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Magic Mapper


Magic Mapper is a script that will let you remap unused buttons on the LG Magic Remote. The script itself runs on your rooted LG TV, detects button presses, and allows you to control anything available via the luna-send api. Note your TV must be rooted to use this.

Currently Supported Functions

The script has support to do the the following (default config button):

TV Models supported (Likely any LG TV after 2018 are supported until this stops working with unknown future models)

  • LG C9 - Fully tested on FW 05.30.25
  • LG CX - Not tested, but should work.
  • LG C1 - Not tested, but should work.
  • LG C2 - Fully tested

Known Issues

  • Some buttons automatically activate the mouse, you can disable the mouse to avoid this, but this will disable the mouse completely.
  • If a button has a long press function (ie 0-9), and it's configured in magic_mapper_config.json, long pressing the button will no longer work.
  • This script attempts to take exclusive control of the remote's input device; this could have unknown unintended consequences. If weird things start happening, edit the script and set EXCLUSIVE_MODE = False near the top. Note that with exclusive mode disabled, a button's default behavior will not be blocked, which means you will not be able to ovveride app buttons or buttons such as "guide".
  • To use with an IR remote, change INPUT_DEVICE = "/dev/input/event1". To use with both the magic remote and IR remote, run two copies of this script with different INPUT_DEVICE settings.

Installation / Setup

  • Root your TV using and install the Home Brew app
  • Once your TV is rooted, run the following to download the Magic Mapper scripts (or just vi the files and copy and paste, or just use scp on the C9/CX, but the C2 doesn't support scp).
cd /home/root
cd /var/lib/webosbrew/init.d
chmod +x /var/lib/webosbrew/init.d/start_magic_mapper
  • Edit magic_mapper_config.json as needed
  • Lastly, reboot the TV (execute the reboot command over SSH, or open the homebrew app, click the cog, click the reboot link.)

Configuring buttons

Buttons are configured via the magic_mapper_config.json file. magic_mapper_config.json contains a json formatted dictionary where each primary key is the name of the button to map (see the Button List below). Note that changes to magic_mapper_config.json require you to restart the script, so just reboot your TV or if testing over SSH, kill the process and run the script manually.

"yellow": {  # The name of the button to remap, see the Button List below
  "function": "cycle_energy_mode",   # The matching function to execute in - see Function List below
  "inputs": {                        # The input dict to send to the function, different functions use different inputs, see the Function List below
    "reverse_order": false,
    "notifications": true

Disabling a button

Use this to completely disable a button. Note this will not work if EXCLUSIVE_MODE = False

"netflix": "disabled"

Overriding App Buttons

If you wanted to replace the Amazon Prime button with Plex:

  • Get the Plex app id by copying the included script to the TV.
    • wget
    • Run it with:
      • (C9/CX): python
      • (C1/C2+): python3
    • This will list the app names followed by their app ID such as Plex : cdp-30, cdp-30 is the app id for Plex.
  • Edit the magic_mapper_config.json file and add a new item like:
  "prime": {
    "function": "launch_app",
    "inputs": {
      "app_id": "cdp-30"
  • Now when you press the Prime button, Plex will launch instead.


start_magic_mapper will redirect output to /tmp/magic_mapper.log

Function List


  • Cycles through each energy savings mode (minimum, medium, maximum, off)
  • Inputs:
    • reverse_order (boolean, default: false): Reverse the cycle order of the modes
    • notifications (boolean, default: false): Show a toast notification on mode change (Note the warning about energy consumption cannot be disabled)
  • Example:
    "yellow": {
      "function": "cycle_energy_mode",
      "inputs": {
        "reverse_order": false,
        "notifications": true


  • Set a specific energy savings mode
    • Note there was a report of "screen_off" not working on a CS model, so it's recommended to use the screen_off function instead
  • Inputs:
    • mode (string, default: none, values: "off", "min", "med", "max", "auto", "screen_off")
    • notifications (boolean, default: false): Show a toast notification on change
  • Example:
    "green": {
      "function": "set_energy_mode",
      "inputs": {
        "mode": "auto",
        "notifications": true

reduce_oled_light / increase_oled_light

  • Increases / decreases the oled light setting
  • Inputs:
    • increment (integer, default: 10): The amount to change the setting by
    • disable_energy_savings (bool, default: True): Disable Energy Savings Mode when invoking this function
  • Example:
    "red": {
      "function": "reduce_oled_light",
      "inputs": {
        "increment": 10


  • Set the OLED backlight to a specific value
  • Inputs:
    • backlight (integer, default: none, values: 0-100): The backlight value to set
    • notifications (boolean, default: false): Show a toast notification on change
  • Example:
    "3": {
      "function": "set_oled_backlight",
      "inputs": {
        "backlight": 50,
        "notifications": true


  • Turns the screen off but not the TV itself, press any button other than powe and vol to turn it back on
  • Inputs: None
  • Example:
    "9": {
      "function": "screen_off"


  • Toggles the Eye Comfort Mode on and off, also known as Reduce Blue Light depending on menu.
  • Inputs:
    • notifications (boolean, default: false): Show a toast notification on change
  • Example:
    "blue": {
      "function": "toggle_eye_comfort",
      "inputs": {
        "notifications": false


  • Launch an app
  • Inputs:
    • app_id (string, default: none): The app id to launch. To get a list of all app IDs, copy the included script to the TV and run it (python on C9/CX, python3 on C1/C2+)
  • Example:
    "1": {
      "function": "launch_app",
      "inputs": {
        "app_id": "netflix"


