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Hockey Primer Data Exploration

Milestone 2 blogpost link

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The National Hockey League (NHL) is a professional ice hockey league in North America. It comprises a total of 32 teams, of which 7 in Canada EPL, including the Montreal Canadien. Each year, the Stanley Cup playoffs select the best team, which is awarded the Stanley Cup for the season. For example, The Montreal Canadien won the Stanley Cup 24 for 24 seasons, the last time in 1992-1993.

The NHL makes publically available an API that features statistics including meta-data on each season, season standings, player statistics by season, and play-by-play data. This last format of data is the most thorough and it features important information for all events during each game, such as the players involved, location coordinates on the ice, and the type of event. The NHL API is a valuable source of fine-grained sports data that can be used in several tasks such as finding the features that predict goals, or those that predict players' salaries.


The purpose of this project is to provide a Python API for accessing NHL data, specifically, all the play-by-play information. The reader will learn here how to download the NHL data for a given year, how to first visualize it, and then how to format it into a tidy data frame. This tidy data format will then be used for producing simple, as well as more advanced, interactive visualizations. In terms, of this data could also be used for several purposes including machine learning, or other tasks at the reader's will.


Setup Environment

  • Git clone the repository
  • Make sure Python is installed on the system
  • Create a virtual environment / conda environment
    • Create a "configfile.ini" which will store all the configurations of "Comet ML",
    • Get the API key from the Comet ML platform and update the configfile.ini
      api_key=YOUR API KEY
  • Create following folder in the root directory,
    • downloaded_models

Install Dependencies

  • Activate the environment and run pip install -r requirement.txt this will download all the dependencies related to this project.


Milestone 1

Download Data

  • The data for the NHL games are exposed in the form of various APIs, the details of the APIs can be found over here

  • Run the python script which resides at modules/dataextraction/, this script will fetch the data of the seasons starting from 2016 to 2020.

  • This will create a folder in your directory for the season that you want to download and two JSON files will be appeared along with some other files which will be used later part of the project.

    • YYYY_regular_season.json
    • YYYY_playoffs.json

Run Interactive Debugging Tool

  • Run the jupyter notebook locally inside the project folder
  • Navigate to the notebook folder
  • Run 3_interactive_debugging_tool.ipynb file

Create Tidy Data for Visualisation

  • Run the python script which resides at modules/dataretrival/, this script will create the tidy data and save the data into a pickle file for all the seasons starting from 2016 to 2020.

Run Simple Visualisation

  • Run the jupyter notebook locally inside the project folder (Incase if jupyter notebook isn't running)
  • Navigate to the notebook folder
  • Run 4_simple_visualizations.ipynb file

Run Advance Visualisation

  • Run the jupyter notebook locally inside the project folder (Incase if jupyter notebook isn't running)
  • Navigate to the notebook folder
  • Run 7_interactive_figure.ipynb file

Milestone 2

Experiment Tracking

Run Extracting Feature Engineering I and II

  • Run the jupyter notebook locally inside the project folder (Incase if jupyter notebook isn't running)
  • Navigate to the notebook folder
  • Run 8_feature_engineering_I_and_II_m2.ipynb file to see in the interactive mode else
  • Run as a standalone code as well.

Run Baseline Models

  • Run the jupyter notebook locally inside the project folder (Incase if jupyter notebook isn't running)
  • Navigate to the notebook folder
  • Run 9_baseline_models_all.ipynb file to see in the interactive mode else
  • Run as a standalone code as well.

Run Advanced Models

  • Run the jupyter notebook locally inside the project folder (Incase if jupyter notebook isn't running)
  • Navigate to the notebook folder
  • Run 10_advanced_models.ipynb file to see in the interactive mode else
  • Run as a standalone code as well.

Run Best Shot Models

  • Run the jupyter notebook locally inside the project folder (Incase if jupyter notebook isn't running)
  • Navigate to the notebook folder
  • Run 11_best_shot_all.ipynb file to see in the interactive mode else
  • Run as a standalone code as well.

