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Cocoa tracking system in the Santarém Pará region


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Status: Developing ⌛

Creators of RouteCacau:

Autor 1 Autor 2
- Name: Amiraldo Filho - Name: Járlison Neves
- Languages: Python, JavaScript and C#. - Languages: Java and JavaScript.
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn - LinkedIn: LinkedIn
- GitHub: GitHub - GitHub: GitHub

What is Route Cocoa? 🤔

It is a web program for tracking cocoa powder in Santarém, showing where it comes from, where it is going or went, and demonstrates the entire industrial process it went through until it reaches its final customer. Where this end customer will be able to view this tracking either through the website itself or through the Qr Code of the product they purchased.

What do you need to access RouteCacau? 🤔

Route Cacau is a website that will be easy to access where the user can simply search for its name (RouteCacau) on the web and find it, the user itself will directly access the menu screen where they will see the tracking screens which will show where comes their cocoa, they could also access this screen through a QR code found on the final cocoa product. Suppliers will be able to use the data entry screen, where they can add relevant information about themselves and Cacau that will be demonstrated on the tracking screen for users.

Note: It is worth mentioning that information from suppliers is received directly from them into the database.

Commands needed to run the codes on your machine: ❕



Immediately after selecting a version (LTS or Current), the download of the installer for Windows will begin. As is common with Windows installers, just keep clicking the Next buttons until you reach the end of the installation.

Once the installation is complete, we will need to test that everything is ok. So, launch your terminal. Press Windows Key + R to open the Run program. Type powershell and press the Enter key.

Then, in the terminal, type node -v and press the Enter key. If the Node version is displayed, your installation was successful!


To run JavaScript commands you need to have Node JS already installed on your machine, but this is easy, if you use the Linux operating system just go to your command prompt or press Ctrl + Alt + T and it will appear, then inside it type the installation command curl:

sudo apt-get install curl

Then run the script below to add the Node repository:

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -

And finally, to install Node, run:

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Right after installation, in the terminal type node -v and press the Enter key. If the Node version is displayed, your installation was successful!


Immediately after selecting a version (LTS or Current), the Mac installer download (.pkg file) will begin. Once you open this file, the installer will start.

Introduction Install Node.Js in Mac

Just click to continue until it finishes installing. We need to test if everything is ok. So, launch your terminal. To do this, press Command + Spacebar. Type terminal and press Enter. Then, in the terminal, type node -v and press the Enter key. If the Node version is displayed, your installation was successful! If you need to have more than one version of Node.js on your machine, check out this post on how to install multiple versions of Node.js using NVM.


To be able to use the Leaflet tool, you must use the npm install leaflet command in your terminal to install the necessary dependencies on your machine. If you still have any, you can visit the tours page of leaflet to solve them.


To be able to use the PostgreSQL database you need to install it on your machine, go to the PostgreSQL website download the version compatible with your machine and install -a, then to view the database it is recommended to use PGAdmin and carry out the entire configuration process to install it. To learn more about how the database works, study the PostgreSQL Documentation.


This application is generated using LoopBack 4 CLI with the initial project layout. It is worth noting that as the project has already created the database, the api and the necessary modules, after installing all the necessary dependencies, go to your terminal and type the command npm run migrate to be able to use the api. our project.

Install dependencies

By default, dependencies were installed when this application was generated. Whenever dependencies in package.json are changed, run the following command:

npm install


npm i -g @loopback/cli

To only install resolved dependencies in package-lock.json:

npm ci

Run the application

npm start

You can also run node . to skip the build step.

To open the api screen, in addition to giving these commands, the link to open your screen will appear, but if it doesn't appear, just enter the link: http:https://[::1]:3000/explorer/.

Open http: in your browser.

Rebuild the project

To incrementally build the project:

npm run build

To force a full build by cleaning up cached artifacts:

npm run rebuild

Fix code style and formatting issues

npm run lint

To automatically fix such issues:

npm run lint:fix

Other useful commands

  • npm run migrate: Migrate database schemas for models
  • npm run openapi-spec: Generate OpenAPI spec into a file
  • npm run docker:build: Build a Docker image for this application
  • npm run docker:run: Run this application inside a Docker container


npm test

What's next

Please check out LoopBack 4 documentation to understand how you can continue to add features to this application.


Tools 🔧

  • As it is a web system, any operating system (Windows, Ubuntu, Mac) is compatible.
  • To create the code, the IDE was used. VsCode.
  • For data storage, the database was used MySQL.
  • The Location tool used to demonstrate Tracking was the Leaflet.
  • Para a conexão entre a interface e o banco de dados utilizou-se a API do LoopBack 4
  • Languages used to create the code: JavaScript, Html and CSS.

License 📜

This project is using the MIT license, see the LICENSE file for more details.

Note: Systems used in the Distributed Systems discipline as a final project, where the origin of cocoa and its process until it reaches the market are traced.

Main documents: 🛠

  • The document with job specifications is available here.
  • The document responsible for inserting supplier and cocoa data is found in insert.html.
  • The file responsible for choosing the trace view is the index.html.
  • The documents with the tracking screens are located in the LEAFLET directory and the tracking screens are tracking, tracking2 and tracking3.