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Repository files navigation


To install these dotfiles you shall execute the following steps:

git clone --bare [email protected]:alk-alyss/dotfiles $HOME/.files

alias dots='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.files/ --work-tree=$HOME'

dots checkout

dots config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

If any errors occur, that means that you have conflicting dotfiles. Back them up and do dots checkout again.


Program Description
alacritty Terminal emulator
bluez-utils Bluetooth utilities
brightnessctl Brightness control
dmenu Needed for network menu
feh Image viewer / Background manager
flameshot Screenshot tool
icomoon-feather Icon font
nerd-fonts-dejavu Font
nerd-fonts-inconsolata Font
nerd-fonts-mononoki Font
networkmanager-dmenu Network menu based on dmenu
picom-ibhagwan Compositor
playerctl Multimedia controls
polybar Status bar
qtile Window manager written in Python
rofi Application launcher / dmenu replacement
rofi-bluetooth Bluetooth menu based on rofi
thunar File Manager
touchegg Touchpad / Touchscreen gestures
xcape Tool to map CapsLock to Super and Escape
zsh Better shell


  • CapsLock is mapped to Super key when held and Escape when pressed momentarilly
Shortcut Description
Super+1-5 Go to workspace 1-5
Super+Shift+1-5 Send window to workspace 1-5
Super+h Move focus left
Super+j Move focus down
Super+k Move focus up
Super+l Move focus right
Super+Shift+h Move window left
Super+Shift+j Move window down
Super+Shift+k Move window up
Super+Shift+l Move window right
Super+Ctrl+h Grow window to the left
Super+Ctrl+j Grow window to the down
Super+Ctrl+k Grow window to the up
Super+Ctrl+l Grow window to the right
Super+n Normalize layout
Super+Tab Next layout
Super+Shift+Tab Previous layout
Super+t Launch terminal
Super+r Launch rofi
Super+b Launch brownser (Firefox)
Super+f Launch filemanager (thunar)
Super+c Launch Codium
Super+s Launch Spotify
Super+d Launch Discord
Super+x Launch Xournal++
PrintScreen Launch screenshot tool (Flameshot)
Super+Shift+f Toggle floating window
Super+Mouse 1 Drag floating window