Run Evaluate on Test Set

  • Run the jupyter notebook locally inside the project folder (Incase if jupyter notebook isn't running)
  • Navigate to the notebook folder
  • Run 12_Final_Evaluation_Testing_playoffs.ipynb file to see in the interactive mode else
  • Run 12_Final_Evaluation_Testing_regular.ipynb file to see in the interactive mode else
  • Run as a standalone code as well.
  • Run as a standalone code as well.

Project Structure

As seen in the above image, the project is divided into various parts,

  • data - It contains all the NHL tournament data season-wise, in each season we have two JSON files of the regular season games and playoffs.
  • figures - These contain all the data insights which we captured in this project.
  • modules - For every action, we are performing in this project, are captured as modules, like data extractions, data retrieval (data parsing)
    • All the python codes for the Milestones 2 resides under the milestone2 folder
  • notebooks - For all kinds of visualizations, insights of the data can be accessed through the notebooks.
  • - As the name suggests, all the common functions and variables reside in this file.

Data APIs

This project uses two APIs which were provided by the NHL :

    • This API fetches all the matches metadata for a given input season, using this API we are getting the map of Matches ID and the type of Match it is like `regular season or playoffs
    • This API fetches all the data in a granular form for a given match id, where we gather the insights subsequently in the following tasks.
  • To download a particular data for a season, update the file modules\dataextraction\ with the year variable (one can put multiple seasons to download as well)
  • Once the update is done, run it will download the data and place it under a folder with the season the year with two JSON files, with regular season games and playoffs respectively.

Data Insights

Milestone 1

Data Extractions

The data available by the NHL API needs to be parsed and formatted to make more advanced data usage possible. In this regard, we select the relevant data out from the nested dictionaries from the JSON file, and we format a single tabular structure, i.e. a data frame. Below is a glimpse of the tidy data frame that will be used in further analyses.

Tidy Data

How to get the number of players in each team

The first step would be to format a new tidy dataframe which would include all types of events (not only the shots and goals, such as in the dataframe featured above), with events as rows and including datetime, eventType, periodType, penaltySeverity, penaltyMinutes, and team, as columns. The events would to be sorted in order of their occurrence in time during the game (datetime).

We would then create an empty (np.nan) column for the number of players on the ice, and program a loop to iterate over all events while concatenating a list of player counts for each time, n_1 and n_2. At the beginning of the loop, and the beginning of each period (each time the period of the event is not the same as the previous event), we re-initiate the parameters: n_1 = 6 (number of players in the first team, including the goalie), n_2 = 6 (number of players in the second team, including the goalie).

Eight parameters would be set: penalty_player_A_team_1=None, end_time_of_penalty_for_player_A_team_1 = Datetime penalty_player_B_team_1 = None, and end_time_of_penalty_for_player_B_team_1=Datetime (as there can be a maximum of 2 players in a penalty at the same time); and the four equivalent parameters for team 2.

Then, as the loop iterator over all events, each time the eventTypeId == "PENALTY", if "penaltySeverity": "Minor" or "DoubleMinor", the number of players in the team involved in the penalty (Team of the player that is penalized) would be subtracted 1, the penalty_player would be set to the name the penalized player, and end_time_of_penalty parameter would be set to DateTime + penaltyMinutes. For subsequent events, as long as the penalty_player is not None, the datetime of the event would be compared to end_time_of_penalty, until datetime > end_time_of_penalty and then the number of players for that team would be added +1, as the player is back on ice.

Note that for other types of penalty (e.g. misconduct), the number of players on the ice would not be updated as an immediate player replacement is allowed.

Engineering additionnal features

We would be interested in studying the impact of tackling and hitting on the chance of goals, both (1) at team-level (2 variables), (2) player-level (4 variables), and (3) total through the game (4 variables). Indeed, tackling and hitting have become an important part of hockey, often discussed by commentators, and highly represented in the data under "eventTypeId": "HIT".

