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    CONSOLE APPLICATION : MapiSmimeToolkit Project Overview

MapiSmimeToolkit is an S/MIME security profile management command line tool. 

Running the tool:

1. Displaying the help info:	MapiSmimeToolkit.exe -?
MapiSmimeToolkit - Outlook Security Profile toolkit.
Allows listing and managing security profiles.

Usage: MapiSmimeToolkit [-s SignatureHash] [-e EncryptionHash] [-u EmailAddress]
       [-x] [-o] [-d] [-p OutlookProfileName] [-l] [-h] [-ds]

       -s:     The Signature certificate hash (thumbprint)
       -e:     The Encryption certificate hash (thumbprint)
       -u:     The user e-mail address to add to the security profile name
       -x:     The OID of the hash algorithm to use as the default (e.g. "2.16.840." for sha384)
       -p:     The name of the Outlook profile to perform the changes in.
               If this is not specified, the default Outlook profile will be used.
       -l:     For running the tool in List mode.
       -h:     Allows specifying the certificate hashes rather than performing a
               name look-up.
       -o      Overwrites any existing security profiles.
       -d      Sets the new security profile as the default profile.
	   -ds     Do not send certificates with messages.
       -c      Clears (removes) all existing security profiles.
       -?      Displays this usage information.

2: List the existing security profiles:	MapiSmimeToolkit.exe -l

Logging on..
Fetching security profiles...
Listing security profiles...
Listing security profile #1
PropTag: PR_CERT_DEFAULTS, Value: 7
PropTag: PR_CERT_DISPLAY_NAME_W, Value: My S/MIME Settings ([email protected])
PropTag: PR_CERT_KEYEX_SHA1_HASH, Value: 73282f1c80b0d305dd71eac9c154ef137ee64c24
PropTag: PR_CERT_SIGN_SHA1_HASH, Value: 7afbc6cae0772d449a672a4ca216136b6c3229f9

3. Automatically detect the best S/MIME certificate and create a new security profile:	MapiSmimeToolkit.exe -u EMAIL_ADDRESS -o -d
For example: MapiSmimeToolkit.exe -u [email protected] -o -d. Please note the e-mail address must match the certificate name.

Logging on..
Fetching security profiles...
The name of the new security profile will be My S/MIME Settings ([email protected])
Certificate lookup not implemented. Please use the -h -s -e switches...
Looking up signature certificate...
Open the MY system store.
Looking up your certificate based on the e-mail address you've provided...
Looking up encryption certificate...
Open the MY system store.
Looking up your certificate based on the e-mail address you've provided...
Creating security profile...
Assembling the new security profile data...
Saving security profile changes...
Overwriting existing security profiles...

4. Create a security profile with specific certificates:	MapiSmimeToolkit.exe -u EMAIL_ADDRESS -h -s SIGNATURE_CERT_THUMBPRINT -e ENCRYPTION_CERT_THUMBPRINT -o -d
For example: MapiSmimeToolkit.exe -u [email protected] -h -s 7afbc6cae0772d449a672a4ca216136b6c3229f9 -e 73282f1c80b0d305dd71eac9c154ef137ee64c24 -o -d
Logging on..
Fetching security profiles...
The name of the new security profile will be My S/MIME Settings ([email protected])
Searching for signature certificate...
Open the MY system store.
Looking up your certificate based on the thumbprint you've provided...
Certificate found.
Searching for encryption certificate...
Open the MY system store.
Looking up your certificate based on the thumbprint you've provided...
Certificate found.
Creating security profile...
Assembling the new security profile data...
Saving security profile changes...
Overwriting existing security profiles...

5. Automatically detect the best S/MIME certificate and create a new security profile, specifying the default hash algorithm:	MapiSmimeToolkit.exe -u EMAIL_ADDRESS -o -d -x HASH_ALG_OID
For example: MapiSmimeToolkit.exe -u [email protected] -o -d -x 2.16.840. Please note the e-mail address must match the certificate name.

Logging on..
Fetching security profiles...
The name of the new security profile will be My S/MIME Settings ([email protected])
Certificate lookup not implemented. Please use the -h -s -e switches...
Looking up signature certificate...
Open the MY system store.
Looking up your certificate based on the e-mail address you've provided...
Looking up encryption certificate...
Open the MY system store.
Looking up your certificate based on the e-mail address you've provided...
Creating security profile...
Assembling the new security profile data...
Saving security profile changes...
Overwriting existing security profiles...

6. Clear all security profiles:	MapiSmimeToolkit.exe -c

Logging on..
Fetching security profiles...
Clearing security profiles...
Deleting existing security profiles...