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This is for Demo purpose to demonstrate how to use ASP.NET Web API in .NET 5 - Shabdkosh API

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Shabdkosh API

  • prerequisite

    • dotnet 5.0

    • and install report generator

        dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
  • clone repo

  • dotnet build -c Release

Build succeeded. 0 Warning(s) 0 Error(s)

  • dotnet test

Starting test execution, please wait... A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.

Passed! - Failed: 0, Passed: 8, Skipped: 0, Total: 8, Duration: 5 s - Shabdkosh.Tests.dll (net5.0)

On wsl ubuntu

To collect coverage

    dotnet test -c Release -v minimal --no-build --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage" --settings coverlet.runsettings --results-directory './CodeCoverageResults'

To generate report

    reportgenerator "-reports:./CodeCoverageResults/{GUID}/coverage.cobertura.xml" "-targetdir:coveragereport"    

Build Docker image

docker build -f Dockerfile -t shabdkosh:v1 ..

Few Assumptions

  • Uses songhiawathathe00longrich_djvu.txt as a dictionary to get words, and it is an embedded resource in ASP.NET Web API Project. Update and upload this text file in the code repo, and the GitHub action would run to deploy again.
  • The code is tested for 10K limits of the text file, and for the bigger file, it is required to be tuned.
  • It uses API to define a keyword; it works well for the top 5 words in terms of occurrences. It may not work for higher numbers. It may be required to parallel tasks to optimize performance.



This is for Demo purpose to demonstrate how to use ASP.NET Web API in .NET 5 - Shabdkosh API