(1) We would first extract, for each shot event, variables at team-level that corresponds to the time (in minutes) between the shot and the last time a player of the team on which the shot was taken was hit. This would be done by iterating through all events in chronological order, initiating the time at as NaN at the beginning of each period, and updating the time at each time a hit happens, for each team. This would result in variables: time_since_last_hit_team_1 and time_since_last_hit_team_2.

(2) Additionally, during the same iteration process, we would update four boolean variables with player-level information to note whether the hitter and the hittee from the last hit event were among the player involved in the shot (shooter, goalie or assist). This would result in variables: hitter_involved_team_1, hittee_involved_team_1, hitter_involved_team_2, hittee_involved_team_2.

(3) Finally, to study the relationship between goals and the total number of hits in a game, we would extract 4 variables, during the same iteration process as above. These variables would be initiated at 0 at the beginning of the game, and updated at each hit event for each team and type of player involved (hitter or hittee). This would result in variables: n_hitter_team_1, n_hittee_team_1, n_hitter_team_2, n_hittee_team_2.

Interactive Debugging Tool

Event locations

Visualize coordinates of events, by regular season or playoffs

Simple Visualisations

Goals and missed shots, by shot type for season 2016-2017


The most dangerous types of shots for this 2016-2017 season are “deflected” (19.8% of success) followed by “tip-in” shots (17.9% of success). By “most dangerous”, we mean that these shots are the ones that end up the most frequently with a successful goal, as opposed to being missed. However, these are among the less frequent ones: there were only 806 “deflected” and 3,267 “tip-in” shots this season. On the contrary, the most common type of shot was by far the “wrist shot”, with a total of 38,056 shots of that type for this season.

We chose to illustrate this question with a barplot while overlaying the count of goals in blue overtop the total count of shots in orange (thus, the total of both goals and other, missed shots), by type of shot. Even though there is a large difference between the most common and less common types of shots, we chose to plot the absolute numbers and keep the scale linear, because these are the most intuitive for the reader to understand the scale (the great number of goals involved in the same season) and not to be confused with too many percentages on the same figure. We chose to add annotations on top of bars for the percentage of goals overall shots because these proportions could not be visually abstracted simply from the figure, and this was an intuitive way to illustrate them.
Proportion of goal by distance for seasons 2018, 2019, 2020


The proportion of goals overall shots increases overall exponentially as the distance diminishes, with a maximum the proportion of goals >25% when goals are shot at less than 5 feet from the goal. We also note a small, local maximum at 75 to 80 feet. This distribution did not change significantly for seasons 2018-19 to 2020-21. This local the maximum could suggest that there is another variable (e.g. shot type or other) that could underlie this distribution.
Proportion of goal by distance and shot type


We chose this figure after having considered and visualized different types of figures. First, we visualized violin plots of the distribution of goals and missed shots; however, these did not intuitively represent the chance (proportion) of goals overall shots per se, and the result was dependent on some assumption on the kernel size. We also experimented with computing a logistic regression to predict goals from the distance category, which worked fine.
Finally, we chose to come back to the most simple and intuitive method, which is to bin the distance into categories and plot the proportion of goals for each bin. We chose to divide the distance into equal bins (as opposed to percentiles or another kind of distribution), to be able to draw a direct conclusion about the relationship of goals to the absolute value of distance by visualizing the figure. Overall, the most dangerous \ type of shot is the “tip-in” shot taken at a distance of fewer than 5 feet, followed closely by “back-hand” shots: more than 40% of these shots result in a goal. The relationship found in the previous questions, i.e. that the probability of a goal augments exponentially as the distance decreases, holds true overall for most types of shots. However, the “deflected” and “tip-in” shots have a second maximum between around 30 and 60 feet.
Importantly, the “back-hand” shot has a second maximum at about 80 feet, and the slap-shot has a second maximum at more than 90 feet. This could explain the small local maximum at that distance that we observed in the global distribution of all shots in the previous figure.
Finally, the curves are somewhat irregular, and adding more data (e.g. averaging through a few years) could add more smoothness to the results. Note that to have more smoothed curves and remove outliers that made interpretations difficult, we did not plot the points for which we had less than 10 total observations for that type of shot and at that distance in that season.

