ghost refdata-last-library
@ghost @kognifai/poseidon-timeseries
@Synerty Synerty / vortexjs @synerty/vortexjs
0 0
@Firestitch Firestitch / ngx-code-generator @firestitch/codegenerator
0 0