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Grace Hopper Coding Katas

The katas are organized by language, as well as year

Each of the languages will have the same katas

In each language directory, there is a 2015 and 2016 folder for last years and this years code katas

For the 2016 code katas, the description of the problem is at the top of each class


You will need gradle and Java 8 installed for these katas

Run tests: gradle test

See all gradle tasks: gradle tasks


You will need gulp and node installed for these katas

Download dependencies: npm install

To download the gulp cli: npm install --global gulp-cli

Run tests: gulp test

See all gulp tasks: gulp help


You will need ruby and bundle (gem install bundler) installed for these katas

bundle install

run tests: rake all_tests

2016 Katas

Pig Latin Kata

The goal is to convert sentences to sentences in Pig Latin. Pig Latin is described as follows:

For words that begin with consonants, all letters before the initial vowel are placed at the end of the word sequence. Then, "ay" is added, as in the following examples:

"pig" → "igpay"
"banana" → "ananabay"
"trash" → "ashtray"
"happy" → "appyhay"
"duck" → "uckday"

For words that begin with a vowel, one just adds "way" to the end. Examples are:

"eat" → "eatway"
"omelet" → "omeletway"
"are" → "areway"

For sentences the rules apply to each word individually:

"Hello how are you?" → "Ellohay owhay areway ouyay?"

'qu' should be treated as a single phoneme, ex:

"queen" → "eenquay"
"square" → "aresquay"


  • make sure you maintain capitalization in sentences, but with new letter capitalized
  • ex: "Hello, I am from Canada" -> "Ellohay, Iway amway omfray Anadacay"

Sum Square Difference Kata

This kata is Problem 6 from Project Euler:

The sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers is,

12 + 22 + ... + 102 = 385 The square of the sum of the first ten natural numbers is,

(1 + 2 + ... + 10)2 = 552 = 3025 Hence the difference between the sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers and the square of the sum is 3025 − 385 = 2640.

Find the difference between the sum of the squares of the first one hundred natural numbers and the square of the sum. Your programming should be able to give you the difference between the sum of squares for the first 'n' natural numbers.


FizzBuzz is a simple number game where you count, but say "Fizz" and/or "Buzz" instead of numbers adhering to certain rules. Instead of numbers divisible by three print "Fizz". Instead of numbers divisible by five print "Buzz". Instead of numbers divisible by three and five print "FizzBuzz".

Example: 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, Fizz, 7, 8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14, FizzBuzz ......

2015 Katas

Minesweeper Kata

A field of N x M squares is represented by N lines of exactly M characters each. The character '*' represents a mine and the character '.' represents no-mine.

Example input (a 4 x 3 mine-field of 12 squares, 2 of which are mines)

4 3

Your task is to write a program to accept this input and produce as output a hint-field of identical dimensions where each square is a * for a mine or the number of adjacent mine-squares if the square does not contain a mine.

Example output (for the above input)


Same Arrays Kata

Given two arrays, the purpose of this Kata is to check if these two arrays are the same. "The same" in this Kata means the two arrays contains arrays of 2 numbers which are same and not necessarily sorted the same way. i.e. [[2,5], [3,6]] is same as [[5,2], [3,6]] or [[6,3], [5,2]] or [[6,3], [2,5]] etc

[[2,5], [3,6]] is NOT the same as [[2,3], [5,6]] Two empty arrays [] are the same [[2,5], [5,2]] is the same as [[2,5], [2,5]] but NOT the same as [[2,5]] [[2,5], [3,5], [6,2]] is the same as [[2,6], [5,3], [2,5]] or [[3,5], [6,2], [5,2]], etc An array can be empty or contain a minimun of one array of 2 integers and up to 100 array of 2 integers Note:

  1. [[]] is not applicable because if the array of array are to contain anything, there have to be two numbers.
  2. 100 randomly generated tests that can contains either "same" or "not same" arrays.