Advanced Visualisations

Comparison of Colorado Avalanche avg shots between season 2016-2017 and 2020-2021


To be added here.
Shots location comparison over the last three years in between Buffalo Sabres and Tampa Bay Lightning


Season 2018-2019


Season 2018-2019


Season 2018-2019

Milestone 2

Experiment Tracking

All the following experiments were carefully tracked using Comet ML. This is an important step that we took to make our experiments reproducible.

Feature Engineering I

Goal Rate as a function of dictance First, there is a relationship between the distance and the probability of a goal, such as the probability of a goal is inversely proportional to distance when distance is less than approximately 60 ft.
Second, there is some (stochastic) probability of a goal with shots taken at approximately more than 60 feet which can be in some cases higher than for goals taken at about 60 feet.

Goal Rate as a function of Angle First, there is slightly more chance that a goal results in a goal when it is taken from in front of the goal, but only when the shot is taken at less than 90 degrees.
Second, even though shots taken from in front of the goal (i.e. at an angle close to zero) are the most common, these are not the most successful in achieving a goal. In fact, the likelihood of a goal increases as a proportion to the angle, specifically when the angle is greater than approximately 90 degrees.
Third and very importantly, the distribution is symmetric only in its middle part. There is a very clear asymmetry when comparing the extremities of the distribution. Specifically, shots taken at very high angles (approximately more than 150 degrees) are more likely to achieve a goal when taken from the side which corresponds to the right-hand side of the goalie. We need to bear in mind that most goalies are right-handed and hold their hockey sticks on the left side as all other players, and therefore their right side is relatively unprotected. This might explain why shots taken from the far-right-hand side of the goalie are much more likely to result in a goal.

Goal rate as a function of dictance

The distribution is coherent with domain-specific knowledge (i.e. that “it is incredibly rare to score a non-empty net goal on the opposing team from within your defensive zone”). Indeed, few successful goals (in total, 795 goals for the complete seasons involved) were shot from more than 89 feet. Based on this, it seems that the features are correct, and we cannot find any events that have incorrect features.
Note: Here, we indicate the approximate defense zone by a red shade, from 89 feet from the goal up to 180 feet. This is an approximation because distance is measured from the goal and thus is not always calculated perpendicular to the central line.
Goal Rate as a function of Angle and Distance

Baseline Models

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and the AUC metric The accuracy is 90% correctly predicted as compared total. However, accuracy is not right metric to use in this setting because there is a hight imbalance between goals and missed shots, in the order of 1:10. Indeed, we can see that from the classificatinon report its clear that all the test data (validation data) has been predicted to be 0s (missed shots) as the output. Therefore, even thouth this model achieved 90% accuracy, it was not successful in predicting any goal. This is why accuracy is not the correct metric, and other metrics like ROC AUC should be used.
The model based on both distance and angle (distance_angle) and that based on distance alone (distance) are the two best models when considering the ROC AUC. Indeed, their area under the curve is the largest one (0.67964). In comparison, the two other models (random_base_line and the angle ones) are not distinguishable from random results, i.e. their ROC curve follows closely the bisector line.
Goal Rate As expected, the highest percentiles observations (the observations that have the highest predicted probability of being a goal) have the highest proportion of goals; however only for the distance_angle and distance_models. More specifically, the proportion of goals raises up to approximately 20% for the highest-percentile observations, while it gets close to 5% in the lowest-percentile observations. For the other two models, the proportion of goals is the same in all percentiles, and is close to 10% which is the overall proportion of goals in any random sample from the dataset.
Cumulative Percentage of Goals From the Calibration plot, we see that fraction of positive cases is always the same whatever the mean predicted probability is, and for each four models tested. In all case, the fraction of positive cases is equal to 1:10 which is the (approximate) overall ratio of goals as compared to all shots in the complete sample.
Calibration Plots This could induce us to think that all four models performed the same and that none of these models succeeded in predicting goals from the data. However, we need to take note that the calibration plot - like the accuracy metric - is not the most adequate way to evaluate a model when the predicted event is rare (in our case, 1:10). From the previous plots, we showed that the distance_angle and distance models show some success in predicting goals, which is not apparent from the calibration plot. This observation highlights the importance of choosing the correct metric and correct plots when evaluating a model.

