Simple bootstrap config for quick start
Walkthrough for setup Kubernetes on CoreOS on DigitalOcean.
Create a new droplet via DO interface, and choose following options
- Droplet Hostname: master
- Select Size: Any
- Select Region: Any with private networking support
- Activate these additional option: "Private Networking" and "Enable User Data"
- Put cloud-init-master config to user data textarea
- Select Image: CoreOS
- Choose your SSH key
- Press a "Create a Droplet" button
Create a new droplet via DO interface, and choose following options
- Droplet Hostname: node
- Select Size: Any
- Select Region: Any with private networking support
- Activate these additional option: "Private Networking" and "Enable User Data"
- Put cloud-init-node config to user data textarea
- Replace
by your master private ip address - Select Image: CoreOS
- Choose your SSH key
- Press a "Create a Droplet" button
- Connect to master
ssh core@%MASTER_DROPLET_EXTERNAL_IP% -i IdentityFile
fleetctl list-machines
kubectl get nodes