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Renato Alves edited this page Nov 13, 2023 · 8 revisions

A WordPress plugin to make integrating sites with Elasticsearch easier. Seamlessly and automatically integrates with different Elasticsearch plugins. Simplifies common Elasticsearch operations like adding aggregations and filtering indexable post types, taxonomies, and postmeta in an implementation-agnostic way.

Supported Adapters


Install and activate the plugin to have it interface with an existing installed Elasticsearch plugin. This plugin will automatically detect which supported Elasticsearch plugin is in use, and will register the appropriate hooks.

Customize the Elasticsearch integration using the elasticsearch_extensions_config action. Method calls can be chained for ease of configuration. For example:

	 function( $es_config ) {
                        ->restrict_post_statuses( [ 'publish', 'my-custom-status' ] )
			->restrict_post_types( [ 'post', 'page' ] )
			->enable_taxonomy_aggregation( 'category' )
			->enable_taxonomy_aggregation( 'post_tag' );

For more information on configuration options, action, and filter hooks, and how to integrate aggregation controls into the search template, use the links in the sidebar to the right.

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