Feature Engineering II

Here is a list and description of all features that we engineered:

  • distance : distance (feet) between the event and the center of the net at which the shot is aimed.
  • angle : angle (degrees) between the center line and the event. One can imagine this angle by putting himself in the position of the goalie: if the shot is taken from right in front, the angle is equal to zero.
  • empty_net: shot taken against a net without a goalie.
  • game_period: period number during the game.
  • distance_from_last_event: distance (feet) between the last event and the present event.
  • rebound: whether this shot follows another shot.
  • change_in_shot_angle: difference (degrees) in angle between the present shot and the previous event, if this event was also a shot.
  • speed: average speed (feet by second) of the puck between the last and the present shot.
  • x_coordinate: coordinate (feet) taken from the center of the ice.
  • y_coordinate: coordinate (feet) taken from the center of the ice.
  • game_seconds: time (seconds) as measured from the beginning of the game.
  • shot_type : type of shot, one-hot encoded into 8 indicator variables, i.e. Backhand, Deflected, Slap Shot, Snap Shot, Tip-In, Wrap-around, Wrist Shot, and NA.
  • last_event_type: type of the last event, one-hot encoded into 9 indicator variables, i.e. Blocket shot, Faceoff, Giveaway, Goal, Hit, Missed shot, Penalty, Shot, Takeaway.

Advanced Models

script: modules/milestone2/

python3 -m 0

where -m arg takes 0 to 2 values for 3 types of feature experiments. It also logs all the metric and graphs to

Best XGBoost Model

XGBoost model

Hyperparameter Tuning and Model Comparison

In each experiment, we try to find best possible values of hyperparameters utilizing a grid search. We split the train set into stratified 3-fold cross-validation and take mean performance to decide the best performing set of hyperparamters. As explained before, we have class imbalance in our data, which is better captured by F1 Score metric.

In order to compare models based on their performance, we used the same train-validation split for all models. This guarantees that the performance metrics are obtained on exactly the same dataset, therefore we can compare the models performance. Specifically train-validation split was an 80%-20% split obtained with random splitting, and we used exactly the same for all models.

Handling Class Imbalance

We tried 2 methods to handle the huge class imbalace present in the data:

  1. Class weighting the objective function:

In this method, due to the nature of algorithm we employ gradient updates for parameter optimization. While aggregrating the gradients over the samples, we apply weights to them based on the number of occurances in training sets. We scale the gradients for majority and minority classes to achieve balance.

  1. ADASYN algorithm:

In this method we oversample the minority class so that we have enough samples to learn from. The new samples are generated synthetically.

We compare the results from both this methods for all 3 XGBoost configuration and found that we don't find much difference in performance metrics(F1 Score). The results reported are from utilizing class weighting.