  • Send a button press. This makes the TV think you actually pressed the button on the remote. This allows the newer Magic Remotes that don't have play and pause buttons to use other keys to send the same keystrokes.
    • Note some apps like Netflix don't need the pause button and you can just use "play" to both pause and play, but others like Plex require both buttons.
  • Inputs:
    • button (string, default: none) The name of the button to press (see the Button List below)
  • Examples:
    "4": {
      "function": "press_button",
      "inputs": {
        "button": "play"
    "5": {
      "function": "press_button",
      "inputs": {
        "button": "pause"


  • Send an IR command to a device configured by the TV's Device Connector
  • Inputs:
    • tv_input (string, default: none): The input the device is on, ie "optical" or "hdmi3" (TODO: full list unknown)
    • keycode (string, default: none): The IR keycode to send, ie "IR_KEY_POWER"
    • device_type (string, default: none) ie "audio" (TODO: full list unknown)
  • Example:
    "0": {
      "function": "send_ir_command",
      "inputs": {
        "tv_input": "optical",
        "keycode": "IR_KEY_POWER",
        "device_type": "audio"
  • Known keycodes
    • Device type "audio"
      • "IR_KEY_POWER"
      • "IR_KEY_VOLUP"
      • "IR_KEY_VOLDOWN"
      • "IR_KEY_AINFO"
      • "IR_KEY_INPUT"
      • "IR_KEY_REW"
      • "IR_KEY_FF"


  • Execute curl with the supplied url

  • Inputs:

    • url (string, default: none) Url to supply to curl
    • method (string, default: GET) HTTP method to use with curl -X
    • data (string, default: none) Query string to supply to curl -d
    • headers (string OR list, default: none) Strings to supply to curl -H
  • Examples: Simple Url call

    "7": {
      "function": "curl",
      "inputs": {
        "url": "http:",

    Call a Home Assistant webhook trigger with a json payload

    "9": {
      "function": "curl",
      "inputs": {
        "url": "http:https://homeassistant.localdomain:8123/api/webhook/your-webhook-id",
        "method": "POST",
        "data": "{\"somekey\": \"somevalue\"}",
        "headers": "Content-Type: application/json"


  • Sets the Dynamic Tone Mapping setting
  • Inputs:
    • value (string, default: none) The value to use for DTM: "on", "off", "HGIG"
  • Example:
      "6": {
        "function": "set_dynamic_tone_mapping",
        "inputs": {
          "value": "HGIG"


  • Sends a CEC button code to the current input device. This should be considered experimental and has not been well tested. You would use this when controlling another device over HDMI-CEC to send the Home command. Normally, the magic remote can control a device such as a FireTV or NVidia Shield, but there's no way to send the Home command without using the TV menus. This will allow you to map a magic remote button to that home command, replicating what happens when you use the "..." menu and click "Home".
  • I personally have assigned this to the "..." button, but you could override the magic remote's home button if you wanted. Functionality would be improved if we had support for long button presses, so you could still use the TVs home menu with a long press. In the interim, you could use send_button_press assigned to another key to send the normal home button command, or just map send_cec_button to any other button.
  • Inputs:
    • code (integer, default: none) The code to send.
  • Example:
      "...": {
        "function": "send_cec_button",
        "inputs": {
          "code": 18882561
  • Known Codes:
    • 16777344 Play
    • 16777349 Pause
    • 16777345 Stop
    • 16777413 Reverse
    • 16777474 Fast Forward
    • 18882566 Menu
    • 18882561 Home
    • 18882560 Power

Disable Mouse (Experimental)

To disable the mouse, edit the script and change BLOCK_MOUSE = True near the top. This will prevent WebOS from seeing that the remote has activated its mouse. Note that this does not disable the mouse inside the remote, but it prevents WebOS from seeing that it has been activated. Due to the way this works there could be erratic behavior, please report any problems by opening an issue.

Button List

List of known buttons and their codes. Not all remote buttons are on this list, but if needed, you can modify to add other button codes. Just run manually and it will list all button codes it sees.

Note that long presses (longer than 1s) are ignored. I will eventually add support for different actions based on short vs long press.

 "...alt"  - Seen on a non-magic remote
 "search_alt" - Seen on a non-magic remote
 "exit"  - Not the back button, this exits apps, seen on a non-magic remote

Other Use Cases

Input Switching

The remote has built in shortcuts for input switching using the "Quick Select" functionality where you long press the number keys. If you'd rather have short press input shortcuts instead (and the ability to use the color buttons), you can use the launch_app function.

"1": {
  "function": "launch_app",
  "inputs": {
    "app_id": ""


If you need assistance, please open an issue on Github here:

You can view all issues (closed and still open) here:

Modifying the script

The function names supplied in magic_mapper_config.json map to the function names in the script. If you wanted to have the yellow button do something unsupported by this script, create a new function in and then add the function to magic_mapper_config.json such as:

"yellow": {
  "function": "your_new_function_name"
  "inputs": {
    "variable_passed_to_function": "value_for_variable",
    "another_variable": "value_for_var"

There are some various examples of the luna-send endpoints and payloads here (scroll down a bit):

For documentation on each endpoint, see the WebOS developer docs:

If you add new novel functionality that others might make use of, please submit a PR!


If you love this project and want to donate to support it, donate your money somewhere else! If you don't have a charity in mind, food banks are always in dire need of your support, consider donating to your local regional food bank.

Similar projects

There is now a similar app in the HomeBrew app store called LG Input Hook. This app can provide similar functionality, and is easy to setup, especially if your only needs are remapping simple buttons and executing basic luna-send commands.

TODO Items

  • Add an option to only execute a button config when the specified app is in focus
  • Add option to execute a set of commands on Power On (not just on full boot), used to set some power on defaults
  • Add support for long vs short button presses (currently button presses longer than 1s are ignored)