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Clojars Project

Ring middleware for app authorization using Open Policy Agent (OPA).


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies

[clj-opa "0.1.1"]



The wrap-opa-authorize middleware will intercept any incoming request and delegate the authorization decision to OPA. By default, the wrap-opa-authorize middleware expects a response containing an allow attribute equal to true or else the :enforce-fn will be called, which in the default configuration serves a 403 Forbidden to the caller.

Example configuration using Compojure for routing:

  (:require [compojure.core :refer [defroutes ANY]]
            [ring.middleware.defaults :refer [wrap-defaults api-defaults]] 
            [opa.middleware :refer [wrap-opa-authorize]]))

(defroutes app-routes 
           (ANY "/public" [] "Public endpoint")
           (ANY "/*" [] "Protected endpoint"))

(def app (-> (wrap-defaults app-routes api-defaults)

Example Rego policy that allows GET requests on the /public endpoint:

package policy

default allow := false

allow {
    input.method == "GET"
    input.path[0] == "public"

The wrap-opa-authorize function takes a configuration map as an optional argument, offering the following options:

Option Description Default
:server-addr Base URL of OPA server http:https://localhost:8181
:policy-path Path to policy document (excluding /v1/data) /policy
:input-fn Function taking request and returning the input map to provide OPA See below
:enforce-fn Function to call when authorization fails Function returning a 403 Forbidden response

Unless a custom :input-fn is provided, an input map containing the path components (split on /), the request method and - if found in the request authorization header - a bearer token to use for authN/authZ:

  "path": ["public", "assets", "images"],
  "method": "GET",
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhbmRlcnNla25lcnQifQ.odt_88oGgYHoYU2SRdMjLYA0aG-NXDyeYqj_x9voAa4"

Note that the input map should not contain the input attribute itself - that is added by the middleware.

If you would like to change or extend the default input map with custom attributes, you may do so by calling the opa.middleware/default-input-fn and change the result to your liking.

Example, custom configuration:

(def app 
  (-> (wrap-defaults app-routes api-defaults)
      ; Query the OPA server at `` for authorization decisions on the 
      ; `/authz/policy/rules` path with input built from a custom request header `"X-Username"`
      ; and with and enforcement function that returns a 401 Unauthorized response on failures 
      ; and forwards the response body from OPA to the caller.
      (wrap-opa-authorize {:server-addr ""
                           :policy-path "/authz/policy/rules"
                           :input-fn (fn [request] {:username (get-in request [:headers :x-username])})
                           :enforce-fn (fn [opa-response] {:status 401 :body opa-response})})))

Other utilities and helper functions

See the API reference.