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Sinto project management

A generateable web application using JavaScirpt and TypeScript, and a JavaFX form application for VSCode.



npm i -g sinto


Make a project:

mkdir app01
cd app01

Generate default web directories and files:

sin init

Install default dependecies:

npm i

Development server

sin serve


sin build

This command is generate public directory from src directory.


  • sin init - Initilalize the project
  • sin serve - Start development server
  • sin build - Start public generation
  • sin rmno - Delete node_modules directory
  • sin api - Generate fake REST API with hai-server
  • sin webpack - Generate Webpack project
  • sin pup - Generate Puppeteer test with Mocha
  • sin addts - Generate tsconfig.json and add dependencies
  • sin ts - Initialize TypeScript Node.js project
  • sin web - Generate HTML and empty CSS files
  • sin esbuild - Generate esbuild project
  • sin javafx - Generate JavaFX project

For web application, the default task manager is gulp. Development serve is browser-sync.

Fake REST API server

The sin api command generate fake REST API project directory with hai-server.


sin api
npm i

Generated files:


Webpack project generator

The sin webpack command generate a webpack project.


sin webpack
npm i

Generated directories and files:

  |  `-index.html
  |  |-js/
  |  |  `-index.js
  |  `-scss/
  |     `-style.scss

Puppeteer test with Mocha

The sin pup command generate a Puppeteer test with Mocha default test file.

The sin pup command does not install the dependencies, it just writes them into the package.json file. Install the dependencies with the npm i or pnpm i command.


sin pup
npm i

Generated directoriy and file:


Automatically adds the test script and dependencies to the package.json file.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "mocha"
  "devDependencies": {
    "mocha": "^x.y.z",
    "puppeteer": "^x.y.z"    

The version numbers are updated.

Write the tests in test directory and run the tests:

npm test


TypeScript config and dependencies

The sin addts command generate a tsconfig.json and add dependencies to package.json.

The sin addts command does not install the dependencies, it just writes them into the package.json file. Install the dependencies with the npm i or pnpm i command.


sin init
sin addts
npm i

TypeScript Node.js project

The sin ts command generate a TypeScript Node.js project.


sin ts
npm i

Generated directories and files:

  |  |-assets/
  |  |-app.ts
  |  |-index.html
  |  `-style.css

ESBuild project generator

The sin esbuild command generate a esbuild project.


sin esbuild
pnpm i
pnpm dev
pnpm start

Generated directories and files:

  |  |-index.html
  |  `-style.css
  |  `-index.js

Update the src/app.ts your index file.


  • src/app.ts
  • src/index.ts
  • src/app.js
  • src/index.js
  • src/script.js

To build production run next command:

pnpm build

This command is generate dist directory from src directory. The build command not copy the public directory.

JavaFX project generator

The sin javafx command generate a JavaFX project. The generated project willl be a package generated with No build tools for VSCode.

Steps to use:

  • Create project directory. For example: mkdir app01
  • Change directory to project directory. For example: cd app01
  • Create a JavaFX project with the sin javafx command.
  • Copy to lib dirctory JavaFX libraries.
  • Open project directory with VSCode: code .
  • Add Configuration with VSCode: Run > Add Configuration..
  • Save the .vscode/launch.json file.
  • Run project with VSCode: Run > Run This will fail.
  • Set the JavaFX path. For example: sin javafx -p lib/javafx
  • Open the mainScedne.fmxl file, and add components, and save.

Change the path to your JavaFX path.


Website generator; npm package






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