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ZioFlatSpec for ScalaTest

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ScalaTest spec for testing zio monad.

Getting ZioFlatSpec

To resolve artifacts through Artifactory, simply add the following code snippet to your build.sbt file:

resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo

The current version is 3.2.1, which is cross-built against Scala 2.11.x, 2.12.x and 2.13.x.

libraryDependencies += "org.github.andriimartynov" %% "scalatest-zio" % "3.2.1"

Usage example

class ExampleSpec extends ZioFlatSpec {
  //For RIO[SomeService, Assertion]
  implicit protected val layer: Layer[Nothing, SomeService with AnowerService] = ...
  //For IO[ExceptionWrapper, Assertion]
  implicit protected val exceptionConverter: ExceptionWrapper => Throwable = ...
  it should "a RIO example" in {
    for {
      result <- SomeService.method() 
    } yield result
  it should "a IO example" in {
    for {
      result <- IO.fromFunction(_ => ...) 
    } yield result
  it should "a Task example" in {
    for {
      result <- Task.fromFunction(_ => ...) 
    } yield result