XGBoost classifier train on distance and angle

First we create xgboost baseline to compare the logistic baseline, with just 'distance' and 'angle' as the features. To tackle the class imbalance problem, Following are the hyper-parameters for grid search:

{"learning_rate": [0.1, 0.3], "max_depth": [2, 4, 6], "n_estimators": [4, 6, 8, 10], "objective": ["binary:logistic"], "reg_alpha": [0.1, 1.0]}

We get the following hyper-parameters for best estimator:

{'learning_rate': 0.3, 'max_depth': 6, 'n_estimators': 6, 'objective': 'binary:logistic', 'reg_alpha': 1.0}

Here, we compare the performance of XGBoost based on features distance and angle, to that of a simple logistic regression trained using the same features. The ROC AUC=0.66892 obtained for the logistic regression was, while that obtained with XGBoost is ROC AUC= 0.708. We consider that there is no significant difference here between the performance of these two models. This is likely explained by the fact that they were trained on only two features, therefore the XGBoost does not have much advantage over the logistic model here.

Calibration Plots
Cumulative Percentage of Goals
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and the AUC metric<
Goal Rate

XGBoost classifier train on all features

Next, we use all the features as defined in the section feature engineering 2. We use the same configuration of training/validation split and grid search with cross-validation as XGBoost baseline. As explained above, F1 Score is used as metric for selecting best performing model. Following are the hyperparameters for hyperparameter tuning:

{"learning_rate": [0.3], "max_depth": [4, 6, 8], "n_estimators": [25, 45, 70, 100], "objective": ["binary:logistic"], "reg_alpha": [1.0], "reg_lambda": [1.0]}

We get the following configuration for the best estimator:

{'learning_rate': 0.3, 'max_depth': 4, 'n_estimators': 45, 'objective': 'binary:logistic', 'reg_alpha': 1.0, 'reg_lambda': 1.0}

Link to the model experiment

Performance of the model

We notice a small improvement of performance of the model when using all features (ROC AUC = 0.757) as compared to using only distance and angle (ROC AUC = 0.708).

Calibration Plots
Cumulative Percentage of Goals
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and the AUC metric<
Goal Rate

Feature Selection

We used a range of methods of feature selection that cover all types: filter, wrapper, and embedded methods. Here, we discuss and compare the results of each method. For each method, we keep the 5 highest-scoring features; and at the end, we will compute the intersection and union between all sets of obtained features.

Before starting feature selection, we notice that some features are correlated. Specifically, angle is correlated with y_coordinate (r=0.84) and change_in_shot_angle as well as rebound are correlated with last_event_type_SHOT (because these variables were defined based on one another). This means that there is probably some redundant information in these variables that needs to be parsed using feature selection.

Correlation Matrix

Filter Methods

We first used a variance threshold of 80%, thus removing all features that are either one or zero in more than 80% of the sample.

Feature Variance

Then, we decided to keep only the 5 features with the highest variance, to stay coherent with the general method for all feature selection methods. The 5 top-ranked features were: ['distance', 'angle', 'distance_from_last_event', 'x_coordinate', 'game_seconds']

Then, we also used univariate feature selection while using 6 different criteria. That is, we used all the methods available in scikit-learn that can be used for a classification task and that accept both positive and negative inputs:

• ANOVA F-value between label/feature for classification tasks.

• Mutual information for a discrete target.

• Percentile of the highest scores.

• False positive rate test.

• Estimated false discovery rate.

• Family-wise error rate.

Filter Methods

The 5 top-ranked features (on average among methods) were: ['distance', 'empty_net', 'game_period', 'y_coordinate', 'shot_type_Wrist Shot']

Wrapper methods

We used both forward search and backward search using a logistic regression, setting the number of features to select equal to 5. For these methods, we scaled all features because this was needed for the logistic regression to converge.

Forward search resulted in these features: ['distance', 'angle', 'empty_net', 'game_period', 'distance_from_last_event']

Backward search: the model does not converge.

Embedded methods

We evaluated the coefficients from l2-penalized logistic regression, as well as that of Linear Support Vector Classification. Note that we are interested in the magnitude, therefore in the absolute value of the coefficient. For these methods, we scaled all features because this was needed for the logistic regression to converge.

