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Flask plugin to integrate Google captcha (version 2, 3) and local captcha (image, voice) with Flask applications


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Flask plugin to integrate Google captcha (version 2, 3) and local captcha (image, voice) with Flask applications

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0.0 how to install:

pip install -U flask_captcha2 

0.1 how to use:

from flask import Flask
from flask_captcha2 import FlaskCaptcha

app = Flask(__name__)

 google_captcha2_config_list = {
     "CAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY": "hish !",
     "CAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY": "hish !",
     'CAPTCHA_ENABLED': True,  # captcha status <True, False> True: Production , False: development
     "CAPTCHA_LOG": True, # show captcha logs in console
     "CAPTCHA_LANGUAGE": "en" # captcha language

 google_captcha3_config_list = {
     "CAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY": "hish !",
     "CAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY": "hish !",
     'CAPTCHA_ENABLED': True,  # captcha status <True, False> True: Production , False: development
     "CAPTCHA_SCORE": 0.5,  #google captcha version3 works with scores
     "CAPTCHA_LOG": True  # show captcha requests and logs in terminal > stdout

 Master_captcha = FlaskCaptcha(app=app)  # app is required
 # passing config list directly
 google_captcha2 = Master_captcha.getGoogleCaptcha2(name='g-captcha2', conf=google_captcha2_config_list)
 google_captcha3 = Master_captcha.getGoogleCaptcha3(name='g-captcha3', conf=google_captcha3_config_list)
 # Names are important. Do not use repeated names and choose names with meaning


# you can also pass nothing and it will be uses app.config for filling configs
 app.config.update(google_captcha3_config_list) # set configs in app.config
 Master_captcha = FlaskCaptcha(app=app)  # app is required
 # No need to send conf_list, it will be set automatically from app.config
 google_captcha2 = Master_captcha.getGoogleCaptcha2(name='g-captcha2')

0.2 how use in templates for rendering Captcha Widget:

Use < captcha.render_captcha > Filter to render a captcha in html

-> remember name argument in crating a captcha object
    google_captcha2 = Master_captcha.getGoogleCaptcha2(name='g-captcha2')
    google_captcha3 = Master_captcha.getGoogleCaptcha3(name='g-captcha3')

for rendering a captcha width you should pass < model_name > to < captcha.render_captcha >

Version 2 Captcha rendering example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Captcha version 2</title>

 <form method="POST" action="some-url">
     {# you can also use Flask-wtf forms #}
     <input placeholder="username" type="text" name="username" id="">
     <input placeholder="password" type="password" name="password" id="">
     <input value="submit" type="submit">

     {# model name is required #}
         captcha.render_captcha (
                 model_name='g-captcha2', #{Required} name that are passed in getGoogleCaptcha2 method
                 class='custom-css-class-for-this-captcha', #[Optional] add class to captcha widget
                 style='text:red;', #[Optional] add style to captcha widget
                 id='g-captcha-v2', #[Optional] add id to captcha widget
                 dataset="data-ok='true';" #[Optional] add dataset to captcha widget



Version 3 Captcha rendering:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Captcha version 3</title>

 <form method="POST" action="/v3" id="ParentForm">
 {# you can also use Flask-wtf forms #}
 <input placeholder="username" type="text" name="username" id="">
 <input placeholder="password" type="password" name="password" id="">
     captcha.render_captcha (
             model_name='g-captcha3', #{Required} name that are passed in getGoogleCaptcha3 method
             class='custom-class-name', #[Optional] add css class to captcha widget
             id="SubmitBtnForm", #[Optional] add id to captcha widget
             style=" background-color:blue; color:white; font-size:2rem;", #[Optional] add style to captcha widget
             dataset="data-ok='true' data-test='test data set check' ", # [Optional]add dataset to captcha widget
             ParentFormID="ParentForm", #{Required} id of form that this captcha button is init
             BtnText="submit This Form", #{Required} text context of submit button
             event=" onclick='alert('js alert');' ", #[Optional] add js event to captcha widget
             hiddenBadge=True #[Optional] hide captcha banner in page or nor

0.3 How verify Captcha:

Use is_verify method on captcha objects for validating a request that contains a captcha

@app.route("/v2-verify/", methods=["POST"])
def index():
    # with is_verify method verify the captcha 
    if google_captcha2.is_verify():
        return "Captcha is ok."
        return "Try again!"

@app.route("/v3-verify/", methods=["POST"])
def index():
    # with is_verify method verify the captcha
    if google_captcha3.is_verify():
        return "Captcha is ok."
        return "Try again!"

Version History:

  • version 2.0.0 Released: May 18, 2023

  • Changes: - None

  • version 2.0.1 Released: June 9, 2023

  • Changes:

    • Change FlaskCaptcha Class to FlaskCaptcha2
    • Fix bug in rendering captcha widget when captcha-enable was False
  • version 3.0.0 Released: September 9, 2023

  • Changes:

    • change Package structure
    • Add Captcha version 3 and fix some bugs in captcha version 2
  • version 3.5.0 Released: October 27, 2023

  • Changes:

    • reformat/Refactor project structure
    • adding FlaskCaptcha Master class
    • adding getFlaskCaptcha3 method for getting google-captcha version 3
    • adding getFlaskCaptcha2 method for getting google-captcha version 2
    • adding name spacing for each captcha
    • adding the ability to create multiple captchas with different versions
    • adding pytest base test