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  • App developed for Astican

    • The functionality of this app is to get real time information about their managers, ships and their maintenance, also, let their clients know where are their ships, who is repairing it etc.., without needing to call or came to the shipyard. In addition, this app provide an info page and a contact us form, for the users on the internet who want to know more about the company and how they work.


  • E/R Model

modelo ER

  • Relational Mode


User Requirements

  • R.1 The app will be done for mobile.

  • R.2 The users need to be registered to access most of the features the app provide, except for the info and contact us page.

  • R.3 Admins will have access to modify the app info.

    • R.3.1 They can modify, delete and create both managers and boats info.
    • R.3.2 To delete a manager or a boat, the app will ask if he really want to.
    • R.3.3 To delete a manager they need to delete or modify all boats that references that manager before delete him.
  • R.4 Admins Can consult all info from the boats and managers, and Clients only can consult the info that reference their user.

Use Cases

casos de uso


  • Prototype

  • Usablity

    • Users didn't like the white background on the prototype because they usually check the app on the nigthttime and the brightness blind them, so i change the background color to a more appropiated color such a gradient blue, a better color to see in the nighttime, and also keep the essence of the company referencing the color of the ocean.

    • I decided to use a sidemenu on the app instead of a typical menu bar on the top to not overload the interface, this way is more user friendly and visually organized.

    • When the user login, register or send a message, he will receive a confirmation message letting him know that he did it succesfully, and an error message when not, alongside this the CRUD that admins use to admininstrate all the information of the boats and managers have the same feature, with the addition of a cancel option when you try to delete something.


  • Developer installation manual

    • BACKEND:
      • **MYSQL Server: **

      • **MYSQL Workbench, XAMPP or another Database manager: **

      • ------------------DEPENDENCIES----------------------

      • node dependencies: npm install

      • multer: npm install multer

      • sequelize: *npm install sequelize

      • You need to import the db_boats.sql to your Database manager, once you do that, you need to create a .env archive like this:

      • Then go to your console and install all the dependecies listed above, once you do that, use the command npm start to initiate the backend.

      • Visual Studio Code or another editor:

      • -------------DEPENDENCIES--------------

      • node dependencies: npm install

      • sweetalert2: npm install sweetalert2

      • In the console install the dependencies listed above, like you did with the backend, then use the command ionic serve --lab to start the aplication.

      • if you get an error message from the ionic lab, install the dependency with the command: npm install ionic-lab

  • User Manual

    • When you initiate the app you will see the info page, this page is just information about the company and a photo slider of the shipyard.

    • You can open the main menu by swipping to the right or clicking on the 3 bars icon at the left topside.

    • In the Contact Us page, you can send a question or a request to the company, and in the managers one you will see a slider with information about our managers.

    • You can only access to the boats page if you are a client or and administrator, this page will display information about the reparation status of your boats.

    • As and administrator you can access to the admin boats and managers pages, that allows you to filter by name, modify, create or delete the information about them in a simple way.

    • You can delete the entry with the trash icon, modify it with the paper one or add a new entry with the green button.

    • If you try to modify or create an entry, you will enter on a new page, that allows you to edit or insert the information.





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