Embedded methods
For logistic regression, the 5 top-ranked features were: [`distance`, `empty_net`, `distance_from_last_event`, `speed`, `shot_type_Wrap-around`] For linear SVC, the 5 top-ranked features were: [`distance`, `empty_net`, `distance_from_last_event`, `speed`, `shot_type_Tip-In`]

SHAP Features

We also use SHAP algorithm's tree explainer which operate on adding particular feature to a subset of features and assigns importance based on its contribution. We use all features XGBoost model to generate the Shapley values and in turn get the feature importance. Following plot describes this:

SHAP Features

Summary and consensus among feature selection methods

In summary, we used 2 filter (including 6 different univariate methods) plus wrapper two more embedded and SHAP for the total of six different methods. From these, we compute the intersection and union of sets of 5 top-ranked features from each method. We obtain:

Intersection: [distance]

Union: [angle, distance_from_last_event, empty_net, shot_type_Wrap-around, y_coordinate, speed, distance, x_coordinate, game_period, shot_type_Tip-In, shot_type_Wrist Shot, game_seconds]

XGBoost train on selected features

Link to the model experiment

We utlize the following hyper-parameter configuration for grid search:

{"learning_rate": [0.1, 0.4], "max_depth": [4, 6, 8], "n_estimators": [25, 35, 50, 70, 100], "objective": ["binary:logistic"], "reg_alpha": [1.0], "reg_lambda": [1.0]}

Performance of the model It is important to notice that the feature selection achieved in improving the model performance. While the model with all features had a ROC AUC = 0.708, the model with less but rigorously selected features had an ROC AUC = 0.75. This reflects the fact that sometimes adding more features mostly adds more noise. This is an illustration of why feature selection is important.

Calibration Plots
Cumulative Percentage of Goals
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and the AUC metric<
Goal Rate

Best Shot Models

We trained and evaluated a variety of different models. Considering that our dataset was unbalanced (goals represent 1/10 events), models were trained such as to obtain the best performance as measured by ROC-AUC.

  • K-nearest-neighbours
  • Random Forests
  • Decision trees
  • Neural Networks - which resulted in our Best Model We also used a variety of other approaches including stratified train-test split and k-fold cross-validation.

At this point, we also went back to the feature selection section, and we improved the variety of our feature selection algorithm. We improved the general pipeline of our feature selection (see the relevant section) such as to including a variety of filter, embedded and wrapper methods, and achieving a consensus among these methods. We noted that different feature selection methods resulted in different sets of features, and we reasoned that these sets might have importance for different reasons. We thus used the union of all sets as the final set of features, to include all relevant information. Models were thus trained with the final set of features.

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and the AUC metric
Goal Rate
Cumulative Percentage of Goals
Calibration Plots
  • k-nearest-neighbours We trained a kNN using Scikit-learn. We used Euclidean distance as a distance metric. We searched for the best hyperparameter i.e., the one that maximized the area under the ROC curve (ROC AUC), by iteratively training KNN while using different values of k = 1, 2, 3, …, 50.

kNN resulted in high accuracy and a satisfying ROC AUC (AUC=0.71)). However, when we evaluated the confusion matrix, we noticed that there were very few events predicted to be goals: the model predicted most events to be missed shots, and therefore is not an adequate model for this data and setting where we aim to predict goals. We explain this observation by the imbalance of our dataset, in which Euclidean distance could not establish a space where a majority of points would be goals: in nearly all cases, the majority of points would still be missed shots, and therefore kNN nearly always predicted shots to be missed shots.
- Random Forests We trained a Random Forest model using Scikit-learn.. After some trials, we finally used the following hyperparameters: number of trees as 1,000 and Gini impurity as the criterium for the split.
We got a ROC AUC = 0.72. However, like the kNN, when we evaluated the confusion matrix, we noticed that there were very few events predicted to be goals: the model predicted most events to be missed shots, and therefore is not an adequate model for this data and setting where we aim to predict goals.
- Decision Trees We trained a Decision Tree model using Scikit-learn. We selected hyperparameters using a randomized search.
This model performed the worst among those tested here, as we got a ROC AUC = 0.65.
- Neural Networks are our Best Model We trained Neural Networks using PyTorch. After exploring a variety of loss functions and optimizers, we finally selected AdamW as an optimizer, and Cross Entropy as loss function because it optimized model performance. The model was then trained iteratively using the settings available in PyTorch. Importantly, the main turnaround for increasing accuracy was introducing class weights in my loss function which will penalize more on the class which has a low no of data points hence giving more importance.
The Neural Networks obtained the best ROC-AUC ex-aequo with the Random Forest (i.e. we consider AUC=0.72 to be not significantly different from that of Random Forest). However, we consider the Neural Networks to be our best model because the examination of the confusion matrix reveals a much better classification than for Random Forest.

