The k3dcontainer container was created to easily setup the lightweight Kubernetes cluster with the k3d tool on a Docker environment. This k8 cluster is primarily used for Kubernetes integration tests executed on the development machine or on a continuous integration environment.
The k3dcontainer provides kubectl client and Kube config for other test libraries/frameworks to use in their Kubernetes tests.
The k3dcontainer will be running in a infinite loop until the manually stopped by user or automatically by test libraries/frameworks.
Here is an example of initiating the kubernetes cluster with help of the k3dcontainer. It's important to provide docker socket volume to be able to talk to the Kubernetes cluster container. Directories as volumes must be provided to be able to do configmap setups. Default secret environment must be provided if you want to create secret environment variables defined by the HOST environment and used by the K8 manifest files. Volume directory containing the Kubernetes manifest yaml files must be provided to deploy pods, services and deployments etc. It's important the right number ordering of the yaml files is set if they are dependent on each other.
docker run --net=host \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v "$(pwd)"/service:/service \
-v "$(pwd)"/security:/security \
-v "$(pwd)"/deployment:/deployment \
--env CLUSTER_NAME="jsquad" \
--env CLUSTER_API_PORT="6443" \
--env LOAD_BALANCER_PORTS="1080 80 443" \
--env SECRET_ENVIRONMENT="openbank-spring-secret" \
--env CREATE_CONFIG_MAPS_VOLUMES_FROM_FILES_COMMAND="kubectl create configmap ssl-volume \
--from-file=/service/src/test/resources/test/ssl/truststore && \
kubectl create configmap flyway-ddl-volume --from-file=/security/sql" \
--env DEPLOY_YAML_FILES_PATH="/deployment" jsquadab/k3dcontainer:latest