Evaluate on Test Set

Regular season

For the Regular Season, the models performed similarly in the final evaluation set as they did in the training set. The best model based on ROC-AUC was again the Neural Networks. All curves as well as ROC-AUC metrics are close to those observed during training for the same models. This confirms that our models were not over-fitted during training,
as there don’t seem to be issues such as leakage or improper splitting that could have resulted in over-fitting.

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and the AUC metric
Goal Rate
Cumulative Percentage of Goals
Calibration Plots

Playoffs season

For the Playoffs, there was a very interesting discrepancy between model performance in the training set and that observed here in the final evaluation set. Specifically, performance is lower in the final evaluation set than in the training test and for all models. This is likely explained by the fact that most observations in the training set were from the Regular Season: Playoffs represent only 6.4% (20280/315725) of all observations. Goals made during Playoffs are likely predicted by different parameters than those made during Regular Season, because of the context and rules. Therefore, the models were trained mostly to predict goals during the Regular Season and thus performed poorly when evaluated only during the Playoff season. Possible solutions to this problem would be to train specific models only for the Playoff season, or to better account for the effect of the season on how the season affects the predictive power of other variables.

Finally, we note that in this case, XGBoost performs better than other models, with ROC-AUC=0.61. This might be explained by the specificity of this model, i.e. its ensemble methodology and its ability to learn multiple weak models to build a strong robust model which is flexible in many scenarios.

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and the AUC metric
Goal Rate
Cumulative Percentage of Goals
Calibration Plots

Milestone 3


Whatever the work which we did on the Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 we need to productionize the code, which includes dockerization of the entire setup.

  • All the codes resides under the folder docker-project-template-main.
  • Make sure you have COMET_API_KEY in your environment variable and Docker is installed in your system.
  • Navigate to the folder as mentioned above and open a command prompt / terminal and run docker-compose up --build


The present project is a good example of how sports data can be obtained from a publically available API, and made into a data format that can be used for advanced, interactive visualizations. Some limitations of the present work include that the conclusions drawn here from the data are based solely on data visualizations, and not yet on thorough predictive modeling. Further work could focus on using the formatted data for tasks such as feature selection and machine learning.


Aman Dalmia: First year student of MSc. Computer Science at UdeM, have an interest in Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing.
“Don’t create a problem statement for an available solution, rather work towards a solution for a given problem”

Mohsen Dehghani: Master’s degree in Optimization 2010-2013 and student of DESS in Machin learning at MILA 2022-2023. I start a master’s degree in Machin learning at MILA 2022-2023 love to show how to apply theoretical mathematical knowledge to real-life problems by using computer languages such as Java or Python.

Raphaël Bourque: Graduated from Medicine, presently doing residency training in Psychiatry and at the Clinician Investigator Program, and studying at the MSc in Computational Medicine. My current research work is in Genetics (CHU Sainte-Justine), and I am very interested in the applications of data science and machine learning to evidence-based medical practice.

Vaibhav Jade: First year student of MSc. Computer Science at UdeM. (Names are in ascending order)


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